Israel My Glory

Jewish World Update Nov/Dec 2024

At the 2021 UN General Assembly, Israel’s then Prime Minister Naftali Bennett laid out a grand vision for Israel and the Middle East…

Israel’s Hope

The Battle of Gog and Magog will mark a dark time in Israel’s history. Facing a united attack from a coalition of powerful nations, Israel may feel helplessly alone…

David and Goliath

Hollywood often makes a mess of things when it takes on the Bible. Its multiple renditions of David’s battle with Goliath are frustrating…

Analyzing October 7

October 7 is going to be remembered in Israel as a mini Holocaust. Hamas, a terror organization based in Gaza, really fooled Israel…

Close up of a Jewish papyrus in a museum

The Enduring LXX

The oldest translation of the Hebrew Scriptures is called the Septuagint, usually identified as the LXX, Roman numerals that stand for 70…

Close up of a Jewish papyrus in a museum

The Jewish Tanakh

Have you ever wondered why Jesus used the phrase from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah (Mt. 23:35) when He…

The Moses Test

Remember Y2K, the colossal, highly anticipated computer catastrophe that was supposed to paralyze the universe the moment we…

Standing on the Lord’s Side

It was a dark time in the history of God’s ancient people, the Jews. Nebuchadnezzar, the mighty king of the Babylonian…

Isaiah 52:13—53:12

Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. Just as many were astonished at you, so His visage was…

Outline of Isaiah 52:13—53:12

I. THE Servant’s SUPREMACY (52:13–15) A. The Servant’s prudence (v. 13) B. The Servant praised (v. 13) C. The Servant persecuted…

From Death to Life

Population 4.18 million. Situated like a jewel by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, it beckons to tourists from around the world to enjoy its nonstop nightlife…

Three Spiritual Journeys

I was born into a Christian home and grew up learning about God and His Word. As an 8-year-old in summer Bible school…


Here are the ABCs of accepting Jesus as your Savior: A. Acknowledge and repent of your sin, realizing sin separates us from a holy and righteous God…

Until We Meet Again

It is with both sadness and joy that we announce the homegoing of our dear friend and coworker, Bob Duarte, who entered the presence of the Lord…

Jewish World Update Jan/Feb 2021

Israel’s failing El Al Airlines, suffering under $2 billion in debt, has been purchased by 27-year-old, New York-born Eli Rozenberg…

Open Doors for FOI

Larry is a lover of Israel and the Jewish people. He is also a longtime friend. I met him and his wife, Lori, many years ago when we moved to Chicago…

News Digest — 9/6/19

The US on Thursday (5th) blocked a UN Security Council statement on tensions between Israel and Hezbollah that did not single out violence by the Lebanese terror group, forcing the text to be…

Christian Persecution Sep/Oct 2019

Widespread evidence shows that “today, Christians constitute by far the most widely persecuted religion,” according to an interim report…

God & Creation

We believe God is one being in three coequal, coeternal persons. This short statement expresses the Christian definition of the Trinity, or the triunity of the Godhead…

Good Works & Salvation

We believe all human beings are sinners (Rom. 3:23), possessing active sin natures that result in our physical and spiritual deaths…

Jesus & the Word

We believe Jesus was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and was born to a virgin. The virgin birth is a crucial doctrine of the Christian faith…

Israel & the Church

We believe the unconditional covenant God made with Abraham is still in force today, and God will not cancel it. God made the unconditional covenant with Abram (Abraham), recorded in Genesis 15…

Things to Come

We believe everyone who ever lived, including unbelievers, will be bodily resurrected from the dead and receive a new, immortal body. However, not everyone will spend eternity enjoying immortality…

Jewish World Update Sep/Oct 2019

The vast majority of media coverage of anything involving Israel includes false accusations, distortion or omission of facts, or some combination thereof…

Christian Persecution Jul/Aug 2019

HYDERABAD, India—Christian persecution has grown much more severe in India, and tribal villagers are being taught that Christianity is anti-Indian…

Jewish World Update Jul/Aug 2019

A 2,600-year-old clay bulla (seal impression) bearing the name of a servant of King Josiah was uncovered inside a public building…