April/May 1995

Remembering the Holocaust


Holocaust: A Christian Atrocity?

And so I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord (Adolf Hitler, August 13, 1920).

Denying the Dead

It has often been said that truth is stranger than fiction. That is certainly the case when studying the writings of those who deny the occurrence of the Holocaust.

Gentiles Who Dared to Save Jews

Why risk your life to save Jews? It was obvious that the easiest and safest position was to be complacent about Hitler’s obsession to annihilate the Jewish race.

Are There Horns Under That Hat?

Several years ago there was a TV series called Little House on the Prairie. One of the show’s characters, a youngster named Albert, became friendly with an elderly Jewish man.

The Foundation of Faith

This is the introductory article in a series presenting the doctrines contained in the Bible. The word doctrine comes from the Latin term doctrina, which means “instruction, education, learning.”

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More In This Issue

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Specter of the Holocaust

“We still have the option of Jihad.” These were the words of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat after three Palestinians were killed when Israeli soldiers returned fire leveled at them in the Gaza Strip.

Holocaust: It’s An Old Story

The specter of the Holocaust has ranged across the face of the centuries in an unrelenting effort to destroy the nation of Israel and its people. But always, in spite of the worst that devils...

Israel in the News Apr/May 1995

The US has received signals from 18 Arab states that they will make peace with Israel once it and Syria have struck an accord, sources in the Clinton administration and outside it have told the...

Tenach, Torah, & Targum

The Torah is the foundation stone for the Jewish people. Inspired by God and written by Moses, it has been central to Jewish life since its inception.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The infamous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are referred to a number of times in this issue of Israel My Glory. Peddling the venomous fabrications of the Protocols has been the stock-in-trade of anti-Semitic...

Surviving the Holocaust

Ten-year-old Henryk stood in the window looking out for a long time. In the courtyard below he could see small children playing games. The gate through which his mother had left the orphanage seemed disproportionately...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 7/26/24

An Israeli military officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds...

News Digest — 7/25/24

At least three Israeli men were hurt on Thursday (25th) in a terror attack on the West Bank.  The three were shot from a passing car...

News Digest — 7/24/24

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to present a new plan to combat Iran’s regional aggression...

Olympic “Games Wide Open” (Unless You’re Israeli!)

Israel's athletes are cautiously preparing for the Summer Olympics in Paris but have already been met with anti-Semitic opposition...

News Digest — 7/23/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Plane, Wings of Zion, Landed In the U.S. Monday night (22nd) at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington DC...

Israel at War: Week 41

Over the weekend Israel retaliated on Yemen’s Houthis, a militant minority, that launched a drone attack on Tel Aviv...

News Digest — 7/22/24

The IDF on Saturday (20th) struck Houthi military targets and enemy infrastructure at the port of Hudaydah in western Yemen...

News Digest — 7/19/24

A drone attack was allegedly carried out on Ben Yehuda Street on the corner of Shalom Aleichem near the US Consulate after loud...

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