Biblical Studies/Theology

Structure of Lamentations

The book of Lamentations is one of six Old Testament books of poetry. Three are didactic (teaching): Proverbs teaches wisdom; Ecclesiastes, the futility of life apart from God; and Job, patience under trials.

Suffering God’s Wrath Lamentations 2

Lamentations 2 reveals three areas of Judah’s destruction and paints vivid word-pictures of the torment the Jewish nation endured as it went into captivity.

The Measure of Success

They called it the dungeon of malchiah, but it was actually an abandoned cistern near the center of the prison courtyard in Jerusalem (Jer. 38:6). The floor was a slimy quagmire covered…

Awaiting a ‘Song in the Night’ Lamentations 3

The southern kingdom of Judah was in trouble with God. About a century earlier, the Lord had allowed the Assyrians to destroy the northern kingdom of Israel. That event should have served as a graphic…

Shoulders to Cry On

In every nation’s history there are great disasters. Turbulent times amplify feelings of insecurity and vulnerability on a grand scale. calamities threaten the comfort of familiarities. catastrophes destabilize civilized societies. Such were the conditions in Judah…

Nebuchadnezzar: A ‘King of Kings’

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a tremendous impact on the nation of Israel and the history of the ancient Near East. He is referred to by name over 90 times in the Old Testament…


Babylon. The very name inspires all types of hedonistic, dissolute images of not only a city, but an attitude of rebellion against God and all that is righteous and good.

God and Wisdom Part One

In three previous articles we have seen that the triune God of the bible is inseparably related to truth. God is the source of ultimate, valid truth. In a closely related way, the triune God…

The End of the Line Conclusion

Nothing thwarts the God of Israel. He alone is sovereign. He alone declares the end from the beginning “and from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘my counsel shall stand…

Already/Not Yet?

Progressive Dispensationalism was introduced publicly through the 1992 publication Dispensationalism, Israel and the Church by Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock. Two more books, Progressive Dispensationalism by Blaising and Bock and The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism…

Open Theism or Veiled Heresy?

Does God know the future or does He just make allowances for what happens? An open theist’s answer to that question may surprise you.

A.D. 70: Preterism’s Prophetic Dead End

Christ returned in A.D. 70, the Jewish people have no future, and almost all prophecy has been fulfilled. You don’t believe that? Then you’re not a preterist.

The Rise of Preterism

Preteristic interpretation first appeared in a commentary on Revelation by the Spanish Jesuit Luis Alcazar (1554–1613). He interpreted symbols in Revelation as the victory of the Roman Catholic Church over paganism…

Moses for You, Jesus for Me?

Gentiles need Jesus to get to heaven; Jewish people only need Moses. A synagogue teaching, you say? No, this Dual Covenant doctrine is in churches.

God Is True and Truth Conclusion

The Source of Knowledge Concerning Ultimate Truth Divine revelation to mankind is the source of knowledge concerning ultimate truth and, therefore, ulti-mate reality. God’s Word, the Bible, is God’s most significant means of revealing truth…

The End of the Line Part One

World War II was a little before my time—a very little. But I don’t recall a day in my life that I didn’t know about it. Growing up Jewish, and being a first-generation American…

God is True and Truth Part Two

The previous article demonstrated how the Scriptures associate what is true and truth with God. Those associations indicate several facts concerning…

God is True and Truth Part One

The Scriptures repeatedly associate what is true and truth with God. The primary Old Testament word used for this association is emet. Its foundational concept is “certainty, dependability”; and it is used “in several categories…

Ezra the Teacher

Ezra, a Levitical priest and scribe (Ezra 7:6–11), exercised a central role in rebuilding the spiritual condition of the Jewish people who returned from Babylon (Ezra 7—10). How was he equipped for such a task?

Are You a Naomi? Part One

I’m not much of a shopper. My favorite place in the mall is probably the ice cream parlor, where I’ve spent many a pleasant moment contemplating the virtues of hot fudge versus butterscotch…

Children in the Fire

In ancient days the heathens sacrificed their children to the pagan god Molech. Thousands of years later, it’s surprising how little has changed.

Defining Differences

Premillennialism: The prefix pre means “before.” Premillennialism is the view that Christ will return to earth before the Millennium or Kingdom of God. He will establish a literal, political Kingdom of God on earth…

The Sons of Ishmael

Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant. His name, which in Hebrew means “God heard,” memorializes the Almighty’s concern for Sarah’s harsh treatment of Hagar (Gen. 16:6, 11).

The Mosaic Law: A Hard Road to Travel

God’s standards are far above ours. And if you think you would have done better than the Israelites, this article is especially for you.

The ‘Queen of Heaven’

God pronounced severe judgment on the people of Judah and Jerusalem because they worshiped “the queen of heaven” (Jer. 7:17–20; 44:15–19). Who or what was the queen of heaven, and how did the people…

God is Glorious Conclusion

The previous article examined two ways in which God has manifested His glory during history: (1) through His created universe and (2) through unique, historic events. This article will examine two more ways.

A Step in the Wrong Direction

A pastor in the Midwest tells about his early years trying to shepherd a church that his entire family attended—sisters, brothers, and father. Apparently it wasn’t easy. During a business meeting when he was trying desperately…

Safeguard Your ‘Moorings’

True faith requires commitment. Without it, you can find yourself awash in the world. Have you checked your moorings lately?

God is Glorious Part One

The present age is characterized by the encroachment of a secular, humanistic world-life view on society. Many people go to great lengths to deny the existence or relevance of the personal, sovereign God of the…

Conversions Wont Hasten Christ’s Coming

True, Bible-believing Christians are commanded to make salvation through Jesus known to all (Mt. 28:19–20). Jesus Himself gave that mandate, called the Great Commission, after His resurrection and prior to His ascension into heaven.

Miracle Mother Conclusion

Logically speaking, the State of Israel should not exist. Five fully armed Arab nations tried to snuff it out at birth in 1948. Nevertheless, with few weapons; no air force; no navy; and an “army”…

The Second Jerusalem Council

Church split are words that make us shudder. A split almost occurred in the early church. See how the church avoided it and grew instead.

The Shepherd’s Love

Some people think Jesus criticized the Jewish people because He did not love them. But they have gotten things all wrong.

Bait for Hate

For millennia Gentiles have used the New Testament as an excuse to hate Jewish people. Furthermore, many of them misin- terpret the Bible.

Miracle Mother Part Two

Satan is the master of deceit. He can disguise his deceptions so brilliantly they often appear the epitome of logic and right thinking. But faith often contradicts logic. God’s ways are not our ways…

Joshua: Profile in Courage

Sometimes the odds aren’t in our favor. But when it comes to God’s work, the “odds” don’t matter. Joshua learned what really counts.

How Big Is How Big Is Your God?

Who hasn’t heard of the Battle of Jericho? This article takes a fresh look at that amaz- ing victory and the powerful God who won it.

Caleb’s Enduring Faith

Caleb and Joshua were kindred spirits when it came to faith. Of the twelve men Moses sent to spy out the land, only these two had faith that God would deliver Canaan into Israel’s hands…

Who is the ‘Angel of the Lord’?

He Speaks as God. “I will multiply thy seed” (Gen. 16:10); “I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me” (Gen. 22:12); “And the angel…

Joshua’s Farewell

In a touching goodbye, Joshua reviewed Israel’s history and issued both a warning and a challenge that are still relevant today.

God is Sovereign Part Five

We have examined the fact that God exercises sovereign rule over the universe, angels, history, nations, rulers, counselors, judges, ministries, nature, and individuals. Now we will consider another sphere of God’s sovereign rule.

An Evangelical View of the Jewish People

The subject was about anti-Semitism in the United States and what, as a Jewish businessman and state senator, the gentleman being interviewed had encountered personally. He spoke about exclusions from local clubs and a number…

Miracle Mother Part One

Biblically speaking, Gentiles probably have more right to question God’s miracles than do Jewish people. After all, it wasn’t the Gentiles for whom God plagued Egypt or parted the Red Sea. It wasn’t the Gentiles…

Nineveh’s Destruction

Nahum 2:1-13: On March 19, 2003, a coalition of the United States and more than thirty-five countries implemented a preemptive strike against Iraq to disarm it of weapons of mass destruction. Twenty-six hundred years ago…

A Widow’s Christmas

The worst Christmas I ever had was the year my first husband died. It wasn’t the loneliness that did me in; it was the self-pity. As a young widow, I was faced with raising my four-year-old…

Declaring Nineveh’s Destruction

Nahum 1:1-15: In the days of the prophet Nahum, Nineveh was at the height of its glory. Its influence through trade, culture, and political conquest extended from Egypt to the Persian Gulf. The city was built by Nimrod…

God is Sovereign Part Three

Previously we saw that God exercises sovereign rule over the universe, angels, and history. Now we will examine God’s sovereign rule over the nations. Assertions of Sovereignty.The Bible records assertions of God’s sovereignty over the nations. God…

The Seeker Conclusion

It isn’t a good time to be Jewish these days. In Israel, Jews are being murdered almost daily by Arabs determined to remove them from the tiny sliver of land they still have left in the Middle East…


Joshua called Yahweh “Lord of all the earth.” The word Lord in Hebrew is Adonai. And it speaks of the absolute lordship of the God of the universe.

I Am That I Am

What is the Tetragrammaton? Ancient Jewish sages considered it too holy to utter. Yet it is God’s covenant name— and belongs to Him alone.

The Other Names of God

Biblical names are usually significant. Unlike the common practice today, ancient names were usually chosen for a specific reason. People were not as concerned with how a name sounded or what others thought…

The Sweetest Name I Know

Some say Yeshua. Others say Jesus. Either way, it is the name of Almighty God. And it has a special significance.

Baruch Ha Shem

Elohim appears more than 2,500 times in the Old Testament. It is powerful, plural, and used by two divine personalities.

God is Sovereign Part Two

Webster’s New International Dictionary defines the adjective sovereign as follows: “Supreme or highest in power; superior in position to all others,” and “Independent of, and unlimited by, any other; possessing, or entitled to, original…

The Seeker Part One

King Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs and fifteen hundred songs (1 Ki. 4:32). The epitome of the philosopher-king, he was unequaled in wealth and wisdom, and his fame spread throughout the world. He ruled during…

Running From God Jonah 1

You may know the story of Jonah and the fish. But do you know what Jonah’s disobe dience implied about the God of Israel? Read this article and find out.

Amazing Grace Jonah 2

If you’re a believer, then this article is especially for you . . . and for anyone else who may be in danger of presuming on the wonderful, amazing grace of God.

Doom and Deliverance Jonah 3

The Ninevites were bad, real bad. But God spared them. Why? Because they did the one thing God requires for deliverance—even today.

The Angry Prophet Jonah 4

Jonah was bitter, selfish, angry, and a poor excuse for a man of God. Unfortunately, he was not much different than many of us.

God is Sovereign Part One

Previously we examined the senselessness and consequences of idol worship. Here we will examine spheres that are subject to the sovereignty of the true and living God. Angels God’s significant relationships with the angels…

His Mercy Endureth Forever Conclusion

To all those who truly repent, God omable wisdom, He distinguishes the weak from the strong, the humble from the proud, and tries the hearts of all men. Somewhere along the way, the Most High…

God and Other Objects of Worship

In the previous article we saw that the Bible asserts unequivo­cally that Jehovah-the God revealed in its pages, the one who brought Israel and the church…

His Mercy Endureth Forever Part One

A well-known entertainer in Hollywood gave his life to the Lord many years ago. But money, fame, and corruption began to do their work…

The Bible, Qur’an, and Hadith

The Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, contains 114 chapters, or surahs, that embody codes governing religious, civil, commercial, and military affairs. Since it was the first Arabic book of consequence, it has incalculable…

Jesus Is Better Than…

Few people like change. But imagine what it would have been like if you had been told to forget the Old Covenant and cling to something new.

The Only Priest We Need

In days of old, the Jewish high priest ministered before the Lord. Learn what he did—and how Christ does so much more.

A Better Sacrifice, A Better Covenant

Learn the differences between the Levitical sacrifices and Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself while examining the covenants God made with Israel.

Running the Race of Faith

Living for Christ brings great reward. But life can be rough, full of ups and downs. Here’s how to get through the tough times and win the race of faith.

God Is Exalted and Exclusive (Theology Proper)

Scripture teaches that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, is exalted above all gods and is the only real, true, and living God. God Is Exalted Israelites and Gentiles asserted that Israel’s God is exalted above all

Looking for Christmas

A dispute raged a few years ago over whether to allow a manger scene in front of a local municipal building. A lady in town reportedly opined, “Isn’t it a shame that we…

The Eyes of Faith Conclusion

My friend’s father had a heart attack in February. Renée told me her dad was in the maternity ward of a hospital, visiting his newborn grandson, when he suddenly slumped over in a chair. Seconds…

God Is Holy (Theology Proper)

What is the holiness of God? For many years I thought the sum total of God’s holiness was His sinlessness. But I was mistaken. God’s sinlessness is an important aspect of God’s holiness…

The Origin and Fall of Satan

Lucifer, “the anointed cherub that covereth,” became the evil “god of this age”—the enemy of Jehovah. Learn what happened and why?

Satan’s World Strategy

Satan’s dominion may be invisible. But
if you know where to look, you’ll be astounded to see how much he controls . . . and how he controls it.

The Satanic Trinity

As if one evil being weren’t enough, the Bible teaches that in the last days, there will be three—a pseudotrinity—that will take over the world.

The Many Masks of Satan

If you think Satan appears like the caricatures of him, with horns and a red tail, think again. More often than not, he appears as the “noblest” among us.

God Is Personal (Theology Proper)

Some individuals claim that God is an impersonal power or force and is not personal. Paul Tillich, who taught at Union Theological Seminary (New York), Harvard, and the University of Chicago and who was regarded…

The Eyes of Faith Part One

I’m from Missouri,” was a popular saying years ago. Often those who said it weren’t from Missouri at all but were expressing skepticism about something. They were saying, “Show me, and I’ll believe.” “Show me…

God Is Triune (Theology Proper) Conclusion

In the previous article, we observed implications for the triunity of God in the Old Testament, noting how that portion of the Scriptures presents both the unity and plurality of God. Now we shall examine…

Happy Mother’s Day

Donald Grey Barnhouse, a great man of God who ministered for many years at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia until his death in 1960, once told the true story of a boy whose mother died…

Deborah A Mother in Israel

Some people are unlikely leaders. On the surface, they appear to lack the distinctives we usually associate with greatness. David, for example, was a shepherd boy, a dreamer, who wrote songs and played a harp—qualities…

God is Triune (Theology Proper) Part One

Our previous articles have demonstrated that God has used various means to reveal the reality of His existence and other knowledge concerning Himself to mankind. One aspect of that other knowledge is the fact…

The Virgin Mary

Christmas is approaching. And as people the world over look forward to the gifts, decorations, and tinsel of the season, those of us who love the traditional carols anticipate with joy the sweet strains…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2001

Indonesia is a nation splashed across thousands of miles of the Indian Ocean and Java Sea in Southeast Asia. The nation is comprised of a mind-boggling 13,660 islands and ranks as the world’s fourth largest…

Mother Rachel Conclusion

Barrenness was an extreme source of shame and disgrace in ancient Israel, and Rachel’s barrenness only worsened her relationship with her sister Leah. It was bad enough they shared a husband.

The Means of Knowing Truth About God Part Two

Previously we examined the biblical claim that God has demonstrated the reality of His existence and uncovered other knowledge about Himself by giving revelation to human beings during the course of history.

Mother Rachel Part One

They come by the thousands, bringing their prayer books, their handkerchiefs, their heartaches and tears. Some weep quietly; others cry uncontrollably. But almost all of them cry. These are the Jewish women who come…

The Means of Knowing Truth About God Part One

How can mankind know if God is a reality or a figment of human imagination? If God is a reality, how can His nature; thoughts; ways; actions; and relationship to the universe, planet Earth, mankind…

Living in a World Turning Upside Down

Wrong is right; good is evil; and Christianity is the world’s new nemesis. That’s what the new paganism preaches—and it’s turning the world upside down.

Give Us a King

Were the Israelites wrong to demand a king? This insightful article examines
the events leading to the creation of the monarchy in ancient Israel.