October/November 1993

These Bones Shall Live

As you will discover, this edition of Israel My Glory is dedicated to Israel and issues related to the Jewish people and their land. Recent hostilities between Israelis and Hezbollah terrorists operating from Lebanon point…

We Will Hope

In what may be called a conservative expression of what has taken place between the Israelis and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a “historic breakthrough” was announced on August 31, 1993.

Israel’s Political Patchwork

There is a saying in Israel that if you really want to learn about the political situation in the country, the person to ask is a taxi driver.

A Little Sanctuary Ezekiel 11:16

As a youngster growing up, I can remember two synagogues in our neighborhood. Sitting high on a hill was an imposing, three-story brick building with beautiful white stone pillars in the front.

Homeward Bound

The United States of America was built by immigrants. In the earliest days, they came from England, Holland, and Spain, often seeking freedom from religious persecution.

Beware of a False Alarm

Suddenly the alarm sounded! Judging from the teachers’ faces, this was no drill. All of the students filed out quickly and quietly, looking around for signs of trouble.

What It’s Like to Live in Israel

Israel is a modern country, much like many Western countries. It has a modern economy and offers many of the comforts of the world’s most progressive societies.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Viewing the Evidence

Looks of revulsion marked the faces of primly dressed Aryan ladies who pressed handkerchiefs against mouths and noses as a defense against the acrid stench rising from the piles of bodies and charred remains draped…

Victorious Christian Living Galatians 5:13–26

“How Should We Then Live?” asked Dr. Francis A. Shaeffer in his best-selling book by that title. His question centered on how Christians should live in the midst of a declining Western culture in which…

Israel in the News Oct/Nov 1993

Akrameh Sabri, senior imam of Al-Aksa Mosque, last week called for the “liberation of Jerusalem,” attacking Mayor Teddy Kolleck and “Israelis on both the right and left, who claim the city is united.

Zvi Oct/Nov 1993

Many times I am called by people who are having difficulties and I do what I can to help them. Recently a man who was in a state of deep depression called and asked me…