March/April 2012

Aspects of Isaiah

A look at the prince of prophets and his important message

Isaiah prophesied to the kingdom of Judah between 739 and 681 BC. This issue explores his ministry, the gospel message found in Isaiah, the book’s future prophecies concerning Israel, and evidence for Isaiah’s authenticity. Plus it includes an article on why the resurrection of Jesus provides us hope.


Ignorant or Indifferent?

Christianity is nothing like other reli- gions. In a dangerous world, people need the whole counsel of God. If you don’t think so, you’ll want to read this article.

Isaiah: The Royal Prophet

He moved with grace through the culture of his day. That was Isaiah, a prince of prophets, whom you’ll get to know better through this excellent article.

The Gospel According to Isaiah

Many people think the gospel is strictly a New Testament phenomenon. However, the elements of sin, repen- tance, and faith in God alone are con- tained in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah Sees Israel’s Future

Is God finished with Israel? By no means. Israel’s return, redemption, and restora- tion to its land are key themes through- out the book of Isaiah. See for yourself!

Answering the Higher Critics

Some say more than one man wrote the book of Isaiah because no one can fore- see the future. Really? Here’s evidence to the contrary.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2012

The Friends of Israel is known for being a forward-looking ministry. Though not neglecting important lessons of the past and working to keep abreast of the impact of current events...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Mar/Apr 2012

For nearly all of its 64 years, the State of Israel has faced constant threats to its survival as a democratic, Jewish nation. The courage, tenacity, ingenuity, and determination...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Some Good News for A Change

There’s Good News Tonight.” That was the lead each evening on Gabriel Heatter’s national news broadcast during World War II. Known for exuding a “dignified optimism,” Heatter brought to the...

The Triunity in Isaiah

Bible-believing Christians hold fast to many cardinal doctrines of the faith, such as the virgin birth, inspiration of Scripture, substitutionary atonement, justification by faith, and the plurality within the Godhead...

The Nails and Streams of Liberty

The familiar words of the U.S. Declaration of Independence remind us we are endowed by God “with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of...

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2012

When this column first appeared in our May/June 2001 issue, it was intended to inform our readers about persecution of the brethren in faraway places. Living in the West tends...

The Great Solution: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What a great day it is for believers to rejoice together. The world doesn’t comprehend it, and that’s a pity...

Isaiah’s Son/Child Theme

Higher critics often point to differences within the book of Isaiah to prove their theory of multiple authors and time periods. However, many common themes run throughout the book and argue...

Merely Lumps of Clay

Imagine a clay pot complaining about the potter who created it! The thought is absurd. The lump of clay is nothing. In fact, it’s completely worthless until the potter skillfully...

Bill Sutter to Retire

After 25 years of faithful service to The Friends of Israel, Rev. William E. Sutter will retire May 1 as president and executive director. Bill’s retirement was announced recently by The Friends...

Who Is Like You, Eternal One?

Do you have trouble or heartache in your life? Does the world situation worry you? Then the book of Isaiah should be a great comfort because it makes clear there’s a God...

The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology Part Four

Most Replacement theologians use a particular set of verses to argue that God no longer views the Jewish people as His Chosen People and has replaced Israel with the church...

A Faith That Endures Hebrews 12:1–4

The book of Hebrews was written to provide evidence of Jesus Christ’s divinity, confirm that the Mosaic Law had been both fulfilled and abrogated in Christ, and exhort Jewish believers...

The Love and Mercy of God Part Four

The previous article introduced key Greek words for God’s mercy in the New Testament and noted the relationship of God’s love to His mercy. This article examines more examples of God’s...

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2012

A cyber war between Israel and its enemies is heating up, with both sides hacking into each other’s websites. Hackers recently brought down the El Al and Tel Aviv Stock...

Zvi Mar/Apr 2012

Living in Israel is like living on an active volcano. It has been this way ever since I came here more than 65 years ago. More than 150 million Arabs...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 2/12/25

Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...

The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!

The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...

Israel at War: Week 70

When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...

News Digest — 2/11/25

The IDF has decided to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command and has postponed leave for...

News Digest — 2/10/25

Israeli fighter jets carried out several Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday evening (9th), including against a tunnel between...

News Digest — 2/7/25

The IAF early Friday morning (7th), with the direction of the Intelligence Directorate, conducted a precise strike in Lebanese territory...

News Digest — 2/6/25

Four of the five freed surveillance soldier hostages returned home from the hospital on Wednesday (5th), 11 days after their release from Hamas...

News Digest — 2/5/25

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a press conference following their meeting at the...

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