The Friends of Israel in Action Jul/Aug 2024
Eastern European Youth Coming to Faith in Christ
A few years ago, a young man named Dima traveled from Belarus to Poland to study at a university in Warsaw. Shortly after beginning his classes, he made friends that influenced him to experiment with drugs, leading him into a dark and dangerous life. Alone and far from home, struggling to fit into a new country with a different language and culture, Dima felt helpless.
Then, Dima met Andrii Nakonechnyi, a field representative with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) in Poland. Andrii helps lead our ministries to teens and young adults in Warsaw. Partnering with several churches, Andrii and our FOI Poland team conduct weekly Bible studies, activities, and youth groups to share God’s love and the gospel message with both Jews and Gentiles.

Since the Russia-Ukraine war began, thousands of young Eastern European immigrants have converged on Warsaw. Even before Russia attacked Ukraine, many citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, and other former Soviet-bloc countries had immigrated to Poland. Andrii, a Ukrainian himself, came to Warsaw for seminary studies before joining FOI.
Recognizing the opportunity provided by increased immigration, Andrii and our FOI Poland team share the gospel with these young people. Because FOI teaches the cultural and historical Jewish backgrounds of the Bible while communicating God’s love for Israel, Jewish young adults value Andrii’s ministry.
When he met Dima, Andrii immediately invited him to one of FOI Poland’s student retreats in the mountains. Dima accepted and made new friends who love Jesus and began redirecting him from his sinful lifestyle. As he grew closer to the young adults in the ministry, he also grew more curious about the gospel. Before long, God took hold of his heart; and Dima accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus.
Dima continues to grow in Christ through Andrii’s discipleship. He attends church regularly and volunteers alongside our Polish workers, caring for Jewish people and sharing the gospel. He told Andrii, “If I hadn’t met you that day on campus, I might not exist anymore.”
We praise God for His work through Andrii and the team in Poland as they share the love of Christ with young people from many different backgrounds and ethnicities. Eastern Europe is spiritually fertile for the work of the gospel. God is using the hardships of war to reach young people from many nations.
While many believers in the United States and elsewhere are concerned about increased antisemitism and the growing trend of young people to reject God, our teams in Eastern Europe are witnessing God’s remarkable work. He is using the passion and dedication of our field representatives and volunteers to inspire and encourage Christians all over the world.
You can support our Polish team and other International Ministries around the world. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
In Canada, please give here.
An Ambassador for Christ at the UN
Carrie Gould, an FOI field representative in New Jersey, is a woman of faith and conviction. Her Christian love for the Jewish people is evident in her words and deeds, as she seeks to make a lasting difference in their lives.

One such opportunity arose when Rebekah, Carrie’s Jewish friend and fellow champion of the Jewish people, invited her to attend a 2023 United Nations (UN) event called “Civil Society Townhall with the President of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly.” Rebekah serves on a nongovernmental commission at the United Nations.
The event was a confluence of minds and missions, organized by many UN departments. For Carrie, Rebekah’s offer was more than an invitation; it was a call to action. It was her opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ before a lost and broken world.
Well aware of the UN’s lack of support for the Jewish state, Carrie listened to the speakers and became deeply concerned for Israel as she processed what she was hearing through the lens of what the Bible teaches about a future one-world government.
Afterward, Carrie and Rebekah discussed the event over lunch. Their conversation flowed effortlessly. Carrie listened intently as one of Rebekah’s colleagues shared her experiences at the UN, which opened a door for Carrie to share what the Scriptures teach about the end-times.
Carrie returned from her journey to the UN with a bolder passion to serve the Lord. She knows she can’t change the United Nations, but she can shine the light of Messiah Jesus in a world yearning for truth. Carrie may not be an official UN ambassador, but she was a faithful ambassador for Christ as she walked the halls of the UN that day.
You can support Carrie Gould and others like her serving in North American Ministries. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
In Canada, please give here.
Photos: The Friends of Israel Archives