January/February 2011

Ezra & Nehemiah

A look at the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount

The Temple Mount is one of the most controversial sites in the world today. This issue explores the books of Ezra and Nehemiah as it relates to the Temple’s history and includes historical research from the renowned biblical scholar and archaeologist Dr. Randall Price.


When the World Descended Into Madness

Hitler’s evil obsession once plunged Germany into barbarism and madness that afflicted the entire world. And what lies on the horizon may be more madness in the making.

The Jewishness of the Temple Mount

So prolific is Muslim propaganda that many Westerners today question the Temple’s historicity. So it’s time to review the evidence.

Rebuilding the City of Gold

Surrounded by trouble and enemies, Nehemiah forged ahead to repair and rebuild Jerusalem. If you think times have changed, you’re in for a surprise.

Zerubbabel: Man With a Mission

Today’s Muslims claim the Jewish Temple of Jehovah never existed in Jerusalem. The Bible says differently, as you’ll soon see.

Ezra and the Restoration Period

When Ezra the scribe returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, he led a mar- velous revival. So why does he seem underappreciated? Read on!

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2011

“I’ve rarely felt such fellowship and trust among Christians and Jews.” That’s how Jewish author Dr. Stephen Spector reflected on a remarkable event held recently at Ohev Shalom in Richboro...

Map of the Middle East.

The Magic of Mahmoud

Like a diminutive political time bomb, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stalked the halls of the United Nations in September. He took his vitriol to the podium of the General Assembly...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Assessing the Fear Factor

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, leader of the crusade to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, trashed his “moderation” pose when he disregarded millions of concerned Americans...

The Invisible Revolution

When I read the comment in Wired magazine last fall, I was so astonished I had to read it again. It reaffirmed my suspicion that there is a quiet, almost...

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2011

We have been hearing reports that the sprawling Muslim country of Indonesia is a model of pluralism and religious harmony. According to an article on www.america.gov by Louise Fenner, “Indonesia...

The Beginning of PA Denial

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA’s) political denial of the Jewish Temple’s existence first came to international attention at the Camp David II Summit in July 2000. In a final effort to resolve...

Muslim Backpedaling

Muslims today vociferously deny a Jewish Temple existed on the Temple Mount (Haram). However, their own literature affirms this fact and shows how they have changed their position to accomplish...

Archaeology Backs the Bible

In 2008 building remains from the first Temple period (eighth and ninth centuries B C.) were discovered in the northwest part of the Western Wall plaza that runs adjacent to the Temple...

Why the Waqf Rules

When Israeli statesman Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 2000, he was surrounded by 1,000 Israeli police. His visit, along with the announcement that the complex would...

O the Good Life!

When the United Nations voted to create the independent State of Israel in 1948, most of world Jewry rejoiced. Israel provided a safe haven for thousands of traumatized Jewish Holocaust survivors...

Silver and Taxes: So What Else Is New?

According to Bible prophecy, an inferior empire (symbolized by silver in Daniel 2:31, 39) would replace the gold kingdom of Babylon. The Medo-Persians conquered Babylon in 539 B.C. According to fifth-century...

Islam Rewrites the Bible

Millions of people today fail to grasp the differences between Jewish and Muslim claims to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. But the differences are enormous. Jewish claims are based on Scripture...

Words of Warning Hebrews 10:26–39

This section of the book of Hebrews comes on the heels of a strong warning in 10:25 that believers not abandon assembling together, as some were doing. In fact, Christians in every generation...

The Love of God Part Two

The previous article began to focus on God’s love in the Old Testament. God’s love involves a confirmed, inner, favorable disposition toward the objects of His love and a high, passionate degree...

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2011

The Western Wall belongs to Muslims and is an integral part of al-Aqsa mosque and Haram al-Sharif (Islamic term for the Temple Mount complex), according to an official paper published...

Zvi Jan/Feb 2011

As it is written in Proverbs 19:21, “There are many plans in a man’s heart; nevertheless the Lᴏʀᴅ’s counsel—that will stand.” A few years ago, a religious school invited me to speak about...

Daily News from Israel

Truck Ramming Kills IDF Soldier

A Palestinian fuel truck rammed into a bus stop and struck two pedestrians in an Israeli town north of Jerusalem on Wednesday (11th)...

News Digest — 9/11/24

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant oversaw the conclusion of the 9th Brigade’s exercises in northern Israel on Tuesday (10th), which involved...

News Digest — 9/10/24

The IAF struck “significant” Hamas terrorist members as they were operating within a terrorist compound and control center...

Israel At War: Week 48

As school begins across the country, college campuses face the prospect of another year of anti-Israel protests, calls for divestment, and threats of violence...

News Digest — 9/9/24

A series of alleged Israeli strikes hit multiple areas in central Syria late Sunday (8th), killing at least five people, wounding 19 and sparking fires...

News Digest — 9/6/24

Hezbollah is supplying arms to terror groups in Shechem (Nablus) as the Iran-backed terror group also extends its influence in the...

Israel At War: Week 47

Over the weekend, six hostages, including one American, were found dead by the Israel Defense Forces, execution style in southern Gaza...

News Digest — 9/5/24

In a series of unprecedented nighttime airstrikes, the IDF targeted multiple armed groups in the West Bank city of Tubas, killing five terrorists...

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