Israel in the News Feb/Mar 1994

Qaddafi Calls for Liquidation of Israelis

(from Near East Report)

In an October 16 speech, Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi called on Arabs to “liquidate Israel” in the same way that “the Westerners liquidate Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

In his remarks … Qaddafi stated: “The Western countries agreed among themselves to liquidate the Muslims of Bosnia, since they believe Europe must be Christian. We, on our side, must act this way in regard to Israel, which is a foreign Jewish stronghold within the Arab nation.”

Gulf Arabs may flock to Israeli hospitals

(from Jewish Exponent)

The Herzliya Medical Center is negotiating with health-service providers in Persian Gulf states to begin treating about 100 patients each month at its center [in Jerusalem] and at its branch in Haifa.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the peace accords, the Health Ministry is projecting a significant increase in the number of patients from neighboring countries seeking quality medical treatment here.

“We not only expect this to happen, we want to encourage it to happen,” said Dr. Yitzhak Berlovich, head of the ministry’s hospitalization services department. “Israeli medicine has a very good name in the region.”

The ministry has set up teams … to prepare for the expected influx, as well as to plan for the transfer of management of health services from the Civil Administration in the territories to the Palestinian autonomy authorities.

Full peace for full withdrawal? What does Syria mean?

(from Dispatch From Jerusalem)

Syrian President Hafez el-Assad refuses to tell the US President the exact nature of the “full peace” he is prepared to offer Israel. What he has made clear, however, is what he means by “full withdrawal” from all Arab lands.

To Syria, the Golan Heights are Arab lands, Judea and Samaria are Arab lands, Gaza is Arab land, the Arava is Arab land, the lands outside the 1967 borders are Arab lands, the lands inside the ‘49 lines are Arab lands, Nazareth is on Arab land, the Sea of Galilee is on Arab lands, Israel’s water catchment areas are on Arab lands, Jerusalem is on Arab land, Tel Aviv is on Arab land—all Israel is on occupied Arab land.

Assad has always been quite open about the matter. In return for “full withdrawal” from ALL Arab lands, Israel can have “full peace.”

Cleric Predicts Israel’s Destruction

(from Near East Report)

The following is excerpted from a September 17 sermon delivered at the Rahman mosque—a Hamas stronghold—in Khan Yunis, located in the Gaza Strip. It was given by Sheikh Fathy Moussa, who told worshipers:

God does not expect you to liberate Palestine yourself. It will take time. But do not despair. Victory—finally—will be yours.

The Koran says that Before the Muslims can triumph, all the Jews must be gathered in Palestine. This so-called “peace” will encourage many of them to come here now. And when they do, the Muslims around the world will finally assemble, and crush the Israeli state.

Peres: Arab Reciprocity Needed

(from Near East Report)

The following is excerpted from comments made by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

We view peace as a process of give-and-take. Israel has given. It has decided to stop settlements. The Arabs said they would put an end to the boycott in return. Israel lived up to its commitment; the Arabs did not.

The Arabs then argued that, should Israel recognize the PLO, they would stop turning their backs on Israel. No such thing has happened.

Peace is a matter of both mutuality and public conduct. It is impossible for one party to take its positions publicly, with the other party applauding it in private. If this continues to be the case, Israel will view the Arab side as responsible for slowing, and even endangering, the continuation of the peace process.

French weekly prints gas-chamber plans

(from Jewish Exponent)

The French weekly magazine L’Express has published Nazi documents detailing the construction of gas chambers and crematoria at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II.

The magazine article is the result of research performed by French chemist Jean-Claude Pressac, who gained access to the Central Archive in Moscow, where 80,000 Nazi documents have been stored since the end of the war.

The magazine called Pressac’s work indisputable proof of the existence of the gas chambers. Pressac had at one time been a follower of Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson.

Sharansky: Events in Russia could trigger massive aliya

(from The Jerusalem Post)

The dramatic events in Russia could spur many Jews there who have been vacillating about aliya to come here, Natan Sharansky, head of the Zionist Forum, said in Jerusalem recently.

“Masses of Jews could decide to come to Israel before the flames spread,” Sharansky said. “The government must be ready to set aside resources to absorb a mass aliya. This is the time to show the Jewish people and the world that Israel is the only safe and open home for the Jewish people.”

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