From the Editor Sep/Oct 2024
I met my lovely wife, Morgan, while we served together at a Christian summer camp. Within a few short days of joking and bonding over chasing energetic kids around…
I met my lovely wife, Morgan, while we served together at a Christian summer camp. Within a few short days of joking and bonding over chasing energetic kids around…
In the heart of Seattle’s bustling Pike Place Market, a moment of profound dialogue and revelation recently unfolded..
Not many know his name today, but Russell Kirk was a 20th-century American author, historian, thinker, and advocate of…
In October 2000, two Israel Defense Forces reservists accidentally entered the Palestinian city of Ramallah…
I recently had an encounter that was hard even for me to believe. But as we say here in Israel, “When God wills it, anything is possible…
A few years ago, a young man named Dima traveled from Belarus to Poland to study at a university in Warsaw…
You may recall my mother, the five-star kvetch, from the previous issue of Israel My Glory. She perfected the art…
For each generation, the Lord raises up the right leader for the times. That was certainly true of Elwood McQuaid…
Young children’s prayers are often sweet and simple. Many of us spoke such prayers during our own childhoods…
Many elderly people in Israel go door to door collecting money for blind children. Recently, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, two kind, elderly, ultra-Orthodox men…
In November, as one of the final phases of our Friends of Israel (FOI) Equip internship program, five FOI interns…
My beloved mother was a five-star kvetch. This Yiddish term describes a habitual complainer—and my mother was…
Who among us hasn’t experienced both the mountaintops and gullies of life? Sometimes we know unspeakable joy, and other…
My Arab neighbors often come to my home to speak about spiritual matters. When they cannot answer my questions, they tell me they will…
I disobeyed my parents many times as a child. They were habitually gracious in their admonition. But on one occasion, I misbehaved so severely that…
October 7, 2023, was a wake-up call for many Christians unfamiliar with Israel’s role in God’s plan of redemption. Those who think God has…
Every day, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s (FOI’s) field representatives actively develop relationships…
Picture this: A Jewish man who has embraced Jesus as his Messiah waves the flag of Israel and sings…
I directed a pro-life crisis pregnancy center for several years. My staff members and I began each morning by…
Though we seek peace with our neighbors, we know it will not come easily. They call themselves righteous Jews while they tell me to keep quiet…
We have now witnessed the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. Israel will never be the same after October 7, 2023…
For nearly two decades, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) has looked at the Israel-Hamas conflict through the…
If you’re interested in volunteering with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI), we now offer an outstanding program…
Every January 1, gym memberships, health foods, self-improvement plans, time-scheduling charts, and Bible-reading programs are in popular demand…
This week I went to the hospital for a doctor’s appointment. While there, I saw some of the hospital workers who remembered what I had shared…
Each December, I begin formulating a plan to read my Bible for the following year. In past years, I jumped into Genesis feeling energized…
The Christmas season has arrived. My family is busy decorating the house, untangling the Christmas lights, and picking out the tree. Of course, my kids’ wish lists…
The beautiful island country of New Zealand features lush volcanic hillsides, scenic mountain passes, hospitable people…
In June, I returned from ministering in Colorado on a red-eye flight, scheduled to arrive in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…
Remember a television commercial that goes like this? A woman steps out of her house on a snow-covered morning…
My son Brian received his first pair of eyeglasses when he was 11 years old. As he tentatively tried them on…
Many immigrants live in the neighborhoods around us. Most of them have come from Russia. When we celebrated the Feast of Hanukkah recently…
Hymns have a unique staying power. If you grew up singing hymns in your church, I’m sure you can attest to this fact. The sweet words of these songs…
From a rabbi dressed as Spider-Man to an Elvis impersonator at an Israeli wedding, some interesting characters have…
Marcus is dead. His lifeless body lies on a hospital bed. The doctors attending him look down on his corpse. Only minutes ago they were busily monitoring his vitals…
As I sat at a sidewalk café with a parishioner and her husband one sunny afternoon…
A 5-year-old girl was enjoying a picnic with her family one day when she noticed a cluster of older girls yelling nearby.
People from nations all over the world come to visit Israel. It is written in Isaiah 34:1, “Come near, you nations, to hear” and in Isaiah 49:6…
American pastor Andy Stanley stated in a 2018 sermon, “Peter, James, [and] Paul elected to unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish scriptures…
This past winter was one of intense hardship for civilians in Ukraine. As the war between Ukraine and Russia has raged on…
“I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the moshiach [Messiah], and though he may tarry, still I await him every day.” So states the Jewish sage Maimonides’…
“You’ve got cancer.” The doctor’s words felt like a sucker punch. Surely he must have gotten my lab results mixed up…
The ultra-Orthodox often find new ways to attract new followers. Recently, they hosted a big, public meeting with a well-known rabbi. Like many rabbis, he felt he could convince…
We often hear the same questions asked at our Friends of Israel (FOI) prophecy conferences…
Within hours of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s midgame cardiac arrest in January, sports writers, reporters, and analysts around the country prefaced their remarks with…
If you were to ask me if I believe in the prosperity gospel, I would answer unequivocally, “No, of course not!”…
We live very close to our Arab neighbors, so we see each other almost every day. A few months ago I had a long conversation with some of them…
At our farewell dinner for our Up to Jerusalem tour to Israel in October, I was touched by the comments of our Israeli guide. We honored him for skillfully leading…
Last December the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) invited me to the sixth annual Christian Media Summit…
Halina Ostik, who fought in the Polish Resistance during World War II, smuggled Bibles into the country under the…
The “Joy” ship—what a misnomer! I thought. I had reluctantly returned to my unfittingly named Norwegian cruise ship…
If we knew years ago what the world would look like today, we probably wouldn’t have signed up for what we face now…
It is written in Jeremiah 6:14, “‘Peace, peace!’ when there is no peace.” It is also written, “I will give you assured peace in this place” (14:13)…
As a child, I asked my dad, “Why didn’t Jewish people fight the Nazis?” He replied, “They couldn’t fight. You don’t understand.” Today, I understand better…
A few years ago, a friend sent me a page from the December 27, 1937, issue of Life magazine. In it was an article titled “Christmas in Naziland…
We enter 2023 thanking God that more than 90 people have graduated from our Friends of Israel (FOI) Bridges program…
When the apostle Paul sat in a cold, dark Roman prison, he chose his final words carefully as he took inventory of his life…
I barely recognized him. My grandson was no longer the 19-year-old kid I knew. He had lost weight and was lean, angular, and fit and carried himself with confidence…
The ultra-Orthodox are always looking for 10 men to form a minyan, a quorum necessary for synagogue prayer. So I wait outside the synagogue, watching them call people…
Christmas is around the corner. ’Tis the season for almost every made-for-television movie to overload us with house-decorating, tree-lighting, cookie-baking, and…
Many believers today see no value in studying prophecy, particularly end-times prophecy. They say it serves no purpose and is difficult to understand…
Last spring, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) telephoned Tim Munger, a Church Ministries representative…
Scott Hershovitz is a philosophy professor and director of law and ethics at the University of Michigan…
Through God’s miracles, the Jewish people have survived; and now we live in the Promised Land. At this time of year, we enjoy celebrating Hanukkah…
Pro-choice activists are fuming over the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that declared abortion is not a constitutional right, overturning its…
The Australian ministry of The Friends of Israel (FOI) has grown remarkably in recent years. Many of you know Deane Woods…
Birthdays, like mile markers, disclose the distance traveled but not the distance remaining on our lives’ journeys…
We recently enjoyed a most important holiday—the feast of Simchat Torah, Hebrew for “rejoicing over the Law.” Many of the Orthodox dance in the synagogues…
The COVID-19 pandemic did more than shed light on the science of infectious diseases in the modern era…
College campuses are notorious for their hostility toward the things of God. Such animosity deters some people…
I recently ran across a Pew Research study that sought to discover what Americans know about the Holocaust…
There are many ultra-Orthodox organizations here in Israel. Each one is filled with people who want to show how faithfully they work against those…
Nobody has enjoyed COVID-19 lockdowns. But even when the government makes leaving home impossible, God can still take…
For many Christians, touring and studying in the land of Israel is a once-in-a-lifetime…
People in Israel are always trying to find something new and interesting. For a long time, the ultra-Orthodox Jews promoted as messiah a man from New York City…
The evangelical church today is divided. Some parishioners contend the church isn’t “woke” enough—not alert enough…
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) has launched an exciting new work called Encounter to expose Christians to the…
Many dictators, like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, have called themselves righteous; and people, like sheep, worship them. Such people persecute the Chosen People…
In God’s grace, He delights in using us to make known His kindness that leads men and women to repentance (Rom. 2:4)…
Fireworks. Noisy parties. Large quantities of food and drink. That’s how many people welcome the new year. Observant Jewish people, on the other hand…
The saved and sanctified halls of Christendom are sadly strewn with the remains of weak, passive…
Many people do not want to talk about the Holocaust, especially the elderly, who suffered in the death camps as I did. Our young people know of the…
When I was eight years old, I had a friend named Mary. She moved to Vermont from California, lived two houses away, and attended Catholic school. Every year I’d…
There would be no Christmas without Hanukkah. That’s a fact! Hanukkah commemorates God’s divine…
There is no authority on Earth except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. That may seem like a strange statement in view of…
The ultra-Orthodox in Israel try to milk people out of their money. They always find something new to sell. Lately they have been…
Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, considered William Henry Hechler the first Christian Zionist…
Polish nationalism and the place of Jewish people in Polish society have taken some troubling turns recently…
Deuteronomy 16:19 says, “You shall not . . . take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” Therefore, it is written…
A missionary and church planter found himself in a difficult position when the members of the so-called cancel culture endeavored to silence him…
It was a beautifully mild, sunny, spring day when our field representative Dr. Juan Carlos Espinoza set up his table in a local park…
The first Bible story I heard as a little girl was the story of Abraham. I was 5 years old; yet when I heard the word bless, I knew it was something good…
Nineteen years ago in March, our only daughter left for work in the morning, never to come home. We remember that day…
Israel is filled with many false teachers. They grow like mushrooms after the rain. They are extremely active, and every few days we see a new “holy one.” Many people here believe…
Shortly after I became a Christian in 1980, I was invited to a luncheon sponsored by the local branch of a nondenominational, evangelical Christian organization…
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is devoted to sharing the gospel. Gospel is part of our name; and since our inception in 1938, we have lived…
God is not hampered by borders! Here in The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s International Department…
“What do you mean you became a Christian at 21? Aren’t you a pastor’s daughter?” an older gentleman asked me…
My story begins with my father, who was enjoying recognition as a successful research chemist despite two big problems: He was a functioning alcoholic and an atheist…
Board game or boardroom, everyone hates being neutralized. Having our influence or effectiveness nullified by an adversary…