July/August 2003

Names of God


Never Forget

From Masada to YadVashem to Arlington National Cemetery is a long road indeed. But how much has really changed? Less than you would think.


Joshua called Yahweh “Lord of all the earth.” The word Lord in Hebrew is Adonai. And it speaks of the absolute lordship of the God of the universe.

I Am That I Am

What is the Tetragrammaton? Ancient Jewish sages considered it too holy to utter. Yet it is God’s covenant name— and belongs to Him alone.

The Sweetest Name I Know

Some say Yeshua. Others say Jesus. Either way, it is the name of Almighty God. And it has a special significance.

Baruch Ha Shem

Elohim appears more than 2,500 times in the Old Testament. It is powerful, plural, and used by two divine personalities.

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More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2003

If you were to shop in Norway today, you would see all Israeli products clearly identified as being from Israel. They are being singled out, not to make them easier to purchase, but to make...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Potholes in the Road Map

Just how difficult it will be to negotiate the much-ballyhooed “road map” to peace in the Middle East was summed up by Israel’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon, after the Israeli cabinet recently approved the plan...

Serving the Double Standard

An issue is festering in the road map process that cannot be overlooked and certainly should not be honored. It is the insistence of the Palestinians and their Arab mentors that millions of “refugees” be...

The Other Names of God

Biblical names are usually significant. Unlike the common practice today, ancient names were usually chosen for a specific reason. People were not as concerned with how a name sounded or what others thought...

Play Ball!

Sports radio, a relative newcomer in the arena known as talk radio, is a result of the mutual admiration between professional athletes and the fans who watch them. The last names of the people who produce...

Who Is a God Like the Lord!

Micah 7:1-20: Micah’s grief over the deterioration of Judean society is poignantly expressed in this final chapter. The prophet lamented Judah’s sinful condition, knowing that the nation could not go unpunished. In the midst of sorrow...

God is Sovereign Part Two

Webster’s New International Dictionary defines the adjective sovereign as follows: “Supreme or highest in power; superior in position to all others,” and “Independent of, and unlimited by, any other; possessing, or entitled to, original...

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2003

They call them “chop squares,” execution sites usually outside mosques where the condemned meet their deaths at the hands of a sword-wielding executioner. For people found guilty of any of the following— murder, rape, armed...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2003

A former U.S. ambassador to an obscure Third World nation recently contributed his opinion on TV as to why the spate of terror attacks in the wake of the war in Iraq. His remarks postulated...

The Seeker Part One

King Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs and fifteen hundred songs (1 Ki. 4:32). The epitome of the philosopher-king, he was unequaled in wealth and wisdom, and his fame spread throughout the world. He ruled during...

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2003

“I’m telling you frankly, the attitude of Islam is not to accept a foreign state in this area.” So said senior Hamas spokesman Mahmoud a-Zahar on the BBC. He later met with Palestinian Authority (PA)...

Zvi Jul/Aug 2003

The ninth day of the month of Av is drawing near (August 7). So the people of Israel come to the Western (Wailing) Wall, weeping night and day and reading the book of Lamentations, asking...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 7/26/24

An Israeli military officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds...

News Digest — 7/25/24

At least three Israeli men were hurt on Thursday (25th) in a terror attack on the West Bank.  The three were shot from a passing car...

News Digest — 7/24/24

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to present a new plan to combat Iran’s regional aggression...

Olympic “Games Wide Open” (Unless You’re Israeli!)

Israel's athletes are cautiously preparing for the Summer Olympics in Paris but have already been met with anti-Semitic opposition...

News Digest — 7/23/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Plane, Wings of Zion, Landed In the U.S. Monday night (22nd) at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington DC...

Israel at War: Week 41

Over the weekend Israel retaliated on Yemen’s Houthis, a militant minority, that launched a drone attack on Tel Aviv...

News Digest — 7/22/24

The IDF on Saturday (20th) struck Houthi military targets and enemy infrastructure at the port of Hudaydah in western Yemen...

News Digest — 7/19/24

A drone attack was allegedly carried out on Ben Yehuda Street on the corner of Shalom Aleichem near the US Consulate after loud...

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