News Digest — 7/24/24

Netanyahu To Unveil New Regional Plan To Combat Iran Threat During Congressional Speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to present a new plan to combat Iran’s regional aggression when he delivers an address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday afternoon (24th).

“Netanyahu will present the challenge facing Israel, the countries of the region, and the United States from Iran’s axis of evil – and present a new way of dealing with this challenge,” a source who is traveling with the prime minister said.

Netanyahu landed in Washington on Monday night (22nd) and spent Tuesday (23rd) largely working on his speech.  The prime minister has been harshly criticized by vocal pro-Palestinian and anti-israel portions of the American public over the IDF’s conduct in Gaza and also within Israel for his firm stances with regard to a hostage deal.

Netanyahu, in his speech, plans to present the “righteousness” of Israel’s battle against Hamas and the “bravery” of the IDF fighters, the source said.  Already in 2011, Netanyahu had warned Congress about Hamas, which on October 7, 2023, invaded southern Israel, killing over 1,200 people and seizing 251 hostages.

Negotiations for a deal to secure the remainder of the 120 hostages have been in their closing phase for weeks, with an Israeli team leaving for Doha on Thursday (25th).

Netanyahu has stood firm on key principles, including a refusal to allow for a full IDF withdrawal during the first phase of a three-phase deal.  The initial proposal first unveiled by US President Joe Biden at the White House on May 31st did not call for such a withdrawal, which would bring about a lull in the fighting.

Hamas has insisted that Israel must agree to a permanent ceasefire and a full IDF withdrawal from Gaza.

Netanyahu stood firm on his principled point that Hamas must be fully defeated.  In his congressional speech, he will speak about the importance of achieving “a complete victory over Hamas.”



Bereaved Father To US Official: ‘Stop Pressuring Netanyahu, Join The Fight Against Hamas

US Deputy Special Presidential Envoy For Hostage Affairs Dustin Stewart met on Tuesday (23rd), with families whose loved ones are being held hostage by Hamas and with bereaved families who are accompanying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his visit to the US.

Itzik Bonzel, whose son Amit fell in battle in Gaza told the Envoy: “The time has come that the US sends the munitions that the IDF needs for combat.”

He continued: “It can’t be that the US speaks in two voices and only cares for its own citizens.  Today, in Congress, only five pictures of hostages were hung, those of the US citizens, and they ignored the rest.  Can’t we learn from a poll that only 80% of American citizens support Israel?  That means that 20% support Hamas.  Does the United States not understand that if Hamas is not eliminated it’s only a matter of time before the US is again targeted by a terror attack?”

“You must send the munitions” he demanded.  Biden’s declarations are not enough, and I believe that he’s only saying them because of the US elections.”

The bereaved father added: “It can’t be that our soldiers won’t be able to fight because you are withholding ammunition.  The United States is not doing enough to support Israel at this time.  You cannot put pressure on Netanyahu, let him work and deter Hamas.” 



Tulkarem Commanders Of Hamas, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Killed In IDF Drone Strike

Two senior terror operatives were among several armed Palestinians killed in an Israeli drone strike and in clashes in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Tuesday morning (23rd), according to the military.

The Palestinian Authority health Ministry said five were killed.

Palestinian outlets and the IDF named the two commanders as Ashraf Nafeh, the head of Hamas in Tulkarem, and Muhammad Awad, the head of the Fatah-linked al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in Tulkarem.

The IDF and Shin Bet security agency said Nafeh was responsible for preparing and planting explosive devices to be detonated against Israeli troops and was involved in other attacks.  Nafeh was also involved in recruiting members to Hamas, and he was in contact with Hamas officials abroad, according to the military and Shin Bet.

Palestinian media said a woman was among those killed.  Military sources said she was an armed female combatant who was dressed up as a medic.

Footage circulating on social media from the moments before the strike showed a Palestinian woman wearing a reflective vest reading “Medical Service” and brandishing an assault rifle.

During the raid, troops shot several gunmen in clashes and destroyed explosive devices planted under roads, the IDF said.

In the past nine months, the IDF said it has carried out more than 50 airstrikes in the West Bank using drones, attack helicopters, and fighter jets.

The strike on Tuesday (23rd) was carried out as part of a raid that began overnight.  It was part of a series of operations against terror activity in northern West Bank refugee camps.

The military said it has recently identified attempts by the Gaza Strip-based Hamas and Islamic Jihad to ramp up attacks in the West Bank, including by funneling money and providing the know-how.

Also on Tuesday (23rd), two Defense Ministry employees were lightly wounded after a bomb exploded on the West Bank security barrier in the Mount Gilboa area, the military and medics said.

According to an initial probe,the Defense Ministry workers were carrying out a patrol along the border fence when they spotted a suspicious item. The item then exploded on the two workers, slightly injuring them.

Since October 7, troops have arrested some 4,000 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank, including more than 1,850 affiliated with Hamas.

According to the PA Health Ministry, more than 560 West Bank Palestinians have been killed in that time.  The IDF says the vast majority of them were gunmen killed during raids or terrorists carrying out attacks.

During the same period, 22 Israelis, including security personnel, have been killed in terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank.  Another five security forces members were killed in clashes with terror operatives.



Hamas Rocket Misfires, Destroying Gazan School

A Hamas rocket destroyed a Gazan school when falling short of its target in Israel, the IDF announced Tuesday (23rd).  

The terror organization misfired several rockets from central Gaza, and one hit the educational institution in the area of Nuseirat, said the report.

It is not an unusual occurrence for Hamas and other terror groups in the coastal enclave, especially Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

The IDF has estimated that some 20% of the rockets they launch indiscriminately at Israeli towns and cities, land on their own territory, killing unknown numbers of their own citizens.

The most well known incident occurred barely 10 days after the Israel-Hamas war began in October, when a PIJ rocket fired from a cemetery behind Gaza City’s Al-Ahli Hospital landed in the medical center’s empty parking lot.

Hamas immediately charged that an Israeli airstrike had killed hundreds of people at the site, a claim that the IDF proved to be a lie several hours later.



Expectations Low For Latest Attempt To Unite Fatah And Hamas

China has announced the formation of a “National Reconciliation Government” involving Hamas and Fatah to govern Gaza post-war, a declaration echoing many past attempts at Palestinian unity.  Despite Tuesday morning’s (23rd) announcement, the deep-seated divisions remain, with Palestinian discourse becoming increasingly complex amid the ongoing conflict led by Hamas in Gaza.

Chinese state media reported that 14 Palestinian factions gathered over the past two days at a summit in Beijing, and agreed to form an interim government for Gaza, with Hamas lauding what it termed “national unity.”  However, Fatah officials expressed skepticism, suggesting that “Hamas is currently desperate for any agreement to secure ‘a piece of the pie.’  They understand they are on the brink of collapse, partly due to dragging Gaza into a war that has caused significant suffering and destruction.  Expectations from the agreement in China are very low; it is likely to end like the unfortunate attempts that preceded it.” 

The official Chinese statement included a commitment to “the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, and ensuring the right of return per Resolution 194.”  However, the practical implication of resolution 194 involves the recognition of  the State of Israel.  Islamic Jihad quickly distanced itself from this interpretation, stating that: “What was leaked to the media regarding the final statement of Palestinian reconciliation in China is inaccurate.”

Islamic Jihad added: “We reject any formula that includes explicit or implicit recognition of Israel.  We did not agree to include any formula that endorses international decisions leading to the recognition of the legitimacy of the occupying entity.”

Recognition of Israel is not the only issue for Palestinian factions, particularly Fatah, which has nearly withdrawn from this discourse due to Hamas’ conduct toward its activists.  Reports indicate that amid the war, there has been an increase in aggression from Hamas members, who have begun “settling scores” with Fatah activists through beatings, torture and executions in Gaza.

Notably, the summit did not feature high-ranking officials from the organizations after Mahmoud Abbas  refused to attend, leading Ismail Haniyeh to abstain as well.  As a result, Mohammed Al-Aloul, considered Abbas’ deputy, represented Fatah, while former political bureau chief, Mousa Abu Marzook represented Hamas.

Historically, numerous attempts have been made by various countries to broker an agreement between the warring factions. The first took place in 2007 and aimed to establish a national unity government in the Palestinian Authority and end the power struggle that had persisted since 2005.  Saudi Arabia’s then-King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud patronized the agreement, but it quickly failed due to unresolved security issues in Gaza, leading to renewed conflict.

In March 2008, another attempt was made through Yemeni mediation, resulting in the “Sanaa Declaration,” a document signed by senior officials from both movements, calling for “restoring the situation to what it was before the events in Gaza.”  However these talks also failed, and shortly afterward Abbas’ office disavowed the document, claiming the Fatah officials who signed it did not represent Abbas.  About three years later, in 2011, a reconciliation agreement was signed in Cairo, with representatives from both factions announcing the formation of a joint government following presidential and legislative council elections.  This, too. Did not materialize.

Further talks were held in Doha in 2012, and in 2014, when Hamas and Fatah signed “understandings for the implementation of reconciliation agreements.”  More than a year later, in December 2015 and January 2016, the parties secretly held the “Doha Talks” to try to finalize the agreement reached in 2014.  However, none of these attempts led to any tangible agreement on the ground.  Instead, the situation has only deteriorated further.



IDF Uncovers Trove Of Hamas Secrets – Amir Bobbot

The IDF and Israel Security Agency have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, including operational tables, equipment lists, and classified maps.  “The amount of intelligence accumulated so far…allows us to dismantle Hamas from within,” said a senior security official. 

The intelligence included Excel tables showing the readiness levels of special units, companies, battalions, and brigades, including the scope of training, weapons and ammunition.  It also included orders in the various units, equipment lists for each fighter, and protocols of meetings.

One document detailed a plan to undermine the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank by infiltrating its security mechanisms and encouraging internal rebellion to overthrow and take control of the PA gradually.

Literature from the Hamas education system was also found, promoting terrorism against Israel from the first day of education.  They included children’s books teaching how to murder Jews by running them over or stabbing them.

“Based on what we saw in maps and documents and what was actually discovered, it is clear that Gaza was constructed as one large military base, including the use of kindergartens, schools, clinics, hospitals, and mosques,” said a source who reviewed the Hamas documents.  “They also intended to infiltrate a large number of IDF bases, including Air Force bases.” (Jerusalem Post)



Zionism: A Historical, Spiritual, And Legal Claim To Jewish Sovereignty – Catherine Perez-Shakdam

“Zionism” has been relentlessly misinterpreted and maligned in contemporary discourse.  At its core, Zionism is the declaration that the Land of Israel is the primordial and perennial home of the Jewish people, a profound connection that transcends mere political assertion.  It is a testament to an unbroken historical community, a sacred spiritual covenant, and an indomitable legal affirmation.

The historical linkage between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel is not a contrivance of modern nationalists but a well-documented reality stretching back millennia.  For over three thousand years, Jews have inhabited this territory, weathering invasions, exiles, and occupations.  Archaeological discoveries provide irrefutable evidence of an ancient Jewish presence.

The Jewish connection to Israel is indelibly inscribed in Jewish traditions and scriptures.  The Torah and other Jewish texts are laden with declarations that the Land of Israel is the divinely ordained homeland of the Jewish people.  This is found in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Each recognizes Israel as the ancestral home of the descendants of Jacob.

The bond between the Jewish people and Israel is not a peripheral or convenient myth but a central, undeniable fact of history.  To ignore or undermine this bond is to engage in a deceitful distortion of both history and faith, an act unworthy of serious discourse.

Zionism is, in fact, a decolonization movement par excellence, firmly grounded in the principles of self-determination and indigenous rights as recognized by international law.  The path to peace and justice in the region begins with acknowledging these fundamental truths.

The writer is executive director at We Believe In Israel.  (Daily Express-UK)
