The Friends of Israel in Action Sep/Oct 2024
A Double Standard for God?
In the heart of Seattle’s bustling Pike Place Market, a moment of profound dialogue and revelation recently unfolded. There, Keegan Milsten, a new addition to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) as a field representative in Washington, found himself drawn into an unexpected theological debate.

As Keegan shared his faith, a Jewish man shouted at him, “You serve three gods!” With patience and respect, Keegan used this accusation of polytheism as an opportunity to engage the man and his two friends in a thought-provoking discussion.
Keegan introduced a simple yet profound analogy, comparing the human composition of body and soul to the divine mystery of the Trinity. He asked the three men if they believed in the existence of both a soul and a body within themselves.
“Yes!” the men unanimously agreed.
“Does this make each of you two separate beings?” Keegan asked.
The men were caught off guard. They explained that they believed their bodies and souls were not each 50% of their being but that their identities were both 100% body and 100% soul. Their response laid the theological groundwork to allow Keegan to address their misconception about the Trinity.
“Why, then,” Keegan questioned, “do you impose a double standard on God? If we can exist as unified beings with body and soul, why can’t God embody the Father, the Son, and the Spirit and still be one Being?” He clarified, “I don’t worship three gods; I worship one God, within whom Jesus is the second Person of the Trinity.”
Without an answer, the men turned the conversation to geopolitics, touching on the contentious issue of Israel’s war against Hamas. Again, Keegan encouraged his acquaintances to view the situation through a biblical lens, challenging their progressive views with the Torah’s teachings on the land of Israel. The discussion ended with the men deeply contemplative, if not entirely convinced.
Please pray for these three men, that they will come to know Jesus as their Messiah—God in the flesh who dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14)—and recognize the plight of their people in Israel right now. And pray for Keegan as he ministers on college campuses as a bold witness for Jesus, teaching about the important role Israel plays in God’s plan of redemption.
You can support Keegan Milsten and others like him serving in North American Ministries. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
In Canada, please give here.
Changing Israeli Lives Through Connections
Earlier this year, as the war between Hamas and Israel raged on, it became clear the conflict’s physical and mental toll on Israelis, especially young people, is a problem so big that only God can bring healing. In FOI’s International Ministries department, we’ve felt a growing burden to bring the healing love of Messiah Jesus into the lives of those feeling the weight of the world’s brokenness.

One of our Israeli field representatives, Israeli native Jael Kalisher, daughter of Pastor Meno Kalisher of the Jerusalem Assembly, has been working with exactly that purpose in mind. Her ministry, Connections, seeks to draw young Israelis to God through the gospel, music, and the beauty of His creation. Considering the despair of war so many are experiencing, Jael’s work of connecting Israelis to local church families and the life-giving hope of the gospel of Jesus is crucial.
“There is a huge gap for Israelis that needs to be bridged,” Jael explained. “The stress and mess and chaos of life for young Israelis is the opposite of living. I want my ministry to be a liaison between these young Israelis and churches and pastors.” As Israelis wrestle with the effects of the war and seek healing or an escape, Connections provides comfort, beauty, and life by shepherding people into a deeper relationship with Messiah.
Jael has a deep passion for people, music, and God’s creation. While traveling and hiking with young Israelis and sharing how the beauty of nature points us to God, she finds wide-open doors to talk with them about deep spiritual truths. Jael echoes the truth of Romans 1. “The beauty of creation points as a signpost to God,” she said. “The ultimate goal of this project is to guide people back to the heart of the Father.”
Using music to build community around these experiences, Jael creates environments where Israelis can build and strengthen true friendships, ultimately inviting them into the body of Messiah in Israel.
Our Israeli representatives have been working to share Messiah’s love with young people in Israel for years. Now, the suffering that young Israelis are enduring because of the war demonstrates why they desperately need the hope that Connections brings through Jesus.
You can support our Israeli team and other International Ministries around the world. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
In Canada, please give here.
Photos: The Friends of Israel Archives