November/December 2003

Blockading the Road Map


The More Things Change…

For thousands of years the world has produced people eager to destroy the nation of Israel. But the conflict is far greater than it appears.

Road Map to Armageddon

The PLO holds every terrorist record on the books, and Arafat has violated every agreement he ever made with Israel. What kind of “peace” lies ahead?

Is the Quartet Fiddling the Same
 Old Tune?

Despite Israel’s unfaltering devotion to America, some feel Bush’s Road Map plan is selling Israel down the river.

Mahmoud Abbas: One More 
Victim of Terror

Is the Road Map just another “college try”? Israelis think so. They also think Arafat still holds all the power.

Fighting ‘World War IV’

Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey has an interesting slant on world events. As far as he’s concerned, World War III is over.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Nov/Dec 2003

More and more Jewish people are beginning to recognize a simple truth we Christians have known for years: Protestantism is a mixed bag. Not all Protestants believe the Bible is God’s Word; not all interpret...

Silhouette of man speaking.

Five Big Words

When speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tom DeLay, visited Israel recently, he said cryptically, “Israel’s fight is our fight.” Just five words to be sure, but words defining what the conflict in the Middle...

Nineveh’s Destruction

Nahum 2:1-13: On March 19, 2003, a coalition of the United States and more than thirty-five countries implemented a preemptive strike against Iraq to disarm it of weapons of mass destruction. Twenty-six hundred years ago...

Tikkun Olam

It is our duty to praise the Lord of all things, to ascribe greatness to Him who formed the world in the beginning, since He hath not made us like the nations of other lands...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Nov/Dec 2003

Israel has been under intense pressure by the United States, Europe, the Arab nations, and others to stop construction of a security fence in areas that have exported suicide bombers and assorted terrorists bent on...

God is Sovereign Part Four

We’ve examined the fact that God exercises sovereign rule over the universe, angels, history, and nations. Now we will examine other spheres subject to His sovereignty. Sovereignty Over Rulers, Counselors, and Judges Assertions of Sovereignty. The Scriptures...

Timeline of Modern Israel

From San Remo to Nazi Germany 1918 British General Edmund Allenby defeats the Ottoman Turks and occupies all of Palestine. 1919–23 Third wave of Jewish immigration arrives, mostly from Russia. 1920 Britain receives League of Nations mandate over Palestine at San...

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2003

In mid-July a Muslim convert to Christianity left his home and headed for a mountainous region of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank. He took with him Christian materials, including audio cassettes, videos...

A Widow’s Christmas

The worst Christmas I ever had was the year my first husband died. It wasn’t the loneliness that did me in; it was the self-pity. As a young widow, I was faced with raising my four-year-old...

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2003

What is the Palestinian fascination with the Kassam rocket, an imprecise weapon containing 10 to 15 kilograms (22–33 pounds) of explosives with a range of six to eight kilometers (3.73 miles)? Caroline Glick of The...

Zvi Nov/Dec 2003

As it is written in Ecclesiastes 11:1, “Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days.” So it has been with me. Before I was married, I worked in a joinery...

Daily News from Israel

FBI Investigating Leak of Israel’s Plans

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it “is investigating the alleged leak of classified documents” pertaining to Israel’s planned...

News Digest — 10/23/24

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) intercepted two rockets fired from Lebanon that crossed into Israeli territory, the IDF reported Wednesday morning (23rd)...

What Was in Sinwar’s Underground Bunker?

Last week, Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF forces in Rafah. Find out the conditions of the Hamas leader’s living arrangements underground!

News Digest — 10/22/24

Approximately five rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon toward central Israel early Tuesday morning (22nd), the IDF confirmed...

Israel at War: Week 54

With the death of Hamas head and October 7,2023 mastermind Yahya Sinwar, the IDF discovered his bunker containing both elegant furnishings...

News Digest — 10/21/24

On Sunday night (20th), the IAF conducted a series of targeted, intelligence-based strikes against dozens of facilities and sites used by the Hezbollah...

News Digest — 10/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday (17th) following the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar...

News Digest — 10/17/24

Syrian State media said Thursday (17th) that an Israeli airstrike hit the coastal city of Latakia, targeting a weapons depot according to a war monitor...

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