Aidan’s Crucible

I barely recognized him. My grandson was no longer the 19-year-old kid I knew. He had lost weight and was lean, angular, and fit and carried himself with confidence…

The Child and the Seed

It has been said the key to all Messianic prophecy hangs at the Bible’s front door and was given by God to that “old serpent, the Devil…”

The Continuing Conflict

Satan’s goal is to rule the world instead of God and have all humanity worship him (Isa. 14:12–14). Consequently, he has tried…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is An Overcomer?

People in sports know the name Nike. It’s a popular brand of footwear and gear identified by its logo: the swoosh…

The Fiery Red Dragon

All he wanted was a sugar apple. He didn’t know it would cost him his life. Muhamad Anwar, a 31-year-old fisherman, probably knew he was trespassing…

The Dragon’s Lair

There is a reason why Scripture calls Satan “the ruler of this world” (Jn. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11), “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4), and “the prince of the power of the air…

Paul’s Personal Word

If we had written the apostle Paul’s last words, we might have chosen to conclude his final epistle with a testimony to his victorious, faithful ministry…

Paul’s Triumphant Testimony

Are you prepared to die? The last words a person utters or writes when death is imminent are usually of great importance…

Preach God’s Word!

Knowing his life would soon end, the apostle Paul fixed his attention on completing his letter to young Timothy, his protégé and son in the faith…

Preparation For Perilous Times

The apostle Paul was martyred during the rule of Roman Emperor Nero, an evil, diabolical man whose vicious cruelty…

Christian Persecution Nov/Dec 2021

As the world watched videos and images of people trying to escape the Sharia regime the Taliban is imposing in Afghanistan…

How to Obtain True Wisdom

Advice is cheap. Wisdom is rare. King Solomon said, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who…

Job: Misery’s Poster Child

Americans entered 2020 with great hope. The stock market, employment, and prosperity were at all-time highs…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is Satan?

Satan is not mythological. He is a real being who truly exists in the world (Job 1:6) and whose name means “accuser” or “adversary.” He possesses the attributes of…

My Sweet Monty

The first Bible story I heard as a little girl was the story of Abraham. I was 5 years old; yet when I heard the word bless, I knew it was something good…

The Journey of Processing Pain

Nineteen years ago in March, our only daughter left for work in the morning, never to come home. We remember that day…

Jewish World Update May/Jun 2021

A new group of “Democrats” has emerged in America that intends to wipe Christian values from the nation’s landscape…

Overcoming Prejudice

From elementary schools to nursing homes, prejudice is everywhere. Often, we reject or accept one another based on superficial observations because…

Choose Joy!

What does every believer need but no believer wants? The answer, as you might guess, is trials. We don’t want the difficulties and hardships that come our way…

Inside View Sep/Oct 2020

The Bible teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7). It also warns us not to be wise in our own eyes but to fear God (3:7)…

Enter the Greeks

On December 17, 2019, 16 leaders of The United Methodist Church signed the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation

Disciplining the Disorderly

A church is like a family. All members need love, and sometimes someone needs discipline. This fact was especially…

Good Works & Salvation

We believe all human beings are sinners (Rom. 3:23), possessing active sin natures that result in our physical and spiritual deaths…

A Misled Generation

It’s encouraging to know that before the Antichrist even appears on the world scene, his ultimate demise and destiny in the Lake of Fire are certain. When Christ returns to Earth, He will destroy this man of sin…

Christian Persecution Jul/Aug 2019

HYDERABAD, India—Christian persecution has grown much more severe in India, and tribal villagers are being taught that Christianity is anti-Indian…

What Heathenism Wrought

Without any announcement, the prophet Elijah appeared in Israel and boldly confronted his generation with a strong warning from God…

Confrontation on Carmel

The scorching sun beat down on Obadiah as he walked the arid path, each step sending a swirl of dust upward…

‘Bring Up Samuel for Me’

Disobedience to God can drastically change a person’s life. King Saul’s disobedience dramatically altered both his life and his kingship. As a consequence for transgressing into the priestly office…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: What is the Unpardonable Sin?

According to Jesus, the unpardonable sin is “blasphemy against the [Holy] Spirit” (Mt. 12:31). However, it is important to study the context of Matthew 12:22–32 to understand what this means…

The Power Behind the Throne

From the time God created the world, Satan has wanted to rule it. In ancient days, one of Satan’s strongholds was the Phoenician city-state of Tyre, which dates back to around 2700 BC…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who are the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2?

“Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose” (vv. 1–2)…

Dancing with the Devil

The reality of demonic attack and Jesus’ victory over it is woven throughout the Gospels, and there are 82 references to the word demon or demons in the New King James Bible…

The Tax Man Cometh

A recent deal between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and an anti-faith activist group promises to threaten the religious free-speech rights of churches around the nation.

Highway to Nowhere

When the hot days of summer began to descend, two significant legal issues were heating up in Washington. One was the well-known case involving Christian-run Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc….

Crimes of the Mind

Years ago I traveled to the Netherlands on a book tour for my novels. A well-known cartoonist had recently been arrested there and his computer seized by Dutch police…

Common Sense Has Left the Building

When 5-year-olds are expelled from class for pointing, school bus drivers refuse to intercede while teenagers pummel and bully children, and the Pledge of Allegiance and patriotic assemblies…

Why We Believe

Last fall author Joseph Atwill made a splash in London when he claimed the Gospels were faked by the Romans to quell a possible Jewish uprising. The theory, preposterous as it is, goes like this…

The Biblical Bottom Line

I was watching a television talk show one evening that centered on a discussion between the host, a well-known skeptic, and a spokesman for the “evangelical” left. Political and social issues…

Life From the Inside Out

As I sat in the pew at church a few Sundays ago, the speaker read a verse from 1 Samuel that struck me as the explanation for why we in America find ourselves in the condition…

The Death of Reason, the Burial of Faith

Radical New Testament critic John Dominic Crossan, touted by his publisher as being “widely regarded as the foremost historical Jesus scholar of our time,” has written a new book called The Power…

Raising the White Flag

It’s bad enough America’s courts are turning their backs on the nation’s his- toric values. But now something else has arisen that is just as bad—or worse.

Silhouette of man speaking.

In God We Trust—or Not

For people who doubt there is a war against God and Christianity in America, here is something to disabuse them of that notion. Last year, U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson…

Be Careful Whom You Follow

A common thread in John Bunyan’s 17th-century Christian classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress, involves his hero’s wisdom (or lack thereof) in choosing companions as he travels on his long road through life…

Saying is Believing

Rhetoric is everything. Or at least it appears so nowadays. But what happens when rhetoric doesn’t match reality? See for yourself.

Keeping Up With False Teaching

Throughout history God sounded the alarm to His people to be on guard for false teachers. The Torah warns of false prophets (Dt. 18:20–22). The Gospels warn of wolves dressed…

Beware the New Barbarians

An ultra-liberal movement is ripping its way through American culture. I call its purveyors the “new barbarians.” When we think of barbarian, we often picture Neolithic-looking creatures in animal skins, wielding giant clubs.

Eying the Ashes

Almost 50 years ago in America, the cry “Burn, baby, burn!” swept across Los Angeles, California, as riots that began in the Watts neighborhood raged out of control. They would be…

Rebuilding the City of Gold

Surrounded by trouble and enemies, Nehemiah forged ahead to repair and rebuild Jerusalem. If you think times have changed, you’re in for a surprise.

Silhouette of man speaking.

No One To Talk To?

British scientist Stephen Hawking is one more atheist trying to tell us there is no God. In his new book, The Grand Design, Hawking contends, “Because there is a law such as gravity…

Hope We Can Believe In

Are you worried about the future? Politicians tell us “change” is what we need. But God knows what we need, and He delivered it around 2,000 years ago.

Tampering With Freedom of Religion

President Ronald Reagan often called the White House a “bully pulpit,” meaning its power and prestige gave the president of the United States the ability to speak out on issues and influence…

Messianic Wannabes

So many people have claimed to be Christ who returned to Earth. But a brief look at their lives and ministries tells a different story.

A More Perfect Union Sep/Oct 2010

Now that the hotly contested Senate confirmation hearing of Elena Kagan is over and President Barack Obama’s nominee has become the 112th justice to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court…

Now That the Smoke Has Cleared

Nine years have passed since the tragedy of 9/11. Are we wiser and more diligent, or have we become what Lenin called “useful idiots”?

The Downside to Assimilation

Wanting to be like everyone else often comes with a price. And sometimes, as this article shows, it’s too high to pay.

The Quantum Shift Toward Paganism

Eastern beliefs are infiltrating Christendom and moving it toward a one-world philosophy, the tenets of which may shock you.

‘Re-Imagining’ God

Although some attribute the emerging pagan worldview to the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and early ’70s, the professing church actually shifted toward paganism in 1993 with the first and now-infamous…

Netanyahu’s Candle of Truth

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an eloquent stand for truth at the UN in September. But what he told the Israeli news media outside the Assembly Hall may have been as important…

A More Perfect Union Jan/Feb 2010

On October 22 in Washington, DC, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) convened a hearing process that may determine who will rule the Internet. What happens could affect the freedom of Christians…

The Cross in the Desert

Thousands of Americans are buried overseas where they died fighting for their country. Now the ACLU wants to remove a cross that signifies the last measure of their devotion.

Racing Toward the New World Order

The future dreamed of by the globalists of the 1980s has arrived. And it spells nothing good for Christians or loyal, devoted Americans.

The Emergent Kingdom

The emergent church is growing. Unfortunately, it embraces three distinct understandings of God’s Kingdom that draw the movement toward acceptance of a one-world system.

The Birth that Changed the World

Hymns, tinsel, decorations, and good cheer used to flood America’s public schools at Christmastime. Though these have all disappeared, one thing will never be erased.

No Match for the Savior

A crazed herd of screeching pigs plunging headlong down a hill into the Sea of Galilee may sound comically bizarre until you hear the rest of the story. The account…

The War Above

God and Satan assign powerful angels to influence rulers and nations. Behind the scenes of international events rages supernatural conflict invisible to human eyes. We know this fact from the book…

The Ultimate Loser

The Devil (the chief evil spirit) is an intriguing personality. The late comic Flip Wilson made audiences roar with his routine “the Devil made me do it.” Books, songs, and documentaries…

The 12 Rules of Christmas®

Unfortunately, Christmas has become a time of controversy over what can and cannot be done in terms of celebrating the holiday. To clear up much of the misunderstanding, the following…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2009

Recently we have witnessed an almost daily assault on biblical values designed, it would seem, to subvert the influence of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage on the forces of God-free humanism. Inaugural festivities…

A More Perfect Union Sep/Oct 2009

As part of my work with National Religious Broadcasters, I was involved in a small meeting in the Capitol Hill office of a congressional representative not long ago. Known in political circles…

Picking the Wrong Opponent

The God-haters are out to remake America in their image. It will be a fight to the death. But there are some things they aren’t counting on.

The Doctrine of Mahdism

He is called the Hidden Imam. No one knows the hour of his return. But he will rule the world, which will acknowledge Islam as the true religion. Who is he? He is the Islamic messiah.

Ahmadinejad’s Messianic Policy

Even though other Muslims have ruled Iran, Ahmadinejad is different. He claims he has a direct connection to God and will usher in the Mahdi. Unfortunately, his faith has worldwide implications.

Reading a Premature Obituary

To hear the secular news media tell it, Christianity in America is one small wheeze away from death. Well, that isn’t exactly accurate. Here’s the rest of the story.

A More Perfect Union Jul/Aug 2009

Thomas Jefferson once famously said, “Almighty God hath created the mind free….All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens [burdens]…are a departure from the plan of the Holy…

Facing the Goliath of the Liberal Media Part Two

The news media has called Christians everything from demented to stupid to downright evil. If you aren’t aware of what’s happening, it’s time to read this and smell the slander.

Christians Fight for Rights in U.S. Schools

Brittany McComb was one of three valedictorians chosen to give a speech before 400 of her peers at her high school graduation in Henderson, Nevada, in 2006. But during commencement…

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours?

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. In the late 20th century, certain leaders came out stating that we needed a “new way of doing church.” That old-time…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Holds the Future?

The conversation was between a militant, Russian Communist and a reserved, elderly Christian in the days before the collapse of the Soviet Union. A disciple of Marx and Lenin, the Communist…

Security on the Island of Grace

When the qualities that made America great disappear, America may disappear as well. And one quality in particular overrides the rest. A secure America depends on it.

Who Is Responsible?

Several years ago singer Barbra Streisand publicly berated actress Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond) for her adamant stand against abortion. Asked by Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly to comment, Heaton replied…

Is He or Isn’t He?

Is Jesus the only way to God? CNN’s Larry King seems to want to know—along with millions of other people, some of whom have rather interesting points of view.

How Many Gods?

So reads a billboard along Interstate 95 in Philadelphia, erected by PhillyCOR (the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason). The coalition defines itself as a group of free thinkers, atheists, humanists…

The Way We Are

The world in which we live is crazy. Sometimes it seems as though societies have gone totally mad. For example, on July 16, 2008, Israel returned four living, breathing terrorists…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Future

Two preachers were handing out tracts in England recently when a police officer threatened to throw them in jail for committing a hate crime. “They were warned that if they came back and were beaten

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Speaks for Evangelical Christians?

It’s been rather amusing over the years to observe those who think they call the shots for evangelical and/or fundamentalist Christians when it comes to making social or political decisions in American life.

In the Shadow of a Praying Nation

This summer marks the 45th anniversary of the ruling that outlawed reading the Bible and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in America’s public schools. But there’s more. Read on.