Rabbi Bernstein Still Battling Freehold

If you want to hold a growth group, Bible study, prayer meeting, or weekly religious gathering of any type in your home in Freehold, New Jersey, you likely will find yourself before the zoning…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2008

We recently received a personal invitation and media advisory from international Muslim leaders calling for a meeting at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This Muslim-Christian event was billed as an “historic olive branch.”

Silhouette of man speaking.

Mainline or Out of Bounds

Leaders of the National Council of Churches U.S.A. (NCC) are fond of reminding us of its size and influence. In fact, a Web site reviewing the organization’s newest yearbook called the NCC…

Persecution Update

COMPASS DIRECT NEWS—Pastor Mark Jaikumar was recovering recently in a private care facility in Bangalore, Karnataka state, India, after being kidnapped and blindfolded and overhearing Hindu extremists’ plans to kill him…

‘Amisha’: The Heroic Housewife

I had never seen a Bible or even touched one. In 2001 I was living with my uncle who abused me and threw chairs at me. I went to a friend’s house…

The Everlasting Hatred

Born-again believers and Jewish people have been persecuted for millennia. And, unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Why? Because of the everlasting hatred.

Jonah’s Rancor

Jonah 4:1–11: If we were writing the book of Jonah, how would we end the story? We’d probably have Jonah rejoicing over being restored from disobedience, rescued from the belly of a fish…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2007

Sacred to the Hindus of India are monkeys, cobras, cows, and other animal and plant species. Unfortunately, the same respect, to say nothing of reverence, is not extended to Christians. Hindu extremists…

Hirsi Ali’s Challenge to Humanity

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is arguably the bravest and most remarkable woman of our time. To understand why this 37-year-old woman is extraordinary, she must be assessed in the context of the forces…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Emissaries of the Devil

For more than 2,000 years, the great imitation has gone on. And over the same period, millions upon millions have placed their hopes for health, happiness, economic prosperity, and communion…

Facing the ‘Lion’

The lions of Tsavo devoured men. Fierce and stealthy, they showed complete contempt for people, except as food. We, too, face a vicious adversary. And here are our keys to victory.

Dealing With the Devil

Most Americans don’t think in terms of demon possession. We think in terms of disease. If we see a young man beating his head into the ground or throwing himself into a fire…

The Master Deceiver’s Handiwork

In December 1968, during the days of the race for space, three American astronauts found themselves seeing sights no human had ever seen. And they were doing it from a spacecraft…

What’s in a Name? Everything!

How Satan is portrayed in any generation largely depends on how seriously he is taken by the prevailing culture. Today’s culture, with its cynical bent, appears not to take him too seriously. In a recently…

David and the Adversary

Many believers are unaware of the magnitude of the spiritual war that goes on all around us. Satan and the forces of darkness are waging a vicious battle against God, the Jewish…

A Madrassa Grows in Brooklyn

Come September, an Arabic-language, public secondary school is slated to open its doors in Brooklyn. The New York City Department of Education says the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA), serving grades six…

A Look at the Big Picture

Satan is at war with God. And if you can understand this war, you’ll understand the entire drama of human history.

Silhouette of man speaking.

So Much for the Divine Spark

Most of us have had such sentiments thrown at us when we’ve lamented the current state of affairs and extolled the virtues of the “good old days.” Well, since the genocidal…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2007

A 24-year-old man known only as Hasanuddin has admitted planning the savage, October 2005 beheadings of three Christian girls in Poso, Indonesia, as a “gift” to Muslims in celebration…

Saddam’s WMDs…From Someone Who Knows

In Iraq he was known as General Georges, former air vice marshal in Saddam Hussein’s military and one of Saddam’s top advisors. His name is Georges Sada, and he is a Christian. His book…

When Israel Sins

It was one of those truly soul-rattling moments (metaphorically speaking). In the heart of Jerusalem, the Israeli Supreme Court rendered a ruling that seems to betray one of God’s clearest…

God Is Moral Part Nine

The previous article demonstrated that infanticide (the willful, premeditated killing of an infant at birth or afterward) is an abomination that God hates and that provokes Him to anger. It fits…

The Treasures of the Season

Tis the season when our forefathers bowed their heads and gave thanks. Oh how things have changed.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rediscovering Evil

The TV news anchors were discussing an unspeakably vicious murder that had been committed without provocation. The report was shocking but, unfortunately, the fare we have come to expect on the evening…

The Christian Thing to Do

Today’s Christian Zionists love the Jewish people as Corrie ten Boom once did. And the World Council of Churches does not speak for us!

Silhouette of man speaking.

Ignoring the Obvious

While Americans burn time arguing the merits, or lack thereof, of the absurd fiction The Da Vinci Code (24 percent of its readers said the novel aided their “personal growth and spiritual understanding”), a real-time…

Jihad, American Style

A crusade is under way to rid America of Christianity. If this statement seems harsh to you, you may change your mind after reading this article.

The Perfect Triad

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that the Israelites made it through the Red Sea because it was low tide or because they “knew where the stones were,” I’d be rich…

Islamic Imperialism in the Real World

Many people snicker and jeer at the idea of a “seventh-century caliphate.” But the Muslims aren’t snickering. And their push to power could change your world.

The Roots of Nazism

How could a country that gave the world the great reformer Martin Luther also produce Adolf Hitler? The answer may shock you.

New or Déj à Vu?

Europe is again becoming a dangerous place for Jewish people. It’s the same old anti-Semitism, but with a slightly new and frightening twist.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

God is the author of Klanism,” and Jesus Christ was the Klan’s “first real member.” So said the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in 1925.1 “Just like Christ, I have a duty to my own…

Palestinian Children: A Model of Hitler Youth

Adolf Hitler declared, “He alone who owns the youth gains the future.”1 Hitler knew the importance of early indoctrination. So do today’s Palestinian leaders. In fact, the recruitment allurements and military-style…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A War Strictly off the Record

The teenagers were on their way to their Christian school in Poso (Sulawesi), Indonesia. As they walked through a cocoa plantation, none could have imagined the horror awaiting them. Hiding beside the path, hooded jihadists…

The Mysteries of the Kabbalah

Mysticism—the pursuit of ultimate truth through mysterious rites and subjective experiences—has enchanted mankind for centuries. Claiming to offer insights into the deep, dark secrets of the universe, mysticism pledges inclusion…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A Grave for Israel?

In light of the situation in the Middle East, the poet’s words are hauntingly prophetic. Not only do they carry refrains from Israel’s ancient prophets, but they echo the Holocaust, pogroms, and the perpetual anti-Semitism…

What Kind of America Do You Want?

An important issue went before the Supreme Court recently. America is head- ing where it’s never been before. And you may be the decisive factor.

Evolution’s Deadly Theology

Does the theory of evolution involve more than “science”? You may be surprised what this view actually encompasses.

Darwin’s Turn From Christianity

Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England. His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was an evolutionist/naturalist, poet, and philosopher. His father, Robert, was a successful and wealthy physician. His mother died when he was eight.

Turning ‘Greeks’ into ‘Jews’

The Jewish people of old knew much more about God than did the pagan Greeks. Learn what it takes today to reach the new pagans with the truth.

What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

It explained that something from outer space, perhaps a gigantic asteroid, comet, or other space-born object, collided with our “evolving” planet, which led to massive changes in the climate, atmosphere, and topography and ultimately signed…

The Monkey Trial

It was called the “trial of the century.” Eighty years ago this month the Scopes trial brought evolution to the forefront in American education.

Creation vs. Evolution: The Battle for Truth

Richard Dawkins, noted scientific scholar, ethologist,1 and author, describes someone who does not believe in evolution this way: “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in…

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2005

In 1936, Kazakhstan, a state just south of Russia, was incorporated into the Soviet Union. With the Soviet breakup in 1991, Kazakhstan became an independent nation, which allowed for a religious renewal and the freedom…

God and Wisdom Conclusion

The previous article described two wisdoms, or world-life views, that oppose each other concerning issues in modern-day society. One wisdom, or view, has as its foundation and starting point the revealed knowledge of the personal…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2004

I am a former Moslem, born and raised in the Middle East. I am very disappointed and almost scared after watching your presentation about Islam. One of the reasons I fled to the United States

The ‘Queen of Heaven’

God pronounced severe judgment on the people of Judah and Jerusalem because they worshiped “the queen of heaven” (Jer. 7:17–20; 44:15–19). Who or what was the queen of heaven, and how did the people…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2004

ARUTZ-7—The United States has determined that Yasser Arafat approved the terrorist attack on a U.S. embassy convoy in which three Americans were killed in October 2003. Middle East Newsline reported in the name of U.S.

The Foul Fruit of Apostasy

Many people profess to be Christians but reject the Bible as God’s Word; deny the deity of Christ; or repudiate the incarnation, virgin birth, resurrec­tion…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2004

Each Sunday, millions of Western Christians go to worship with Bibles in hand, usually one for every member of the family. Such a public display of God’s Word is an inherent right we seldom think…

Israel’s Peculiar Position

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it…

They Cry In Silence Mar/Apr 2004

These startling figures reported by senior reporter George Thomas of CBN News reveal the very real problems confronting the Christians of postwar Iraq. A Christian leader surveying the situation in his country declared…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2004

While awaiting a flight at the Denver, Colorado, airport in May, a headline from The Denver Post captured my attention: “Opening service unites Presbyterians.” Eric Gorski, the newspaper’s religion writer, was reporting the start…

The Tyranny of Minority Rule

What’s wrong with calling America a “Judeo-Christian” nation? “Everything,” say some people whose voices grow stronger every day.

Caleb’s Enduring Faith

Caleb and Joshua were kindred spirits when it came to faith. Of the twelve men Moses sent to spy out the land, only these two had faith that God would deliver Canaan into Israel’s hands…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on Middle East Jan/Feb 2004

Following the brutal suicide bombing that took twenty-one lives and wounded sixty others at the Maxim restaurant in Haifa on October 4, 2003, Israel went on the offensive. The terrorist group Islamic Jihad quickly claimed responsibility…

The Crescent and the Cradle

The main role of the Muslim mother is to raise children according to the wishes of her husband. With that said, she desires to rear children who will become good Muslims in hopes they will…

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2004

A pastor from an evangelical church was ordered to appear before local security police on August 20, 2003. Upon his arrival, he was forced to stand “like Christ was hung on the cross,” with arms…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2003

In mid-July a Muslim convert to Christianity left his home and headed for a mountainous region of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank. He took with him Christian materials, including audio cassettes, videos…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2003

Christians in Nigeria, Africa, breathed a deep sigh of relief when the vote tallies from the April presidential elections were announced. A large majority of Nigerians reelected President Olusegun Obasanjo, a born-again Christian, over his Muslim…

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2003

They call them “chop squares,” execution sites usually outside mosques where the condemned meet their deaths at the hands of a sword-wielding executioner. For people found guilty of any of the following— murder, rape, armed…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2003

A former U.S. ambassador to an obscure Third World nation recently contributed his opinion on TV as to why the spate of terror attacks in the wake of the war in Iraq. His remarks postulated…

God is Sovereign Part One

Previously we examined the senselessness and consequences of idol worship. Here we will examine spheres that are subject to the sovereignty of the true and living God. Angels God’s significant relationships with the angels…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2003

In his book, Their Blood Cries Out, author Paul Marshall shared this observation: Years ago, I drove up Bathhurst Street on my way to work in Toronto. I would pass synagogues of varying strictness, but each…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye On the Middle East May/Jun 2003

The Iraq encounter has clarified precisely where major nations stand on tyranny and the prestige and power of the United States and Israel. President George W. Bush made his assessment of the UN’s power…

What’s Wrong with the Religious Right?

Who are these “dangerous” religious fanatics the secular media insists are running and ruining America today? Don’t be surprised if they are you!

God and Other Objects of Worship

In the previous article we saw that the Bible asserts unequivo­cally that Jehovah-the God revealed in its pages, the one who brought Israel and the church…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2003

Everything seemed normal for Christian and Missionary Alliance worker Bonnie Witherall as she approached the prenatal clinic in Sidon, Lebanon, last November 21. Bonnie and her husband, Gary, had served in Lebanon for three…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Selling Islam in America

The one-year commemoration of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon spawned a huge irony. While Americans and masses of people the world over held solemn…

Orphans in the Global Village

A new ecumenicity is overtaking America. Its byword is unity. And if you
refuse to buy into it, you may find you don’t like the consequences.

Looking for Christmas

A dispute raged a few years ago over whether to allow a manger scene in front of a local municipal building. A lady in town reportedly opined, “Isn’t it a shame that we…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2002

On a day in late July, students, faculty, and employees were taking a leisurely lunch inside the popular Frank Sinatra Cafeteria on the campus of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Without warning, a thunderous explosion…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2002

When people think of Colombia, South America, they usually think of drug trafficking and the scourge of addiction it produces. The murder of public officials there is commonplace as the war to curtail the drug

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rerunning the ‘30s

We’ve seen it all before. Swastikas in the streets, arms raised in infamous SiegHeil salutes, preposterous statements being made that hark back to the 1930s in Hitler’s Europe. But this is not the ‘30s. We…

Rachel Is Still Weeping

They stormed the Church of the Nativity and held nuns and priests hostage. Are these peacemakers? What is the truth behind the Muslim-Christian alliance?

The Origin and Fall of Satan

Lucifer, “the anointed cherub that covereth,” became the evil “god of this age”—the enemy of Jehovah. Learn what happened and why?

Satan’s World Strategy

Satan’s dominion may be invisible. But
if you know where to look, you’ll be astounded to see how much he controls . . . and how he controls it.

The Satanic Trinity

As if one evil being weren’t enough, the Bible teaches that in the last days, there will be three—a pseudotrinity—that will take over the world.

The Many Masks of Satan

If you think Satan appears like the caricatures of him, with horns and a red tail, think again. More often than not, he appears as the “noblest” among us.

Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?

If I had been asked, “Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?” during my university years, I would not have hesitated a moment before answering, “Yes!” My formative years were spent surrounded by people whose perception…

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2002

On April 26, 2002, the government of Vietnam hosted a cultural festival in Bac Ha (in Lao Cai province) to demonstrate “religious freedom” to religious leaders from around the world who appeared on the guest…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Say It Isn’t So!

A favorite occupation of liberal American politicians over the years has been to vilify the “religious right.” It is, they say, inhabited by politically incorrect, intolerable bigots guilty of impeding the march toward a secular…

Recycling Adolph Hitler

The Egyptian press is resurrecting old propaganda to slander the Jews—but with a new twist: It is comparing President Bush and America to Nazis.

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2002

Although Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was Jewish, not Christian, in many ways his execution parallels that of Christian believers in other parts of the world. Not only was it strikingly similar in manner…

Little Action on the Third Front

Freedom, democracy, personal rights, national liberties. Radical Islam is out to destroy them all. And Christianity ranks just as high on the Islamic hit list.

When Terror Is Not ‘Terror’

Does abhorrence of terrorism depend on the nationality or religion of the victim? Are some lives less precious than others, so much so that the word terrorism would not apply to murderous attacks on these…

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2002

Saturday, October 14, was another very bad day for Christians in Nigeria, West Africa. According to a CNN report, Muslim terrorists used the cover of anti-American riots, held in protest of the bombing of Osama…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2001

Until the Al-Aqsa Intifada erupted in Israel a year ago, the Arab-Christian village of Beit Jalla, just outside Bethlehem, was a quiet place overlooking Jerusalem’s Jewish suburb of Gilo.

Death of a Nation

Hosea 13:1-16: Although nations do not intentionally commit suicide, Israel was headed that way. Gross idolatry insulted the covenant relationship God had established with the Israelites, and their ingratitude toward Him for His grace and goodness had…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2001

Indonesia is a nation splashed across thousands of miles of the Indian Ocean and Java Sea in Southeast Asia. The nation is comprised of a mind-boggling 13,660 islands and ranks as the world’s fourth largest…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Voice of the Devil

It started in the Garden of Eden. His voice was soothing and persuasive; the objects of his intentions, receptive; and, as a result, we live today with some very regrettable consequences.

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2001

The supreme leader of Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban movement warned on Monday that any Afghan converting to Christianity or promoting other religions will be executed. . . . Therefore, all countrymen are seriously notified that any…

Living in a World Turning Upside Down

Wrong is right; good is evil; and Christianity is the world’s new nemesis. That’s what the new paganism preaches—and it’s turning the world upside down.

The Holocaust: Keeping Faith

Teaching about the Holocaust in conjunction with faith is often a delicate situation. It is a sensitive, difficult topic, but one with many lessons for people who want to learn about the mercy and patience…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2001

Their remains were found in the shallows of the Curaray River in the jungles of Ecuador. Crudely crafted lances protruded from the bodies of the men. A few days earlier, five young Christian missionaries…

The Making of the Diaspora

Hosea 9:1-17: One of the greatest paintings of all time is Michelangelo’s The Last Judgment. The entire work, painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel, reflects the despair of people who are marked for judgment.