A Long, Hot Summer

I once asked a friend of mine in counter-terrorism what the next form that terror attacks might take. I never expected the following: Car ramming, knife attacks, and now, balloons. Hamas and other terror groups are using flammable material in balloons to attack Israeli citizens. They renewed their attacks on August 6.

Two suspected explosive devices were found Sunday in southern Israel, “as balloon attacks continued throughout the day,” according to an Eshkol Regional Council official. The devices were found, one near a playground and one landed in a tree. Currently, at least 28 fires have ignited from either incendiary explosive devices (an ied) or flammable material within the balloon. These attacks have caused both “environmental and property damage in the region.”

Additionally, a rocket from Gaza landed in one Israeli home causing the owner to remark, “”It’s a miracle we’re okay.” Shlomo Malken said, “We did not hear the alarm at all, we were awoken by the explosion. It was very scary, but luckily no one was hurt.” It’s possible the damage to the house came from either a rocket destroyed by an Iron Dome strike or from an unexploded rocket.

Whether with balloons or rockets Israel’s enemies want nothing more than to destroy Israel. However, the attacks will only lead to a stronger resolve and determination to survive and to thrive.

(Source: The Times of Israel)