Extraordinary People
Sometimes special people cross our paths, showing us the best of what Christianity is all about. Let us introduce you to a few of these saints who have made a difference in life on this earth.
So Great Salvation 1 Peter 1:1–21
Christ did for us at Calvary. The blessings that accrue to us are manifold, and so are the responsibilities.
Highway to Holiness 1 Peter 1:22–2:10
What does it take to live a holy life? If you can faithfully master three important points, you’re well on your way.
The Blessing of Suffering 1 Peter 3:13–4:19
world are bound to encounter opposition. And though suffering for one’s faith may be difficult, it produces some undeniable and sometimes surprising benefits.
Our God Cares 1 Peter 5:1–11
The Lord of the universe knows everything about you, including your needs. This excellent article explains how you can depend on Him because He is the perfect CARE-giver.
More In This Issue
From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2008
We recently received a personal invitation and media advisory from international Muslim leaders calling for a meeting at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This Muslim-Christian event was billed as an “historic olive branch.”
Eleven Things Christians Should Know
“Bethlehem will become a town of churches devoid of Christians if you transfer the area to the Palestinian Authority,” predicted the late mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, pleading—in 1993—not to transfer...
Religion and Politics: Who’s in the Game
An interesting contest seems to be heating up as the world paves a road to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The religious left has felt compelled to issue a series...
They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2008
Media producers and conservative Christians have long argued about whether film and television fare can so affect people, especially youth, that it influences their actions. Secularists in the celluloid industry have loudly...
Security in Salvation
Just as you must have a plan to achieve your goals in life, so also God has a plan. From the world’s foundation, God’s goal to glorify Himself included a plan to redeem lost humanity.
Submission Seems to Be the Hardest Word 1 Peter 2:11–3:12
The world today ignores many traditional beliefs, values, and mores. But none has endured as much erosion as the concept of submission. Years ago most people respected and submitted to the authority over them.
The Bottom Line
The apostles Peter and Paul had much to say regarding submission to governmental authority, employers, and spouses. But the underlying point—the bottom line—is that all people, particularly believers, should willingly and readily submit to God.
The Jewish ‘Doomsday Clock’
The Doomsday Clock (see doomsdayclock.org) has graced the cover of each issue of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago since the magazine’s inception in 1947. Midnight symbolizes total nuclear destruction...
The Incomparable Christ
Hebrews 1:1–3: Hebrews is without question one of the greatest and most important books in the New Testament. In it the writer presented an in-depth study of both the deity and humanity of Jesus the Messiah...
God Is Moral Part Fifteen
Our earlier study noted that God is a personal being, possessing intellect. As such, He thinks. In His Word, God refers to His thoughts and indicates they are different from and higher...
Why I Love Israel
And your eyes need to be there as well because the Jews are God’s people, and Israel is the land of destiny. Israel is God’s measuring rod and blueprint for what He is...
Drama Around the Triclinium
Reasonable, educated speculation based on an understanding of the Jewish seating custom can help us appreciate the drama in the Upper Room at Jesus’ final Passover more than 2,000 years ago.
My God, the soul which Thou hast placed in me is pure. Thou hast fashioned it in me; Thou didst breathe it into me, and Thou preservest it within me...
Isaiah 53 and the Messiah of Israel Part Three
In Isaiah 53:8 the prophet spoke of the distorted trial held for the Servant of the Lord and of His death: “He was taken from prison and from judgment, and who will declare His generation?
A Tale of Two Holidays
Two Jewish holidays seem to have strikingly similar origins: A man arises who hates the Jewish people and decides they must be dealt with. One such enemy enslaved them, while the other sought...
Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2008
January was one of the worst months for Kassam attacks in Sderot. Arutz-7 reported many straight days of more than 40 hits per day. Parents keep their children home from school...
Zvi Mar/Apr 2008
I live in a neighborhood in Jerusalem where many Russian immigrants live. I have lived in this home 34 years, but many of them arrived recently and do not go to synagogue...
Daily News from Israel
News Digest — 2/19/25
The Israeli Defense Forces pulled out of southern Lebanese villages but remained in five key positions Tuesday morning...
Freed Hostage Has a Message for Trump!
Newly released Israeli-American hostage Keith Siegel speaks about the horrific details of his almost 500 days in Hamas captivity...
News Digest — 2/18/25
Jerusalem is preparing to receive the bodies of four or five hostages on Thursday (20th) who were murdered in captivity in the Gaza Strip...
News Digest — 2/14/25
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio stated on Thursday (13th) that the United States is open to hearing new proposals from Arab nations...
News Digest — 2/13/25
Senior Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri spoke to Al Jazeera on Wednesday evening (12th) and stated that Hamas is...
News Digest — 2/12/25
Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...
The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!
The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...
Israel at War: Week 70
When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...