Abbas Refuses Tax Refunds from Israel

Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority has rejected all tax revenue payments given to them by Israel. The decision to reject more than $222 million every month comes in response to Israel withholding part of the payment over Abbas’ choice to pay Palestinian attackers and their families.

There was a statistic done that showed that 91% of Palestinians agree with Abbas that Palestinian attackers, Palestinian terrorists, and their families should be paid for the act that they do, which is just mind boggling to me. But the other part is this, is that president Abbas rejecting $222 million every month could financially cripple his people. Over what? Paying Palestinian attackers and their families. This is poor leadership on the part of Abbas and all of this is happening just as the US has ordered banks to withhold sending money to the Palestinian Authority. I hope Abbas can see that his decisions are going to have serious ramifications for his people.