Answering the Critics

Kenneth Jacobson puts the Amnesty UK report released last Tuesday under the spotlight and shows its glaring weaknesses. He rightly notes the primary weakness of the report as “the proposition that a Jewish state is, by definition, illegitimate. All of which ignores so much history and reality that it boggles the mind.” He shows some of that history and reality when he says that “the United Nations resolution of 1947 recognized those Jewish connections and rights and also recognized the rights of Palestinians living there as well. Therefore it called for two states for two peoples, a decision which Israel accepted and the Arabs did not.” Leading to the War of Independence, which Israel won.

In its victory, Israel recognized the rights of both Jews and Arabs to co-exist in “the Jewishness of the state while offering protection of its democratic values to all of its citizens, seeking respect for the state’s Jewish character and for its minorities.”

He concludes his analysis on the report with this statement, “Amnesty has ill served the Middle East and its own commitment to human rights.”

Any supporter and ally of Israel will agree with his answer to this misleading and maligning report.

(Source: The Times of Israel Blogs)