September/October 2005

Book of Judges

A look at the lives of prominent figures in the book of Judges

This issue discusses the lives of biblical figures such as Gideon, Jepthah, and Samson. It also discusses the current tension at the Temple Mount and provides a glimpse of what Israelis must leave behind in Gush Katif for the disengagement of Gaza.


What Kind of America Do You Want?

An important issue went before the Supreme Court recently. America is head- ing where it’s never been before. And you may be the decisive factor.

Red Skies Over the Temple Mount

The most hotly contested piece of real estate in the world is the Temple Mount. Today three ominous trends threaten the area.

Outrage at Gibeah: A Spiritual and Societal Breakdown

The story of the Levite and his concubine is one of the grimmest in all of Scripture. And its relevance for today may surprise you.

Conquering Spiritual Paralysis

Have you ever thought God let you down? Perhaps you’re simply looking at things the wrong way, as Gideon did before he fought the Midianites.

Jephthah: Faithful but Flawed

Jephthah was the man of the hour to deliver Israel, going from outcast to tribal chief. But when he was on top, a grave error cost him dearly.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2005

On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists hijacked airliners and used them to destroy the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and severely damage the Pentagon in Washington...

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East Sep/Oct 2005

In March 2005, Israel announced the intention to build 3,500 homes on a strip of territory that has been declared state land between the community of Ma’aleh Adumim and Jerusalem (Jerusalem Post, March 20, 2005).

Silhouette of man speaking.

A Grave for Israel?

In light of the situation in the Middle East, the poet’s words are hauntingly prophetic. Not only do they carry refrains from Israel’s ancient prophets, but they echo the Holocaust, pogroms, and the perpetual anti-Semitism...

Beware of Today’s ‘Canaanites’

In 1929 a fantastic archaeological discovery was made in the ancient port town of Ugarit on the Syrian coast. Hundreds of ancient tablets were found, providing a wealth of information about Canaanite culture.

Jephthah’s Vow: Did He or Didn’t He?

For centuries scholars have debated the fate of Jephthah’s daughter. Did Jephthah sacrifice her as a burnt offering (Jud. 11:31) because of a foolish vow he made to Jehovah, or did he constrain...

The Samson Syndrome

Millions of Americans are experiencing the “Samson Syndrome.” Nearly 20 million have purchased Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven Life, attesting to the fact that this generation desperately seeks purpose and meaning.

Slated for Destruction: Life in Gush Katif

When Israel abandons Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, it will walk away from 21 communities that house schools, businesses, farms, and 900 acres of high-tech hothouses that yield nearly 70 percent of all Israel’s...

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2005

It is hard for those of us in freedom-loving countries to imagine being thrown in jail for teaching children the things of God and the love of Jesus. But this is precisely what is taking...

The Grecian Conqueror

Zechariah 9:1–8: The six remaining chapters of Zechariah’s prophecy consist of events pertaining to God’s eschatological program for Israel. They cover a vast period that extends from the Grecian era under Alexander the Great...

God is Moral Part One

An earlier part of our study noted that God created the universe with a twofold, fixed, unchanging, inflexible order. That order conforms to and embodies the ultimate wisdom that God created and used to...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2005

In the quest for peace and survival in the Middle East, a little history and a few questions may be to our benefit. Following Britain’s defeat of the Muslim Ottoman Turks in 1917, the Mandatory...

Just Like Jezebel Part One

Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes fame has never been my favorite television reporter. He always seems a little too arrogant—too sure of himself. But after the Pentagon and World Trade Center tragedies of 9/11...

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2005

ARUTZ-7—An outstanding issue in the ever-so-complicated disengagement/expulsion is what to do with the residents’ property. “What-ever we can fit into two large containers, we will take,” army Brig.-Gen. Guy Tzur told the people of Gush...

Zvi Sep/Oct 2005

In Deuteronomy 31 it is written, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lᴏʀᴅ your God, He is the One who goes with you.

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 7/26/24

An Israeli military officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds...

News Digest — 7/25/24

At least three Israeli men were hurt on Thursday (25th) in a terror attack on the West Bank.  The three were shot from a passing car...

News Digest — 7/24/24

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to present a new plan to combat Iran’s regional aggression...

Olympic “Games Wide Open” (Unless You’re Israeli!)

Israel's athletes are cautiously preparing for the Summer Olympics in Paris but have already been met with anti-Semitic opposition...

News Digest — 7/23/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Plane, Wings of Zion, Landed In the U.S. Monday night (22nd) at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington DC...

Israel at War: Week 41

Over the weekend Israel retaliated on Yemen’s Houthis, a militant minority, that launched a drone attack on Tel Aviv...

News Digest — 7/22/24

The IDF on Saturday (20th) struck Houthi military targets and enemy infrastructure at the port of Hudaydah in western Yemen...

News Digest — 7/19/24

A drone attack was allegedly carried out on Ben Yehuda Street on the corner of Shalom Aleichem near the US Consulate after loud...

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