Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Mar/Apr 2022

If you’ve been a Christian for many years, you have probably taken communion hundreds of times. In fact, you probably know Jesus’ words…

When Peace Fills the Earth

People often ask, “Will there ever be peace on Earth?” Yes, there will be when Jesus the Messiah returns…

Israel’s New Covenant

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the people of the United States were devastated. Official inquiries were opened…

How I Learned I Was Wrong

“Now, the New Covenant, that’s ours. That’s for us as Christians.” I can still hear myself speaking those words to my…

How to Get to Heaven

The climax to the popular animated Christmas movie The Polar Express is the song “Believe” sung by Josh Groban, in which he repeats the phrase…

Apples of Gold Sep/Oct 2019

In Ezekiel 33:11 it is written, “Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways…

The New Testament and the Kinsmen of Jesus

Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? Unfortunately, many Gentiles have used it to vent their ingrained hatred and unholy wrath on the Jewish people. But if we read it…

Blessings Upon Blessings Isaiah 60

Famous 20th-century preacher and theologian Harry Ironside long ago noted that the book of Isaiah evokes glad anticipation in the hearts of believers who cherish “the coming day when Immanuel, of whom this prophet speaks, will take…

The Far-Reaching Abrahamic Covenant

Imagine, if you can, an “appearance” by the God of glory to an idol worshiper named Abram living in Mesopotamia. He gave Abram a command and an extraordinary promise…

Beyond the Veil

For ages God has been inviting people to seek Him. Yet, at the same time, He made it clear that it was impossible to enter His presence. When Moses asked to see…

Land Rights of the Kings

For 332 years (1375–1043 B.C.), judges ruled over Israel. When the prophet Samuel, Israel’s final judge, was old, he appointed his sons to take his place. However, the Israelites rejected Samuel’s…

Jeremiah and the New Covenant

Many people fail to realize the New Covenant is Jewish. It was given to the Jewish people through the prophet Jeremiah. Jesus ratified it with His blood on Passover, when He went to the…

Israel’s Great Assurances Jeremiah 32

The prophet Jeremiah served the Lord prior to and during the Babylonian Captivity, warning the Israelites to avoid idolatry or expect judgment. Chapters 32—33 follow the specific…

Blessings of the New Covenant

Believers who live on this side of the Messiah’s empty tomb, the Day of Pentecost, and the book of Hebrews ought to learn to wallow more carefully in the New Covenant.

Christ’s Heavenly Ministry Hebrews 9:23–28

Under the Levitical system, animal blood could only cover sin, never remove it. However, Christ’s blood was sufficient and efficacious to redeem mankind and remove sin. The remaining verses of Hebrews 9…

The Greatest High Priest

Hebrews 4:4–16: The importance of what you are about to study on the high priesthood of Jesus Christ cannot be overstated. Christ’s high priesthood is mentioned briefly in Hebrews 2:17 and 3:1; but the subject…

The ‘Main Thing’ is Israel

My youngest daughter has just completed her sophomore year at a secular university. It took her almost the entire two years to find a church where she could worship that did not consider…

The Millennium

The Millennium is the term used to refer to the final dispensation in human history, when mankind’s stewardship will be to live in harmony with the risen, glorified Savior. Despite Jesus’ physical…

Moses for You, Jesus for Me?

Gentiles need Jesus to get to heaven; Jewish people only need Moses. A synagogue teaching, you say? No, this Dual Covenant doctrine is in churches.

The Mosaic Law: A Hard Road to Travel

God’s standards are far above ours. And if you think you would have done better than the Israelites, this article is especially for you.

Jesus Is Better Than…

Few people like change. But imagine what it would have been like if you had been told to forget the Old Covenant and cling to something new.

A Better Sacrifice, A Better Covenant

Learn the differences between the Levitical sacrifices and Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself while examining the covenants God made with Israel.

Running the Race of Faith

Living for Christ brings great reward. But life can be rough, full of ups and downs. Here’s how to get through the tough times and win the race of faith.

Israel’s Ultimate Triumph

Many people say God is finished
with Israel and that He has given
all Israel’s blessings to the church. But the Bible tells a different story.

The Church in the New Millennium

The apostle Paul evidenced surprise when the first generation of Christians began to pass away. Today the second millennium of church history is about to give way to a third. Well might witnessing saints in glory be whispering…

The Priesthood of Believers in the New Covenant

The beauty and grandeur of the Temple complex testified to the majesty of the God of Israel. Its intended impression on the Israelites was that God was so holy that He was virtually unapproachable. The Temple was laid out so that Gentiles, Jewish women…

Back to Eden Ezekiel 36:22–38

Ezekiel 36:22–38 In the beginning, God planned a beautiful creation. He created seas and a place of lush vegetation. He made creatures to inhabit the seas and the dry land.

The New Covenant

In the Scriptures, a covenant is a legally binding obligation of God for man’s redemption. It is God’s solemn pledge to fulfill His promises to those included in the covenant.

An Evaluation of Christian Reconstructionism Concluded

The two previous articles in this five-article series focused on several problems related to the Reconstructionist views of history and eschatology, Matthew 24, the Book of the Revelation, the 70 weeks of Daniel 9…

Israel: The Nation of Destiny Amos 9

Israel is an enigma to the world. She was miraculously created from the loins of a couple long past the age of childbearing. She was endowed with divine privileges and covenant promises…

The Grace Administration of God’s Moral Absolutes

The previous article presented biblical evidence for two major conclusions. First, the Mosaic Law is an indivisible unit; therefore, if a person places himself under the moral aspect of the Mosaic Law,

Christ’s Atonement and Animal Sacrifices In Israel

How does the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ relate to the animal sacrifices which God gave to Israel through Moses? What did the blood of these animals accomplish during the days of the Old Covenant theocracy?

The New Covenant

Another significant biblical covenant which will determine important issues related to Israel and the future Kingdom of God is the New Covenant. According to the Old Testament the parties of this covenant would be God and the nation of Israel.

The Major Issues Related to The New Covenant

In the previous article it was noted that, although the Old Testament promised the New Covenant specifically to the literal nation of Israel, the Church also has a relationship to the New Covenant…

Hebrews What God Demanded What God Provided

God has chosen to base His relationship with the nation of Israel on covenants. There are basically four unconditional covenants that He made with His people. The first is the Abrahamic Covenant, which promised them a land…

An Evaluation of Covenant Theology

In the two previous articles of this series, the system of thought which is known as Covenant Theology was examined in survey fashion.  Now that that examination has been completed…

The High Priest Covenant of The Savior

The streets of Jerusalem were deserted. A quiet hush had fallen over the city which on other days was bustling with activity. Families had gathered in their homes to commemorate the Passover.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1980

Recently I was in Hebron where I met many tourists. They were looking at the graves of our forefathers, but their guide was not giving them the right information about the place.