FOI at 75—Looking Back to See the Future
The world has come full circle. Seventy-five years ago, Adolf Hitler was gearing up the greatest killing machine the world had ever known, implementing...
Israel: Thriving at 65
Golda Meir, Israel’s fourth prime minister, once joked, “Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us forty years through...
God’s Faithfulness to Israel
After the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in A.D. 70, a group of rabbis accompanied Rabbi Akiva up to Jerusalem. When they reached Mount...
Mechina Academies: Israel’s Gap-Year Phenomenon
It’s still dark in Upper Nazareth as Nadav Cohen, 19, delivers a pithy, inspirational talk to his comrades—choosing Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changin’...
Discovering Our Biblical Roots in Modern Israel
Israel is a thoroughly modern country with major cities, modern highways, and mass transit. But have the picturesque sites and ancient customs from...
More In This Issue
Inside View May/Jun 2013
I often hear people say, “I think the Rapture is close!” or “I believe we are living in the last days just before the end-times.” Many people have a profound feeling this world can’t...
Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2013
How often have you seen a household appliance create an international commotion? Apparently, when an Israeli company manufactures it, people...
Ties That Bind
Have we forgotten, or pushed out of mind, a phrase often quoted and fondly embraced in other days? I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse...
Our mission at The Friends of Israel is focused. We are a worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while...
They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2013
An angry mob of Muslims burned down almost 200 Christian homes in Pakistan in March, leaving nearly 400 Christian families homeless. International...
Providing for the Common Defense
To provide for the common defense is an artful, 18th-century phrase that some have tried to modernize to mean to “defend our country from other...
Creative Lawyering
His dark eyes brimmed with sincerity and love for his people. Having grown up in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, the man who sat across from me in the...
Staying Afloat Against the Flow
With 10 suitcases and three small daughters in tow, Robby and Tzippi Lasman began their journey from Israel to the United States in hopes of finding a...
From Israel to You
Thank you so much for organizing this sales event,” a grateful Israeli vendor told Paula. “You helped me pay my rent this month.” Paula Joffe, a member...
How to Listen to a Sermon
Take off your shoes, please,” my Asian friend warned. I was preparing to step onto the stage to preach to persecuted Christians in a restricted country.
The Seven Keys to History Conclusion
A correct perspective on world history provides a proper framework for living and prevents us from being easily deceived or led astray. One day, life as...
Christ’s Incarnation
1 John 1:1–4: Before the apostle John wrote 1 John, he had already lived through the inception, expansion, and persecution of the first-century church...
The Grace of God Part Four
The New Testament, as well as the Old Testament, speaks of God’s grace. In fact, God administers His moral absolutes through grace. The New Testament...
Israel in the News May/Jun 2013
Jewish groups held a mock Passover sacrifice in March opposite the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The ritual slaughter, they said, was practice in advance...
Zvi May/Jun 2013
This week I was preparing to visit an ultra-Orthodox synagogue when my wife, Naomi, said to me, “Zvi, you know I have much trouble with my feet. Please...
Daily News from Israel
News Digest — 2/13/25
Senior Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri spoke to Al Jazeera on Wednesday evening (12th) and stated that Hamas is...
News Digest — 2/12/25
Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...
The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!
The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...
Israel at War: Week 70
When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...
News Digest — 2/11/25
The IDF has decided to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command and has postponed leave for...
News Digest — 2/10/25
Israeli fighter jets carried out several Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday evening (9th), including against a tunnel between...
News Digest — 2/7/25
The IAF early Friday morning (7th), with the direction of the Intelligence Directorate, conducted a precise strike in Lebanese territory...
News Digest — 2/6/25
Four of the five freed surveillance soldier hostages returned home from the hospital on Wednesday (5th), 11 days after their release from Hamas...