Islam’s Bogus Peace

Islam, amazingly lauded as a religion of peace since September 11, 2001, is built on violence. Its founder,  Muhammad, established this religion by plundering villages and rich caravans, robbing, killing, or enslaving thousands. The city known as Medina today (where Muhammad was buried) was originally the Jewish village of Yathrib. Muhammad slaughtered every male inhabitant, enslaved the women and children, and killed every Jew in Arabia except for those who escaped. All of Arabia was forced by the sword to confess, “La ilaha il’ Allah, Muhammadan Rasaulu Allah [There is no god but  Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah].”

When Muhammad died in AD 632, much of Arabia tried to abandon Islam. Muhammad had said, “Whoever relinquishes his faith, kill him!” So his successor, Abu Bakr, and his men killed tens of thousands of Arabs in the Wars of Apostasy, forcing Arabia back into Islam. Under sharia (Islamic law), the death penalty for apostasy is still enforced, as in Chop Chop Square in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Islam was spread by the sword from France to China. For centuries, not only were millions of non­ Muslims killed or enslaved, but also tens of thousands of Muslims were killed by fellow Muslims. Historian Will Durant called the take-over of India “the bloodiest story in history.” More Hindus were slaughtered by Muslims than Jews were killed by Nazis. In our day, Iran fought Iraq for eight years, with more deaths than occurred during World War I; Iraq plundered Kuwait and would have taken the entire Gulf region had we “pagans” not intervened; in the last 12 years, 100,000 Muslims have been killed by fellow Muslims in Algeria. Similarly, Muslim factions in Afghanistan fight and kill one another, etc.

All 19 9/11 hijackers were Muslims, 15 from Saudi Arabia. I had prayed for years that God would expose the horrifying truth about Islam and its god, Allah, to the world. What could be more revealing than this heinous slaughter of 3,000 innocent civilians—a loss considerably greater than that suffered at Pearl Harbor. War was swiftly declared against Japan. This time, war was declared against “terrorism” and the real enemy exonerated. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell insists, “Leave Islam out of this—Islam is a peaceful religion!”

Abandoned rental cars and apartments yielded abundant proof that the mass murders had been committed in the name of Allah to advance Islam worldwide. Did a few fanatics “hijack Islam,” as President George W. Bush claimed? No, this is Islam! Many more than on 9/11 had already been killed to the glory of Allah in Indonesia and Nigeria; at least 2 million have been killed in Sudan since Khartoum adopted sharia in 1993, to say  nothing of the hundreds of thousands murdered by Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization in the name of Allah, following the example and teaching of Muhammad.

Aiding the Enemy
Incredibly, 9/11 made Muslims the most popular speakers on radio, TV,. and in schools across America—and tens of thousands of Americans converted to Islam! Western media fawned over Muslim school girls and women suffering “discrimination” because of their peculiar dress, and aired the complaints of Muslim leaders about hostility toward Islam. Yet no mention was made of the millions being killed and maimed by Muslims; the active slave market in the Muslim world; the Muslims being killed who convert to any other religion; the lack of freedom of speech or of the press, etc.; or the fact that no Jew may enter Saudi Arabia, where only Muslims can be citizens and no non-Muslim place of worship may be built.

Farcical statements have become daily fare. ABC News President David Westin told students at Columbia University that objectivity forbade his judging the propriety of flying an occupied jet into the Pentagon! Yet the media condemns Israel for defending itself. Israel’s assassination of Hamas leaders was denounced—but not the Hamas-trained suicide bombers sent into Israel to murder innocent women and children.

The very morning of 9/11, shortly before the hijackers struck, an editorial in Al Hayat Al Jadida, Arafat’s official news­ paper, declared, “The suicide bombers are the salt of the earth, the engines of history…the most honorable among us.” This “honorable” practice is inspired by Muhammad’s promise to shahadas who die in jihad (never mind that they are murderers, not martyrs) of a hedonistic paradise of rivers of wine, abundant delicacies, and nonstop sex with perpetual virgins.

In January 2004, Ream Selah el­-Rayashi, mother of two, blew herself up, along with innocent Jews, at a checkpoint between Gaza and Israel. Accused of adultery, she was given the choice of death by stoning or becoming a jihad “martyr.” And the man? In Islam, only the woman suffers. Unsuspecting 11-year-old Abdullah Qw-an was promised ua lot of money” to take a “package” into Israel in his school knapsack. He did not know it was a 10-kilo bomb rigged to be set off by a cell phone. As Israelis who stopped him worked to defuse the bomb, the trigger was dialed; but a technical failure saved the life of the child and those around him. The God of the Bible gave His Son to die for us to pay the penalty for our sins; Allah requires Muslims to give their sons to die for him.

Incredibly, Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of Pakistan, publicly insisted ted that “those who would use violence and terror in the name of Islam are heretics and hypocrites….Islam is committed to tolerance and equality and democracy.” In reality however, the Qur’an commands Muslims,”Make no friendship with a Christian or a Jew” (Surah 5:51, 56-64); “declare war” on them (Surah 9:29-30). With his dying breath, Muhammad said, “May Allah curse the Christians and the Jews (Bukhari I:427).”

Strategy of Deceit
Democracy? There never was democracy in a Muslim country—nor could there be. What madness gives credence to the lie, “Islam is peace”? “Peace” in Islam is not what the West hopes. Arafat said, “Peace for us is the destruction of Israel.” Allah commanded Muhammad and all Muslims to wage jihad to force Islam on the entire world. The precedent for Islamic “peace” was set in 628 when Muhammad, too weak to attack Mecca, agreed to a 10-year ceasefire (hudna). This treaty of Hudaybiya established the irrevocable law of war and peace in Islam. Neither Arafat nor any other Muslim has the authority to change that law.

The best Israel can hope for with the “Palestinians” is a temporary hudna. By very definition, a “road map to peace” between Muslims and Israel is impossible. Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, the UN, and European Union are knowingly ignoring the truth. By the law of Islam, a hudna must be broken as soon as Muslim forces are strong enough—just  as Muhammad did after two years, when he had gathered 10,000 jihad warriors and took over Mecca.

After Arafat signed the 1993 Oslo Accords, in fear for his life (Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was murdered for making “peace”), he quickly assured Muslims, “This agreement, I am not considering it more than the agreement…signed between our prophet Muhammad and Quraish triibe of Mecca].”

Allah of the Kaaba
The first hudna reveals the truth about Islam and Allah. Why did Muhammad attempt to lead some followers (the first Muslims ever) into Mecca in 628? To join thousands of pagan Arabs in the traditional hajj­—the annual pilgrimage to the Kaaba. It was an idol temple where Allah was the chief among some 360 gods.

Roman Catholic as well as Protestant leaders insist that Allah is just another name for the God of the Bible. The pope kisses the Qur’an, a book that both denies Christ’s deity and says He did not die for our sins. Arabic translations of the Bible use Allah for “God” on the pretext that there is no generic term for God in Arabic. In fact, ilah is the generic term, while Allah (a contraction of al-ilah, meaning, “the god”) was the name of the Kaaba’s chief god that the Meccans had worshiped for centuries. Muhammad’s father was named Abdullah, mean­ing “the slave of Allah.”

Under the treaty of Hudaybiya, Muhammad and his Muslim followers were allowed to enter Mecca the following year, 629, joining pagan Arabs in the hajj. So the founder of Islam, a religion that condemns idolatry, led his new Muslim followers to join in the same idolatrous ceremonies that their pagan ancestors had practiced for centuries.

The rituals, in which Muhammad led 40,000 of his followers shortly before his death, included purification rites outside Mecca before approaching the Kaaba, kissing the dark stone embedded in its eastern corner, and reverently touching the sacred stone in the Yamani corner on each of seven circuits around this idol temple. They further included climbing Mt. As-Safa and, from there, running back and forth seven times to the summit of Al-Marwah (Surah 2:158); and going to Wadi Mina to throw seven stones each at three pillars representing Satan, etc. Muhammad retained in Islam all of these superstitions involving the hajj.

After Muhammad broke the hudna and took over Mecca in 630, he briefly allowed non-Muslims access to the Kaaba (from which he had removed the idols) to perform, along with the Muslims, all of the traditional rituals of the hajj. Then he gave the pagans four months to convert to Islam or lose their heads. Thereafter, only Muslims could enter Mecca, as is true today.

So non-Muslim Arabs were no longer allowed to approach the Kaaba to practice the rituals associated with the hajj, though they and their ancestors had done so for centuries. Islam simply took over the Kaaba and claimed its idolatrous rites as its own.

The Hadith (sayings and deeds of Muhammad) is vital to understanding the Qur’an. The most authoritative Hadith is Sahih al-Bukhari. It says (4:636) that the Kaaba was built 40 years before the Jewish Temple—but the Qur’an says the Kaaba was built by Abraham and Ishmael more than a thousand years earlier. Both cannot be correct.

Muslims claim the hajj and all of its rituals came down from heaven as a revelation to Muhammad. In reality, Islam carries on Arab paganism minus only the physical idols—plus jihad to force everyone into submission to Allah. Islam also retained from Arab paganism the practices of polygamy and easy divorce, slavery, ceremonial washing away of sins, numerous social laws and customs, etc.

Likewise, the “holy month” Ramadan (observed as a time of peace by pagan Arabs for centuries before Muhammad was born), “in which was revealed the Qur’an” (Surah 2:185), has been kept unchanged in Islam. It was the “revelation” that Muslims could fight during Ramadan (Surah 2:217) (for centuries pagan Arabs laid their weapons aside then) that gave Muhammad the advantage of surprise and his first success after three failed attacks on rich caravans heading for Mecca.

This is Islam. And world domination is the ultimate end it pursues. There is no escaping Allalh’s command to bring “all people” into submission. The only deterrent to Islam from taking over any given area is its lack of power at the moment.

If America and the West do not face the sober truth, they will awaken one day to nuclear destruction or the horror of chemical and biological devastation. There is no “peace” except where Islam is in control. “Peace” with Muslims is, for Israel and the West, a fool’s dream that will turn into a nightmare unless we awaken before it is too late.

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