
He was the archetypal antisemite—and he came to a fitting end. Villains! Where would literature, movies, or old-time radio serials be without them? From Sherlock Holmes’s Professor Moriarty to Peter Pan’s Captain Hook to Luke Skywalker’s Darth Vader, a good story requires a heavy—the antagonist who provides the drama. Unfortunately, the Bible is filled with heavies, real-life villain

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1 thought on “Haman

  1. Is the spirit of Haman alive in the US today? It appears there are many in government desiring to end the Judeo Christian culture with jail, censorship, persecution, investigations, etc.

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Antique fountain pen on parchment.

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Villains! Where would literature, movies, or old-time radio serials be without them? From Sherlock Holmes’s Professor Moriarty to Peter Pan’s Captain Hook...

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