The Christian Thing to Do

Many of us are becoming increasingly weary with the fatuous harping of the World Council of Churches. We can always depend on the WCC to oppose conservative Christian and traditional Judeo-Christian positions. A current example is the volley fired by the WCC’s ultraliberal executive council at a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, in May. The council declared that Israel’s actions toward the Pa

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The Christian Thing to Do

Today’s Christian Zionists love the Jewish people as Corrie ten Boom once did. And the World Council of Churches does not speak for us!

Dancing with the Devil

Like it or not, Hamas now controls the Palestinian Authority. Does this mean Israel must negotiate with terrorists? This lawyer says no.

To Build or Not to Build: Jerusalem’s Housing Controversy

Concrete jungle or luxury high-rise? The million-dollar digs going up in Jerusalem mean different things to different people.

China & Israel: Inscrutable Relations

Which way does China swing when it comes to Israel? In the past, China has fully supported the Arabs. But it may be moving in another direction.

The Politics of Sacred Space

Speaking from firsthand experience, Dr. Price explains why archaeology and the Temple Mount will always take center stage in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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