A Palestinian State: How to Lose and Still Come Out a Winner
It used to be that winners were winners and losers were losers, and to the victor went the spoils. Not today, particularly when it comes to Israel. See for yourself.
Leaning on His Word
What does every believer need but doesn’t want, has but doesn’t know what to do with? The answer is trials. We don’t want them, but we have them. When we have them...
The Uniqueness of God’s Word
The Bible was written by 40 different men over 1,600 years. How do we know it’s God’s Word? Read this article and find out!
Fortress of Faith, Castles of Sand
Christianity in America is under attack as never before. The press is particularly hostile. But the source of other threats may surprise you.
The Power of God’s Word
The Bible is not merely another book. It has the power to transform lives. If you don’t believe it, this article is definitely for you!
More In This Issue
From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2011
I look forward to meeting Dr. Haldor Lillenas in heaven someday. This pastor/evangelist was a prolific writer of some 4,000 hymns and sacred songs extolling the Bible as God’s Word...
Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2011
A different atmosphere has emerged in Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak’s departure. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Iran are no longer viewed with disdain; and Hamas has an office in Cairo.
Bowing to the Bad Guys
A recent report that Guantanamo’s Muslim detainees have convinced the U.S. prison not to fly the American flag where they can see it is consistent with the inexplicable descent into the absurd...
Being Right in a Rough World
When the news first broke that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan, television captured images of college students celebrating in Washington, DC, and National Public Radio gave unenlightened coverage...
They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2011
Muslims Murder a Convert. Two Muslim extremists in Somalia murdered a member of a secret Christian community in Lower Shabele region in April as part of a campaign to rid the country...
Gaining Perspective
Even in the best of times, life can get you down. Perhaps that is why the Psalms are particularly suited to comfort people going through tough times. Who hasn’t been comforted...
God Was in Our Boat
One of my favorite sites in Israel is the Sea of Galilee. It’s a great experience to take a boat ride across its calm and quiet waters. Although we know...
Scrolls, Scripture, and the Savior
You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me (Jn. 5:39). Housed in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem is a curious...
Happy Birthday, KJV! 400 Years
May 2, 2011, commemorated a special day in printing history. It was the 400th anniversary of the first printing of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, one of the most beloved...
Keeping Up With False Teaching
Throughout history God sounded the alarm to His people to be on guard for false teachers. The Torah warns of false prophets (Dt. 18:20–22). The Gospels warn of wolves dressed...
The Father of Faith Hebrews 11:8–22
Now the book of Hebrews moves from the faith of men before the flood to the faith of men in the patriarchal period. The author uses Abraham’s faith to illustrate...
The Love of God Conclusion
In Titus 3:3 the apostle Paul presented a graphic description of unsaved man’s fallen disposition. He wrote to Titus, “We ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures...
Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2011
In August it will be six years since 10,000 Jews were expelled from 21 beautiful communities in Gush Katif/Gaza and the Shomron (Samaria). Most still live in trailer towns like Nitzan...
Zvi Jul/Aug 2011
Something happened recently that was hard even for me to believe. But as we say here in Israel, “When God wills it, everything is possible.” Not long ago my wife was in the hospital.
Daily News from Israel
News Digest — 1/10/25
Minister of Defense Israel Katz has instructed the IDF to present him with a plan for the total defeat of Hamas in Gaza if the terror organization does not...
News Digest — 1/9/25
Israeli officials affirmed Wednesday (8th) that the military would not withdraw from its positions in southern Lebanon unless...
An Apartheid State That Is 21% Arab?!
The Jerusalem Post reports that Israel’s population reached 10 million people before the end of 2024...
News Digest — 1/8/25
As the IDF has returned to northern Gaza to battle Hamas, Israel’s military admits that many of the terrorists they are fighting are new recruits...
Israel at War: Week 65
The United States has been one of the best allies of Israel and Israel has been one of our best allies in the Middle East. Yet the U.S. has been a hindrance...
News Digest — 1/7/25
IDF Chief of Staff LTG Herzi Halevi on Monday (6th) arrived at the scene of the shooting attack near Al-Funduk, and conducted a situational assessment...
News Digest — 1/6/25
Two women in their 60s and a man in his 40s were killed and seven others were wounded in a shooting terror attack near Kedumim in the West Bank...
News Digest — 1/3/25
Sirens were activated across central Israel and in Jerusalem around 4:30 a.m. Friday (3rd) after a ballistic missile was launched at the country from Yemen...