Prophetic Studies

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jul/Aug 2024

On Easter Sunday, we lost a great man of God. Elwood McQuaid, former executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI)…

Understanding Gog and Magog

Ezekiel 38—39 contains one of the greatest prophecies in the Bible. It describes a massive invasion of Israel in the last days…

Is Gog’s Invasion Imminent?

Although there is no question a coalition of nations will descend on Israel, intent on annihilating it, there are certainly questions…

The Invaders

The ancient historian Josephus identified Magog as the area inhabited by the Scythian tribes, a nomadic people in the mountainous region north of the Black and Caspian Seas…

The Question is WHY?

Sometime in the future, a war will break out. In today’s world, that would seem a normal activity, as there are always conflicts brewing somewhere…

No Weapon Formed

The threat to Israel’s survival has existed for millennia. Jewish people often stand before their history in sober silence, so stunned by the unmitigated brutality…

The Woman Clothed With the Sun

As you study the book of Revelation, you might not notice Israel’s presence much. In fact, a number of commentators say…

Unsealing the Title Deed

On a recent trip to Florida, I had the privilege of conducting a brief Bible study with the man next to me on the plane…

On the Docket

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first…

When Peace Fills the Earth

People often ask, “Will there ever be peace on Earth?” Yes, there will be when Jesus the Messiah returns…

Inside View Mar/Apr 2021

I often meet friends of Israel who tell me Bible prophecy is seldom taught today. It went from being an extremely popular topic among Christians to a forgotten relic…

What God Told Isaiah

More than any other time of year, Christmas is when people talk about Jesus’ birth. You would think that after 2,000 years, Jesus’ miraculous conception would be…

For Unto Us A Child Is Born

Isaiah 7:14 is not the only Hebrew Scripture that ascribes deity to Israel’s Messiah. Isaiah 9:6–7 is another well-known prophecy…

Until He Comes

Many people are bewildered about what is happening in the world today. Why is abortion so prevalent? Why is there so much murder and mayhem?..

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor May/Jun 2020

As I write this column, I’m looking at two miniature Israeli flags on the windowsill of my office. When the degenerate empire of Nazi Germany surrendered May 8, 1945…

The Coming Invasions of Israel

Jewish people have faced annihilation ever since Moses led them out of slavery in Egypt more than 3,400 years ago…

The Great Deliverance

At a “Thank God for Israel” event on an American university campus a few years ago, a young Jewish rabbi accosted me after I spoke…

Life After This Life

Few subjects pique our interest more than the afterlife. What happens to us when we die? Many people speculate they’ll have a more fulfilling existence beyond…

Home to Eden

When you arrive in heaven, Saint Peter will greet you at the pearly gates with your eternal itinerary. You’ll receive your wings and a halo, take a seat on your white fluffy cloud…

The Gift of ‘No More…’

When my twin brother, a minister of the gospel, was dying from cancer last year, we were all praying God would somehow push back the awful disease…

Standing Secure in Christ

False teaching had shaken the Thessalonians’ faith. It had persuaded them they were living in the Day of the Lord…

Things to Come

We believe everyone who ever lived, including unbelievers, will be bodily resurrected from the dead and receive a new, immortal body. However, not everyone will spend eternity enjoying immortality…

‘I Will Send You Elijah’

Elijah has always been a bit of a puzzle. An iconic figure among the Old Testament prophets, he appears center stage, bigger than life—and then disappears…

The Other-Worldly War

Being a Christian has never been easy. We find ourselves at odds with the world. More often than not, our values, ethics, and morals directly conflict with those held by the majority. The reality is that…

Because He Lives

Without the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, believers have not been forgiven, believing loved ones who died are lost forever, and Christians live miserable lives. In fact, Christians live…

Inside View Nov/Dec 2018

As I travel and speak, people often tell me they no longer hear teaching about Israel and Bible prophecy in their churches. Their comments reveal two distinct realities: (1) There once was a time when they did hear such teaching in church, and…

Villain of the Ages

Many people want to know about leaders on the world scene—the men and women whose faces they see regularly online and on television. What are these people really like? Are they kind, caring, and patriotic? Or are they cold, calculating, and self-serving?

The Ultimate Con

If you had visited “Dr.” Malachi Love-Robinson in his medical offices in Florida a few years ago, you would have met a nice-looking young man sporting a white lab coat, stethoscope draped around his neck, who would have examined you with…

The Final War Against Israel

Horrifying pictures of the Holocaust of World War II continue to shock people even today. After 75 years, film footage still reminds us of Satan’s relentless and barbaric attempts to eradicate world Jewry. Throughout history, demonically inspired, hate-filled fanatics…

Consumed and Destroyed

Years ago, my boss at the office where I worked asked me about the Antichrist: “Does the Bible teach that the Antichrist will be destroyed? Or does he win in the end?” His question came following the release of The Omen in 1976, a movie that revolves around…

The Best is Yet to Come

Leon Uris’s novel Exodus, about the founding of the State of Israel, captivated the world when it came out in 1958. It became an international sensation, rising quickly to number one on The New York Times best-seller list and staying there for eight months…

The Coming Invasion

Today much of the world despises Israel. All it takes to substantiate this truth is a look at the UN’s overwhelming number of anti-Israel resolutions, the countries that have waged war against Israel in hopes of annihilating it, and the news media’s endless caricature of…

Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jan/Feb 2018

When I was a brand new believer many years ago, a wonderful woman in my church invited me to her home for lunch. I knew nothing about Christian doctrine. All I knew was that I was a sinner, Jesus had died for me…

The Rapture

When the word Rapture is mentioned, responses differ. Some people know it refers to Christ coming to take the church to heaven. Others incorrectly associate the rapture with Christ’s Second Coming. Still others have no idea…


Rapture, Antichrist, and Tribulation are words Josiah Hesse associates with his apocalyptic upbringing—an upbringing he says was built on “the urgency of avoiding hell.” In his article “Apocalyptic upbringing: how I recovered from…

When Is It?

Christ’s premillennial Second Coming to Earth is evident even from a casual reading of the Scriptures. The Bible, taken at face value, clearly states the Messiah will return to establish His worldwide, earthly Kingdom, headquartered in Jerusalem .

What We’re Spared

Think of the worst disasters in history. They’re nothing compared to what lies ahead—but not for the bride of Christ. “Husband Charged With Domestic Violence.” It’s an all-too-familiar headline. Sometimes the offender is a celebrity…

Of Whom Does The Prophet Speak? Isaiah 53

For almost two millennia, Jewish and Christian scholars have debated the question whether the prophet was speaking of himself or of Israel who suffers innocently for the nations of the world. The Ethiopian eunuch…

Blessings Upon Blessings Isaiah 60

Famous 20th-century preacher and theologian Harry Ironside long ago noted that the book of Isaiah evokes glad anticipation in the hearts of believers who cherish “the coming day when Immanuel, of whom this prophet speaks, will take…

Isaiah’s Good News Isaiah 61

Good news comes in all shapes and sizes, and when it arrives—particularly in the midst of trying times—it is usually like the soothing balm of Gilead. The words of Isaiah 61 may have affected the Israelites of the prophet Isaiah’s day…

Identity Check

The problem of Isaiah 61: Isaiah or Jesus speaking? Ordinarily, readers would assume Isaiah is speaking, which is the position of Jewish scholars. Yet many Christian scholars say the speaker is Jesus. Earl Radmacher, late professor of…

Sweet Beulah Land Isaiah 62

For centuries the Jewish people have waited for their Messiah to come and set up His Kingdom in Israel. At that time, Israel will receive the Land God promised them in perpetuity. That is when redeemed Israel will experience the fulfillment of…

Thy Kingdom Come Isaiah 65

In an age when Jesus is marginalized and the Bible grows more despised each day, it’s remarkable that anyone would know the Lord’s Prayer. But know it they do. It’s recited frequently at funerals—even at

Jacob’s Goodbye

People often approach their so-called golden years with an unrealistic view of the future. They envision themselves healthy and enjoying carefree living and financial security. Often, however, the opposite is true. And they are unprepared for…

Hear! O Israel

The book of Micah is one of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Bible—minor not because of content but because of size. The Minor Prophets cover similar themes as the other Prophets, but they also…

The Coming Captivity Micah 1—2

Thirty miles north of Jerusalem, in what most people call the West Bank, lie the ruins of Samaria, ancient capital of the northern kingdom of Israel. Though the area today is closed to tourists for…

The Reason for Hope Micah 4

The prophet Micah’s message of doom must have troubled Judah’s leaders. After all, if Judah were destroyed, how would God fulfill the vows He made to the children of Israel in the…

O Little Town of Bethlehem Micah 5

The prophet Micah wrote during extremely difficult days in the history of the Jewish nation. Crime was rampant, greed was everywhere, Judah’s leaders were cruel, and righteousness was…

Our Great High Priest

In Old Testament times, only the Aaronic priests and, of course, Moses enjoyed direct access into the presence of God. Although Moses was blessed with privilege, position, and prominence…

Résumé of the King

Moses said, “You shall surely set a king over you whom the Lᴏʀᴅ your God chooses” (Dt. 17:15). Here is how God planned to administer His kingship authority over Israel…

The Big Picture

Several years ago, the pastor of a church in Northern Ireland  told me of a seminary professor who advised his students never to read the book of Revelation. “No one can understand…

With Justice for All

Imagine a world where all nations are at peace, and there is no war and no threat of deadly terrorism; all politicians and government officials are honest, trustworthy…

More Than a Man

Deeply rooted within the consciousness of the Jewish people is the belief in the coming of a Messiah. However, time, traditionalism, and tribulation have clouded…

Inside View Jul/Aug 2015

Not long ago I attended a first-ever conference titled “People of the Land: A Twenty-First Century Case for Christian Zionism” in Washington, DC. It was an evangelical response to…

Jerusalem in Prophecy

Jerusalem occupies a chosen place in the divine plan of the ages, being distinguished as such in the praise of the psalmist: “The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of…

High-Tech Religion or the Real Thing?

Watching the student riot “celebration” following the University of Connecticut NCAA basketball championship win in April was disturbing, to say the least. Seeing students…

The Rapture: Who Is Left Behind?

A completely different world is coming—one that, for a time, will not contain a single, genuine, Bible-believing Christian. The event that removes them is called the Rapture…

Worshiping the Techno Gods

With technology, we can change the world.” I was sitting in an examining room at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, listening to my oncologist…

Israel in the Book of Revelation

The struggle for the land of promise is merely the tip of a large iceberg. It is symptomatic of a far greater struggle between God and His enemy, Satan. The book of Revelation is apocalyptic…

Jeremiah and the New Covenant

Many people fail to realize the New Covenant is Jewish. It was given to the Jewish people through the prophet Jeremiah. Jesus ratified it with His blood on Passover, when He went to the…

The Consequences of Defying God Jeremiah44—46

We’ve all heard the expression “jumping from the frying pan into the fire.” The idiom creates a vivid word picture of attempting to escape a bad situation by throwing oneself…

Preparing for the Third Temple

Few people know more than Jimmy about what’s happening in Israel today to prepare for the third Temple. Excitement is in the air, as you’ll see here.

World Events and Prophecy

If you find Bible prophecy a bit confusing, this article is perfect for you! It’s clear, concise, and shows unmistakably how end-times events are right around the corner.

The Gospel According to Isaiah

Many people think the gospel is strictly a New Testament phenomenon. However, the elements of sin, repen- tance, and faith in God alone are con- tained in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah Sees Israel’s Future

Is God finished with Israel? By no means. Israel’s return, redemption, and restora- tion to its land are key themes through- out the book of Isaiah. See for yourself!

Israel Through the Prophets’ Eyes

Israel’s economy is booming. Every year thousands of evangelicals around the world contribute to that economy by traveling there. Israel’s demography is growing. Every year evangelicals donate millions of dollars to organizations…

Entering the Millennium

First the Messiah will level the forces against Him in the Valley of Megiddo. Then He will usher in a new era. If you’re interested in how things will unfold, you’ll love this article.

The Gentile Sheep and Goats

When Messiah Jesus returns, He will judge the Gentiles to determine who among them will enter the Messianic Kingdom. The prophet Joel identified those being judged using the Hebrew word goyim…

A New Temple for a New Era

For centuries Bible students have been fascinated by the details surrounding the Temple revealed in Ezekiel 40—46. In fact, a major section of the book of Ezekiel is given over…

Sacrifices in the Kingdom

The Millennial Temple’s main objective will be to provide a place of worship for Israel and the Gentile nations that will be similar to, yet distinct from, that under the old Levitical system.

‘Behold I Make All Things New’

If you did an Internet search asking the question, “What is heaven like?” you would receive 338 million “hits.” Most people want to know what will happen to them after they die.

Scrolls, Scripture, and the Savior

You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me (Jn. 5:39). Housed in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem is a curious…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Connecting the Dots

Nehemiah had his work cut out for him. God had promised to return the Jewish people to their land after their captivity in Babylon. And true to His Word, God brought Nehemiah…

The Messiah of Daniel 9

It’s a ritual of mine always to purchase a program when I go to a baseball game. A program is vital to the serious sports enthusiast because it provides information that helps…

The Peace Only Jesus Brings

Inner peace, outer peace. Peace in this world, peace in the next. Everyone talks about it, but few understand what true peace is all about—and how Jesus will change the world.

The One Deuteronomy 18:15–22

Jewish people have been looking for the promised Redeemer since the days of Moses. Who is He, and what should they look for? The Scriptures reveal all.

What Christmas Is Really About

More and more people today fail to understand the meaning of Christmas. It isn’t about presents, cards, carols, warm family gatherings, or lots of good food. Christmas is about the Incarnation…

Prophets Among Them

In the midst of the future Tribulation, as the Lord batters Earth with judgment after judgment, two extraordinary men will appear in Jerusalem. The Bible says they will have amazing…

The Beginning of the End

When the Lord Jesus opens the first seal, God’s final judgments will begin. And it will be the end of life on Earth as we know it.

144,000 Good Men

Using salt when instructions call for sugar dramatically changes a recipe. Sugar and salt are not the same, and no amount of symbolic interpretation can make them so. You must take…

And the Trumpets Shall Sound

The trumpet judgments will affect the entire world’s ecosystem: trees, water, and the very air we breathe.

The Key of David

The invention of locks and keys is extremely ancient. But it was the Romans, nearly 2,000 years ago, who refined and developed their use. Because togas normally lacked pockets, they created…

The Great White Throne

History will end with the judgment of all the wicked throughout the ages, a sobering event described by the apostle John in Revelation 20:11–15. This final judgment will occur at the end…

Beware the Bowls!

The scene is God’s courtroom in heaven. The bowls are about to be poured out, bringing to full measure God’s wrath on sinful humanity.

Satan’s Punishment

If living in this sin-cursed world gets you down, there’s good news. Satan—the father of lies, deceiver of nations, and despiser of men’s souls—will one day be judged. Although many people…

When Messiah Reigns

The grand inauguration of the Messianic Age will begin when Jesus Christ returns to Jerusalem as promised (Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:10–12). The remnant of Israel that will have withstood the Time…

G-20 and Beyond: The Push for Global Finance

First came the euro, the multinational currency of the European Union. Now something more comprehensive is on the drawing board, and its implementation may be closer than you think.

The Kingdom of the Beast

Who doesn’t want global peace and harmony? Who doesn’t wish to live in a utopia? The day is coming when some people will think they’re getting what they wished for—but they will be dreadfully wrong.

The No-Battle Battle of Armageddon

A mere seven years after his meteoric rise to power, the Antichrist will have ruined the planet. Those taking his mark of allegiance will be covered in “foul and loathsome” sores…

The Emergent Kingdom

The emergent church is growing. Unfortunately, it embraces three distinct understandings of God’s Kingdom that draw the movement toward acceptance of a one-world system.

They Won’t Bow to Antichrist

There’s probably nothing Jewish people want more these days than peace. And when the Antichrist offers it in the future, he will deceive them—and most of the world—into believing he…