More In This Issue
A Theology for Losers
There is a new #1 national best-seller at your newsstand. It’s called Trump: the Art of the Deal. It’s the story of Donald Trump, a self-made billionaire and the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.
The Song of Songs
“In the entire world there is nothing to equal the day on which the Song of Songs was given to Israel. All the Writings are holy, but the Song of Songs is the holy of holies.”
The New Covenant: Its Implications for The Christian Life
Within recent years, evangelical Christians have been very zealous in this country in attempting to get their message of the gospel communicated by or through the media.
A Christmas Postscript
Most likely you heard or received many messages, devotionals, Christmas cards, and other means of communication this past Christmas season containing the text of Luke 2, Isaiah 9, or Matthew 1.
Obadiah: The Penalty of Prejudice
In 1897 Wilhelm Marr coined the term "anti-Semitism" to explain the European prejudice and persecution against the Jew. Such bigotry was not new; it has stalked the Jew from the brickyards of Egypt to the death camps of Europe.
The Connection of Isaiah 28:11 to the Gift of Tongue
In 1 Corinthians 14:21-22 the Apostle Paul based his conclusion concerning the purpose of the gift of tongues upon a statement found in Isaiah 28:11. The fact that Paul did this indicates that the Old Testament...
The Charge Against Israel Part 2
“I didn't hear you!" Those were probably the most often used words of my early school years. There was nothing wrong with my ears. My hearing wasn't impaired. I simply chose to let my mind wander and not pay attention to my teachers.
Moses: Going Home
His messages must have burned hot on his heart as he faced this new generation of Israelites. Racing through his mind and burdening his soul was the question of how they would fare in the land.
Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1989
I live in an apartment-type building in Jerusalem, and all the residents own their own flats. We have a "house committee" to represent the residents, and for ten years I was a member of that committee.
Daily News from Israel
News Digest — 2/12/25
Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...
The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!
The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...
Israel at War: Week 70
When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...
News Digest — 2/11/25
The IDF has decided to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command and has postponed leave for...
News Digest — 2/10/25
Israeli fighter jets carried out several Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday evening (9th), including against a tunnel between...
News Digest — 2/7/25
The IAF early Friday morning (7th), with the direction of the Intelligence Directorate, conducted a precise strike in Lebanese territory...
News Digest — 2/6/25
Four of the five freed surveillance soldier hostages returned home from the hospital on Wednesday (5th), 11 days after their release from Hamas...
News Digest — 2/5/25
US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a press conference following their meeting at the...