You Choose!

Amnesty International has 10 million followers in 150 countries and the organization wants to “fight abuses of human rights worldwide. Bring torturers to justice and free people jailed for voicing their opinion.” One favorite country they target is Israel.

In a recent report about to be released from Amnesty UK on Tuesday at 11AM, entitled “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity,” accuses Israel of the typical offenses by terror organizations of apartheid, crimes against humanity, unlawful killings, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of Palestinian nationality and citizenship.

All of these claims and charges are patently false. As foreign Minister Yair Lapid stated concerning the report, “the reports claims are delusional and disconnected from reality.” He continued: “Israel isn’t perfect, but we are a democracy, committed to the rule of law, open to criticism, with a free press, and a strong, independent judicial system.” The foreign ministry called on Amnesty Secretary-General Agnes Callamard not to release the report. “Israel absolutely rejects all the false allegations that appear in the report that Amnesty is expected to publish tomorrow.”

Interestingly, in Abu Dhabi, UAE, President Isaac Herzog rightly said at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, that the Middle East has two alternatives, peace or terror. He concluded his time with this, “This visit symbolizes hope, peace, and a great future for our nations, the region, and the world at large.” The Abraham Accord signing nation of the UAE offers the rebuke to Amnesty UK for the false, emotionally charged report. They, along with the Palestinian leadership have the choice to make, either peace or terror. You choose.

(Source: Lazar Berman, The Times of Israel)