January/February 2012

The Book of Esther

How one woman’s obedience preserved a nation

Two hard choices lay before Esther. She could let her people perish, or she could risk her life to approach the king to save her people. This issue explores the book of Esther and how it applies to world events and our lives today. It also includes an inside look into the joyous holiday of Purim.


Where Have All the Christians Gone?

Freedom. Democracy. Have these truly been the result of the so-called Arab Spring? Not for Christians, who appear to be in even bigger trouble than they were in before.

The Megillah Begins Esther 1—3

Almost 2,500 years ago, a Persian official wanted to wipe the Jewish people off the map. Sound contemporary? It’s in the book of Esther, where the story begins.

How the Megillah Ends Esther 6—10

Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot.” So says one of America’s popular comic-book superheroes. He could have added, “And they’re a proud lot, too.” Most villains are proud and arrogant...

Haman’s Main Problem Esther 5

Haman had it all. Yet Mordecai’s refusal to bow to him ruined everything, as far as he was concerned. That’s because he had two problems many still have today.

The Holiday of Purim

Fun, fun, fun! That’s the theme of the Jewish holiday of Purim. Special foods, floats, costumes. Learn how people celebrate today, both in the United States and Israel.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2012

The world is filled with travesties of justice, and among the worst is the demonization of Israel. Yet Israel wants peace, and almost all its neighbors want...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jan/Feb 2012

Did spring really come early for Arabs in the Middle East last year? Many believe so. Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak was forced out after decades of ruthless rule...

Silhouette of man speaking.

In God We Trust—or Not

For people who doubt there is a war against God and Christianity in America, here is something to disabuse them of that notion. Last year, U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson...

Esther Fragment Survives Holocaust

In October 1940, the Nazis established the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland, where they forced all Jewish people in Warsaw and surrounding towns to live. They crammed an estimated 400,000 Jews...

Dear Court: Clean Up Your Mess!

Do you remember as a child being told to pick up your room? Most of us do. There are advantages to orderliness. And when it comes to our most fundamental liberties...

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2012

Imagine your 12-year-old daughter or granddaughter is on her way home from school. Several men jump out of a van and abduct her. Then they beat and rape her every day for months...

Dilemma and Decisions Esther 4

Ever been between a rock and a hard place, as the saying goes? It’s that terrible situation in which both choices that lie before you are bad. Queen Esther faced...

The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology Part Three

If Replacement Theology is true, then certainly God has an opinion about it—one He states clearly and teaches visibly in Scripture. Conversely, if it is not plainly taught, then Replacement Theology...

Why I Am a Pretribulation Rapturist

There are five views concerning the Rapture: pretribulation (pretrib), midtribulation (midtrib), posttribulation (posttrib), partial Rapture, and prewrath. Pretrib says the church will be raptured before...

Excuses, Excuses

Some people object to studying prophecy because they claim it is “too deep” and difficult to understand. Nonsense. For example, in Revelation 6:2, the apostle John wrote, “And I looked...

How to Have Faith

What is faith? How do you know if you have it? Will it do what you hope it will do? People exercise faith every day without realizing it. They go to doctors...

The Accomplishments of Faith

Hebrews 11:32–40: The beginning of Hebrews 11 describes faith. Then it systematically illustrates it in the lives of those who lived before the patriarchal period until Israel crossed the Jordan River...

The Love and Mercy of God Part Three

Previously we examined characteristics of God’s mercy or lovingkindness as revealed in the Old Testament. Now we will focus on God’s mercy in the New Testament. God’s mercy is expressed through three clusters...

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2012

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood held a “kill the Jews” rally in Cairo in November. Thousands attended, promising to “one day kill all the Jews” and wage war against Jerusalem’s “Judaization.” The rally...

Zvi Jan/Feb 2012

I have lived in the same neighborhood in Jerusalem for 37 years. Most of the people here know me, and we are good friends. But some people do not like me because...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 12/20/24

Hours after the Israel Defense Forces carried out intense airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday (19th) that...

News Digest — 12/19/24

In a significant escalation against Houthi aggression, Israeli Air Force fighter jets conducted an extensive overnight operation Thursday morning...

News Digest — 12/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday (17th) visited Mount Hermon with Defense Minister Israel Katz, Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Northern Command...

News Digest — 12/17/24

Defense Minister Israel Katz clarified his position regarding Israel’s involvement in the Gaza Strip following the war, in a Tuesday (17th) post on X...

News Digest — 12/16/24

An Israeli naval destroyer early on Monday morning (16th) intercepted a drone over the Red Sea that was launched by...

News Digest — 12/13/24

Defense Minister Israel Katz instructed the IDF to remain in conquered areas of the Hermon during the winter months...

News Digest — 12/12/24

A young boy was fatally shot and several people wounded in a terror attack targeting a Jerusalem bound bus in the West Bank...

News Digest — 12/11/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a warning message Tuesday evening (10th) to the new regime that will take power in Syria...

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