UN Demands Israel’s Withdraw from Its Rightful Land

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a resolution Tuesday night demanding Israel withdraw from its territory gained in the 1967 Six-Day War in East Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria in the UN’s efforts to foster the establishment of a Palestinian state. The UN is determined to form a Palestinian state “along the pre-1967 Green Line demarcating the 1949 armistice border between Israel and Jordan.” It also called on Israel to halt all “settlement activities.”

The UN is blatantly trying to remove Israel from its ancestral homeland in which it not only has nearly 4,000 years of unbroken historical presence but also a further rightful claim due to its victory in the Six-Day War. The measure passed by a majority of 157 to 8, with 7 abstentions, showing the world’s united defiance to Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish homeland. We must hope these efforts will fail, allowing the Jewish people to remain in the land from which they’ve been driven out throughout history.