News Digest — 9/17/24

Cabinet Approves New War Goal: Returning Residents Of The North To Their Homes

The political security cabinet updated the goals of the war at its meeting Monday night (16th), adding the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes as a stated goal, the Prime Minister’s Office announced early Tuesday morning (17th).  “Israel will continue to act to implement this objective,” the PMO said.

Up until now, almost a year since Hezbollah began attacking Israel in support of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the return of the residents of the north to their homes has not been defined as one of the goals of the war, even though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated this after the assassination of senior Hezbollah official Fuad Shukr in Beirut.  

Netanyahu has also signaled in recent days that Israeli patience has run out, as exchanges of fire in the north and the launches toward the communities of the Galilee continue unabated.  In a security-strategic discussion that took place on Thursday (12th) with the participation of the prime minister, the heads of the defense establishment and ministers Gallant, Katz, Smotrich and Dermer, Netanyahu said, “The situation in the north cannot continue.  We need to change the balance and we must return the residents home.  This will not be done without changing the balance against Hezbollah.  The IDF should prepare for a broad campaign in Lebanon.”

Meanwhile, officials in the security system are warning that the escalation in the north could turn into a regional war, which will not necessarily help in the return of the residents who were evacuated from their homes.



Hamas Chief Tells Yemen’s Houthis Their Latest Attack Sent A Message To Israel

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar has congratulated  the Yemeni Houthi group for its missile attack on Israel and said this sent a message to their foe, the Houthi Al- Masirah TV reported on Monday (16th).

The Iran-aligned Houthis, who control northern Yemen, reached central Israel with a missile on Sunday (15th) for the first time, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to say Israel  would inflict a “heavy price on them.”

”I congratulate you on your success in reaching the depth of the enemy entity,” Sinwar said in a letter to Houthi terrorist group leader Abdel-Malek al-Houthi.

Sinwar is leading Hamas in the war against Israel in the Gaza Strip, now in its 12th month.

The Hamas chief said that Israel’s plans to neutralize the terrorist group had failed.

“I assure you that the resistance is fine.  We have prepared ourselves to fight a long battle of attrition,” he said.

Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said the group struck Israel with a new hypersonic ballistic missile that traveled 1270 miles in just 11-1/2 minutes.

An Israeli military official said the missile was hit by an interceptor and fragmented in the air.  Missile pieces landed in fields and near a railway station.  There were no direct casualties but nine people were lightly hurt while seeking cover.



Report: Houthi Terrorists Preparing For Ground Invasion Of Israel

Houthi terrorists may be gearing up for a ground invasion of Israel, despite their origin in Yemen some 1,240 miles away, warned an Israel analyst in a Hebrew-language column on Monday (16th).

Haggai Huberman, a journalist and political commentator, argued that Israeli defense officials should prepare for the “real” threat of infiltration by Houthi fighters.

“The security establishment should understand that the Houthis are seriously aiming to carry out a ground attack against Israel, also as part of their response to Israel’s attack on the port of Al-Hudaydah,” Huberman wrote in a report for Arutz Sheva.

Huberman explained that in recent months, Houthi terrorists have traveled from Yemen to Syria and Jordan, which both share a border with Israel.

Disguised as civilians, some 50 Houthis were said to have reached Iraq in August.  They were then smuggled over the Syrian border by pro-Iran militias, according to this report.

These operatives reportedly are trained to launch missiles and operate explosive drones, and may be gearing up to launch a limited ground invasion of Israel from Syria or Lebanon.

Later in August, Hebrew-language media reported that Jordan secretly warned Israel that dozens of Houthis had landed in Amman, and were planning to infiltrate the Jewish State via its eastern border.

The Houthis ground forces in Yemen consist of tens of thousands of fighters, who have battle experience from fighting in Yemen’s civil war and against Saudi Arabia.

Notably, the Houthis have released videos demonstrating their fighters engaging in exercises that evoke the October 7 massacres, including invading Israeli army bases, rampaging through civilian villages, and taking hostages.

The videos were accompanied by a caption explaining that the Houthis are preparing for a “war of victory and holy jihad” against the Jewish State.

“We must be prepared and not surprised again, as we were on October 7, 2023,” Huberman concluded.



Netanyahu To Address UN Amid Rising Middle East Tensions

Amid heightened tensions in the Middle East, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the United Nations General Assembly next week.

He will depart for New York next Tuesday (24th) to meet with world leaders on the sidelines of the assembly followed by his address on Friday afternoon (27th).

Netanyahu’s 11th appearance at the UN comes as the Palestinian Authority is pushing for sweeping measures against Israel, including calls for an arms embargo and sanctions.

A draft resolution circulated by the PA urges Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria within six months and calls for the removal of approximately 500,000 Israeli citizens living in these territories.

In response, Foreign Minister Israel Katz has instructed his team to prepare retaliatory measures if the PA violates the Oslo Accords.  These reportedly range from freezing funds to cutting security ties with Ramallah.

While the exact content of Netanyahu’s speech remains to be seen, it is likely to cover several key areas.

Besides outlining Israel’s historical right to Judea and Samaria, the Prime Minister will likely provide updates on Israel’s humanitarian efforts in Gaza as well as its efforts in dismantling Iran’s regional terror proxies.

As in previous years, Netanyahu’s speech is expected to touch on the Abraham Accords and prospects for further peace deals, possibly hinting at progress with Saudi Arabia.

Israeli technological  innovations in fields like water conservation, agriculture, and medicine are expected  to be highlighted as well.



Israel’s UN Ambassador Demands Action Against Iran, Condemns Silence On Hamas Attacks

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon discussed next week’s General Assembly in a Sunday (15th) Fox News interview with Eric Shawn.

“Israel, as you see, continues to be under siege by the enemies of humanity,” Shawn said.  “How does the prime minister respond to this and the increasing threat from the Mullahs in Tehran?”

“Only a few hours ago, we got a reminder from the Iranians about the situation we are facing,” Danon responded, “and it’s all connected to Iran.  The Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas militias in Syria are conducting a war against Israel.  They are using their proxies.  And in April they attacked us directly.  I think it’s about time that the international community takes action against Iran.”

 Danon said it was ‘absurd’ that when leaders arrive for the UN General Assembly—which will be held in New York on September 27—many of them will deliver speeches calling for peace, but no action will be taken once the assembly ends.   

“No condemnation, no sanctions against Iran, no actions.”

Danon told Shawn that this lack of action has allowed Iran to feel emboldened in their actions.  “They are taking advantage of that while the world’s attention is on what’s happening in Gaza, and Ukraine, and not what’s happening in Iran today.”

When asked what he’d like to hear at the assembly, Danon corrected that it wasn’t what he wanted but what he demanded.

“I demand to have a condemnation about what happened to us 11 months ago,” he said, reminding Shawn that there has been no official condemnation by the General Assembly or the Security Council in the year since the October 7 attacks, nor a call for the release of the hostages.

“How can you come and speak about world peace after what we have suffered 11 months ago?  And the world continues to ignore that.  So I expect every leader that comes here to say out loud that he condemns Hamas and to call for official condemnation of the UN.”

Shawn noted that the International Energy Agency has indicated that Iran has reached a 50% level of uranium enrichment, needing 90% for a nuclear bomb.  He then quoted Senator Lindsey Graham, who said, “I’ve never been more worried about a nuclear breakout by Iran than I am right now.  I’ve never been more worried about another 9/11 against America than I am right now.”

On the subject of Israel defending itself against a potentially nuclear Iran, Danon expressed confidence in Israel’s ability to prevent this scenario.

“Nuclear Iran is not only a threat to Israel, it’s a threat to the stability of the Middle East,” he said,  “and the entire world.  You know today, with technology and drones, including ballistic missiles, they can reach the US –  they can reach Europe.  So we expect more from the international community.  I assume we will be in the front lane, like always, but we will need the support of the US and other allies.”

The two began delving into the topic of a full-scale war against Iran, as Shawn pointed out that Iran has been building intercontinental ballistic missiles.

What if Iran has, as the IAEA apparently says, a potential of, you know, 13 nuclear bombs three months from now?” Shawn asked.

Danon reiterated his belief that Western democracies need to stand firm against Iran and understand that this is more than just talk.

“You know, when Hamas threatened to invade Israel, and I spoke about it at the UN, people ignored it – the same with Hezbollah,” he said.  “And today, when the Iranians are threatening not only Israel but also the US, we better believe them.  We better take it seriously.”

Finally Shawn asked Danon his thoughts on the apparent ‘victim blaming’ that is prevalent in the pro-Palestinian community, as protesters consistently blame Israel for October 7.

“I think it’s outrageous,” Danon said.  “Our boys and girls were kidnapped and raped and murdered.  So I don’t understand that.  And to see demonstrations with Hamas flags in the streets of New York, that’s outrageous.”  

As Shawn thanked Danon for his time, he closed out the interview with the final words, “The majority of Americans stand with Israel and indeed do pray for Israel.”



US Bill To Abolish Term ‘West Bank’ In Official Documents

A landmark bill introduced in the US Congress seeks to redefine the terminology used for the contested territories between Israel and Jordan.  Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney is spearheading  the “Recognizing Judea and Samaria Act” that would officially refer to the area commonly referred to as the West Bank as “Judea and Samaria,” underscoring its historical significance to the Jewish people.

Tenney explained her intent to promote legislation that would recognize the region as “the historic homeland of the Jewish people.”  The bill is currently gathering support and signatures from House members and is expected to be formally introduced soon.

Recently, Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, led a delegation to Washington, partly to secure funding for security enhancements in Samaria and for settlement projects.  During his visit, Dagan met with Tenney, the New York representative pushing this unprecedented resolution, and they agreed to collaborate on advancing the proposal.

In their discussion, Tenney emphasized the importance of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.  

“Greetings from the US to the wonderful people who live in Samaria,” she told Dagan.  “I have supported you and I will continue to support you.  My bill will require that we refer to Judea and Samaria as the region that is the historic homeland of the Jewish people, not the ‘West Bank.’  We will continue to fight for your historical roots and relevance.  May God bless all of you.  We’re thinking of you and praying for Israel.”

  Following their meeting, Dagan reached out to congressional members with strong ties to Samaria, seeking their support in passing the proposal.  He stated, “One of the major challenges facing Israel and Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria is the terminology used.  The name ‘West Bank’ coined by global opinion leaders, politicians, and journalists, implies that the area rightfully belongs to Jordan.”

“The authentic, biblical, and original name is ‘Judea and Samaria’ and for good reason.  This is the land from which the people were exiled and to which we returned after two millennia.  The promotion of the term ‘West Bank’  is partly an attempt to deny our rightful claim to the area and the unbreakable  bond between the Jewish people and Judea and Samaria.”
