July/August 2010

Israel and Christianity Today

How false teaching is infiltrating the church today

The late American revivalist Vance Havner warned, “We are living in the worst period of deception in history.” He feared false teaching would fool many believers and church leaders. This issue outlines the dimensions of some of the changes occurring in today’s church and reveals the great need for discernment among God’s people. It also includes valuable insights into how these changes affect our relationship with Israel.


The Downside to Assimilation

Wanting to be like everyone else often comes with a price. And sometimes, as this article shows, it’s too high to pay.

Why Christians Should Be Zionists

Today Zionism has become a dirty word. Yet if any people should be Zionists, it should be Christians. Here’s why.

Getting the Gist of J Street

A new movement is afoot to strip Israel of its Jewish identity. And, remarkably, the people propelling it are Jewish.

The Quantum Shift Toward Paganism

Eastern beliefs are infiltrating Christendom and moving it toward a one-world philosophy, the tenets of which may shock you.

Blessed Are the Intolerant

Wanting to be more “accepting” of the world, professing Christians are turning away from biblical truth. Here’s a look at the sad downward spiral.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2010

The world is a strange place. What it needs the most is often what it hates the most. Of all the countries in the world, Israel is probably the most hated. People call...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2010

A recent Arutz-7 headline read, “Ex-US Envoy Indyk: Bibi’s Refusal to Obama ‘Threatens Alliance.’” Martin Indyk apparently has left Israelis wondering just how much is actually at stake in Israel’s decision...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Writes the Last Chapter?

Just when some of the “leading lights” of the international diplomatic community thought progress might be brewing in the quest to tame the Iranian mullocracy through UN sanctions, the lid...

A More Perfect Union Jul/Aug 2010

It all started when the Christian Legal Society (CLS), a fellowship group of Christian law students and lawyers, sought official recognition at the Hastings Law School, a part of the California...

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2010

Sometimes statistics are not enough. Those of us who report on the persecution of our brothers and sisters in Christ in so many parts of the world live in a constant...

The Emergents Are Emerging

The emergent/emerging movement is barely over a decade old (depending on when one marks its birth), and already it has splintered and morphed in many directions. As a result, it is often...

Z Street: The Zionist Answer to J Street

Not all American Jews are happy with J Street. In fact, in July 2009 Lori Lowenthal Marcus cofounded a rebuttal: Z Street. “The Z stands for Zionism,” she said in a telephone...

An Interview with Daniel Pipes

I think it is. There are three components to it. The first is demographic. Indigenous Europeans are not having enough children by about one-third. You need 2.1 children per woman...

‘Re-Imagining’ God

Although some attribute the emerging pagan worldview to the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and early ’70s, the professing church actually shifted toward paganism in 1993 with the first and now-infamous...

Excerpts From Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Jerusalem Day Speech

“For Zion’s sake, I will not be silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be still, until her righteousness emanates like bright light, and her salvation blazes like a torch” (Isa. 62:1)...

Turning Their Backs on a Jewish Israel

Eleven years ago, Israeli-born Meyrav Wurmser, then-executive director of the distinguished Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), wrote an article titled “Can Israel Survive Post-Zionism?” Israel, she said, was “in the midst...

Replacement Theology:
The Black Sheep of Christendom Part Three

Until the fourth century, Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire. Although Replacement Theology had overtaken the church and metastasized into anti-Semitism, the church had no authority to do anything...

Anti-Jewish Church Edicts

The following is a sampling of the edicts and canon laws the organized church issued against Jewish people. This order is intended to keep Jews and Christians apart. It forbade...

Christ’s Heavenly Ministry Hebrews 9:23–28

Under the Levitical system, animal blood could only cover sin, never remove it. However, Christ’s blood was sufficient and efficacious to redeem mankind and remove sin. The remaining verses of Hebrews 9...

Specific Reasons for God’s Anger and Wrath Part Three

The two previous articles presented specific reasons for God’s wrath against Israel. Now we will focus on specific reasons for God’s wrath against other nations. Because all nations fail to acknowledge...

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama has threatened to impose his own solution to the Middle East problem, which “the Israelis won’t appreciate,” if Israel and the Palestinians fail to settle the situation...

Zvi Jul/Aug 2010

For many days I had been asking myself, How do I find people like me, who survived the Holocaust, so that I may bring them the gospel of Christ? Speaking...

Daily News from Israel

What Was in Sinwar’s Underground Bunker?

Last week, Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF forces in Rafah. Find out the conditions of the Hamas leader’s living arrangements underground!

News Digest — 10/22/24

Approximately five rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon toward central Israel early Tuesday morning (22nd), the IDF confirmed...

News Digest — 10/21/24

On Sunday night (20th), the IAF conducted a series of targeted, intelligence-based strikes against dozens of facilities and sites used by the Hezbollah...

News Digest — 10/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday (17th) following the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar...

News Digest — 10/17/24

Syrian State media said Thursday (17th) that an Israeli airstrike hit the coastal city of Latakia, targeting a weapons depot according to a war monitor...

News Digest — 10/16/24

After a week of quiet, Israel Air Force jets struck the Dahieh neighborhood of southern Beirut on Wednesday morning (16th)...

Israel at War: Week 53

US Gives Israel 30 Days to Address Gaza Aid Crisis, Threatens to Curb Weapons Supply; “Letter from Blinken and Austin lists series of demands...


Senior Director of Standards and Practices at CBS News reminded employees to be cautious when it comes to speaking about this ancient Israeli city...

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