March/April 2004

Jesus & the 1st Century Jews


Anti-Zionism or Anti-Semitism—By Any Name, The Game’s the Same

No matter how attractively you wrap garbage, it still reeks. And despite clever repackaging, “anti-Zionism” still smells like Hitler’s “final solution.”

The Second Jerusalem Council

Church split are words that make us shudder. A split almost occurred in the early church. See how the church avoided it and grew instead.

The Shepherd’s Love

Some people think Jesus criticized the Jewish people because He did not love them. But they have gotten things all wrong.

Bait for Hate

For millennia Gentiles have used the New Testament as an excuse to hate Jewish people. Furthermore, many of them misin- terpret the Bible.

The Importance of Considering the Source

If you think Jesus was hard on the Jewish leaders, you should read the Old Testament prophets. And then remember, it’s all in the family.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2004

In traveling to Israel recently on a solidarity tour with representatives of our nearby Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Jewish community, we prayed that our lives as Christians would reflect both our commitment to the Bible...

Only in Israel!

For example, in November 2002 a suicide bomber boarded an Israeli bus in Jerusalem that was so packed with Jewish schoolchildren no one noticed him. He waited until the bus was full, then exploded himself...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Pondering Life in the ‘New Jerusalem’

That’s the dream. But dreams rarely reflect reality. And nocturnal pleasantries inevitably vaporize when exposed to the harsh light of morning. Such will be the case when foreign interlopers, dreamers, and wishful thinkers impose..

to Repentance

The book of Zechariah is among the most profound in the Old Testament and of great importance in view of the times and circumstances in which it was written. Zechariah summed up and condensed most...

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

In the case of Israel, the necessity for checkpoints has been created by the Palestinians. By pursuing a violent campaign of terror against Israel’s citizens, they have forced Israel to set up barriers to make...

The Passover Lamb

“Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). Using clear imagery rooted deeply in the Jewish experience, God identified His servant the Messiah as a lamb...

God is Sovereign Conclusion

The previous article examined several biblical indications that God is sovereign over time. One of the most significant indicators of God’s sovereignty in that sphere is His amazing seventy-weeks prophecy delivered to Daniel in 538...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

Last December thousands of Palestinians flocked to the home of a family whose newborn son caused a sensation. Muslims are revering the boy as the “miracle
baby” of Bethlehem. The designation was given because...

Suicide Bombers

As part of its promotion of suicide terrorism, the Palestinian Authority (P A) has repeatedly taught its population the Islamic tradition that the Shahid (martyr) who dies for Allah will receive numerous heavenly rewards...

Israel’s Peculiar Position

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it...

Confronting a Legacy of Hatred

Hatred for Israel and the Jewish people in classrooms controlled by the Palestinian Authority is an ongoing problem. If and when a peace agreement is reached, how can a generation of Palestinian children and young...

They Cry In Silence Mar/Apr 2004

These startling figures reported by senior reporter George Thomas of CBN News reveal the very real problems confronting the Christians of postwar Iraq. A Christian leader surveying the situation in his country declared...

Miracle Mother Part Two

Satan is the master of deceit. He can disguise his deceptions so brilliantly they often appear the epitome of logic and right thinking. But faith often contradicts logic. God’s ways are not our ways...

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2004

The growing alliance between Christians and Jews has prompted Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to create a Christian Allies Caucus to maintain that relationship and support it. Said Knesset member Yuri Stern...

Zvi Mar/Apr 2004

Not long ago I received a nice visit in our home from four men who considered themselves extremely pious. They believed they were fighting for justice and righteousness; and wherever they went...

Daily News from Israel

FBI Investigating Leak of Israel’s Plans

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it “is investigating the alleged leak of classified documents” pertaining to Israel’s planned...

News Digest — 10/23/24

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) intercepted two rockets fired from Lebanon that crossed into Israeli territory, the IDF reported Wednesday morning (23rd)...

What Was in Sinwar’s Underground Bunker?

Last week, Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF forces in Rafah. Find out the conditions of the Hamas leader’s living arrangements underground!

News Digest — 10/22/24

Approximately five rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon toward central Israel early Tuesday morning (22nd), the IDF confirmed...

Israel at War: Week 54

With the death of Hamas head and October 7,2023 mastermind Yahya Sinwar, the IDF discovered his bunker containing both elegant furnishings...

News Digest — 10/21/24

On Sunday night (20th), the IAF conducted a series of targeted, intelligence-based strikes against dozens of facilities and sites used by the Hezbollah...

News Digest — 10/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday (17th) following the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar...

News Digest — 10/17/24

Syrian State media said Thursday (17th) that an Israeli airstrike hit the coastal city of Latakia, targeting a weapons depot according to a war monitor...

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