September/October 2003

The Jewish Wars


How Important Is 
the Temple Mount Controversy?

Irrefutable evidence validates Judaism’s claim to the Temple Mount. But Muslims are rewriting history, and the final result could be devastating.

Standing Firm for God

The Jews called him a madman. He called himself a god. And his determination to eradicate Judaism led to the Maccabean Revolt.

Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem

Jerusalem was one of the largest cities in the ancient world. And its destruction
in A.D. 70 involved one of Judaism’s greatest tragedies.

Israel’s Falling Star

Some called him Simon, “son of a star.” They thought him the Messiah. But Bar Kokhba’s victories didn’t turn out as they had anticipated.

Masada: The Final Fortress

Herod’s desert hideout was so lavish
and self-sufficient that it appeared impenetrable. But appearances can be deceiving.

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More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2003

Recently The Friends of Israel joined the Jewish community in a solidarity rally for Israel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. By our presence we sought to demonstrate that, as Bible-believing Christians, we are loyal friends...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Reliving the Thirties

The struggle over suppressing discrimination in Western societies is an ongoing problem that will grow with the ever-increasing influx of third-world minorities into more affluent nations. Additionally, judicial decisions that grant...

Workmen’s Circle

The children of Israel provided an interesting name for the heavenly bread sent to them from the Lord. They called it manna, which means “What is it?” (Ex. 16:15). The same question is asked today...

Hope for the Hopeless in Argentina

Argentina is a beautiful country, rich in tradition and extremely hospitable to guests from foreign lands. But the Argentina so many knew and loved to visit in years past shows a different face these days...

Declaring Nineveh’s Destruction

Nahum 1:1-15: In the days of the prophet Nahum, Nineveh was at the height of its glory. Its influence through trade, culture, and political conquest extended from Egypt to the Persian Gulf. The city was built by Nimrod...

God is Sovereign Part Three

Previously we saw that God exercises sovereign rule over the universe, angels, and history. Now we will examine God’s sovereign rule over the nations. Assertions of Sovereignty.The Bible records assertions of God’s sovereignty over the nations. God...

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2003

Christians in Nigeria, Africa, breathed a deep sigh of relief when the vote tallies from the April presidential elections were announced. A large majority of Nigerians reelected President Olusegun Obasanjo, a born-again Christian, over his Muslim...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2003

When Israel, in accordance with its agreement with the new Palestinian government, pulled Israel Defense Forces troops out of Bethlehem recently, many residents of the Jerusalem suburb of Gilo feared the worst. And they...

The Seeker Conclusion

It isn’t a good time to be Jewish these days. In Israel, Jews are being murdered almost daily by Arabs determined to remove them from the tiny sliver of land they still have left in the Middle East...

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2003

Had she been Palestinian, the entire world would be up in arms. But she was Israeli, so no one even noticed when seven-year-old Noam Liebowitz was shot to death while riding in her family car...

Zvi Sep/Oct 2003

We are again approaching Yom Kippur, this most solemn of days, when people ask the Lord to forgive their sins. And what is more, they are so sure that when they come with their “sacrifices,” their sins...

Daily News from Israel

Israel At War: Week 48

As school begins across the country, college campuses face the prospect of another year of anti-Israel protests, calls for divestment, and threats of violence...

News Digest — 9/9/24

A series of alleged Israeli strikes hit multiple areas in central Syria late Sunday (8th), killing at least five people, wounding 19 and sparking fires...

News Digest — 9/6/24

Hezbollah is supplying arms to terror groups in Shechem (Nablus) as the Iran-backed terror group also extends its influence in the...

Israel At War: Week 47

Over the weekend, six hostages, including one American, were found dead by the Israel Defense Forces, execution style in southern Gaza...

News Digest — 9/5/24

In a series of unprecedented nighttime airstrikes, the IDF targeted multiple armed groups in the West Bank city of Tubas, killing five terrorists...

News Digest — 9/4/24

Increased terror activity by Hamas in Judea and Samaria, amid heightened efforts by Iran to mobilize weapons and other resources into the region, has fueled...

News Digest — 9/3/24

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) eliminated on Tuesday (3rd) Ahmed Gozi Nazer Muhammad Wadia, the commander of the Nukhba company who oversaw the...

News Digest — 8/30/24

The Israeli security cabinet  voted overwhelmingly Thursday night (29th) to back Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position in favor of...

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