Now They Call Me Infidel

Israel has been the object of constant terrorism—a barrage of 9/11s all through its history. As a percentage of their total population, Israel has lost far more lives to terror…

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2008

ARUTZ-7—The Jewish state’s first Arab minister, Raleb Majadle, has declared that Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount is nonexistent and that he will always give his allegiance to Islam over Israel…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2007

Intense rocket fire from Palestinian Gaza into Jewish Sderot has led Defense Minister Ehud Barak to declare a state of emergency in the western Negev communities, thereby transferring authority over local councils…

Hirsi Ali’s Challenge to Humanity

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is arguably the bravest and most remarkable woman of our time. To understand why this 37-year-old woman is extraordinary, she must be assessed in the context of the forces…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2007

Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel must learn from Hamas’s takeover of Gaza. “Every piece of land that we unilaterally evacuate becomes a place where rockets are deployed against us. We must ensure…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2007

A tired old motto makes its appearance in every political campaign. It goes something like this: “Politics: the art of the possible.” However, in many cases the reality is more…

A Madrassa Grows in Brooklyn

Come September, an Arabic-language, public secondary school is slated to open its doors in Brooklyn. The New York City Department of Education says the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA), serving grades six…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2007

A 24-year-old man known only as Hasanuddin has admitted planning the savage, October 2005 beheadings of three Christian girls in Poso, Indonesia, as a “gift” to Muslims in celebration…

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2007

Before the November elections in the United States, politicians burned the roads and airwaves trying to convince voters they had the solution to the dilemma Saddam Hussein and his henchmen…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Questions That Beg for Answers

Here we go again. Just as they exploded with rage over 12 cartoons published in a Danish newspaper in September 2005, Muslims again are demonstrating that they will not extend freedom of the press…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2006

Some of you will remember the terrible atrocity we wrote about last year when radical Islamists in Indonesia beheaded three Christian schoolgirls on their way to class-es. Although the tragedy did not touch…

Brigitte Gabriel Conclusion

When the Palestinians started fighting in Lebanon [in the 1970s], the war took on such savagery that it was inconceivable. They would massacre the Christian cities. City after city. A signature Palestinian way…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2006

The father of an Israeli soldier abducted and killed in 2000 says he has proof the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) filmed the kidnapping, sold the film to Hezbollah, and then denied…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rediscovering Evil

The TV news anchors were discussing an unspeakably vicious murder that had been committed without provocation. The report was shocking but, unfortunately, the fare we have come to expect on the evening…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2006

Two years ago, attending high school in Zaria city, Kaduna, Nigeria, went from tension to tragedy when Muslims attacked their Christian classmates. This was not a scuffle. The assault was brutal, and its effects…

Dancing with the Devil

Like it or not, Hamas now controls the Palestinian Authority. Does this mean Israel must negotiate with terrorists? This lawyer says no.

Israel in the News: Special Report

Brigitte Gabriel is a survivor of Islam’s jihad against Lebanese Christians. Her story will astound you. Reared in an Arab country that taught her to hate Israel, her love for the Jewish state…

The Lowdown on Hezbollah

Hezbollah makes no secret of its objective, namely, the destruction of Israel. It committed an act of war by crossing the international border and attacking soldiers in Israel and kidnapping two…

Jihad, American Style

A crusade is under way to rid America of Christianity. If this statement seems harsh to you, you may change your mind after reading this article.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2006

In a world overrun by head-scratching contradictions to anything resembling common sense, here’s one more. Israeli Brig. Gen. Aviv Kochavi has been forced to cancel plans to study…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2006

The Palestinian Authority’s ruling Hamas terror group has launched a Web site for children, using cartoons and children’s stories to preach the moral desirability of being a suicide terrorist. The Hamas-run Al-Fateh.net…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Day Rose-Colored Glasses Turned Green

On January 25 things looked pretty good for wishful thinkers who perpetually see the world through rose-colored glasses. The Palestinian election polls were showing a 10-point spread between Palestinian President Mahmoud…

The Beginning of the Reckoning

The Islamic Center in Munich, Germany, was founded by Muslim Nazis. But that link is only one of many in a surprisingly strong Muslim-Nazi connection.

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2006

As the government declares “war” on unauthorized Jewish communities, Arabs, funded by the Palestinian Authority (PA), are deciding Israel’s future borders through unhindered illegal building. Unauthorized Arab building…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jan/Feb 2006

“What’s it to me?” That’s a question repeatedly bandied about by Americans and people residing in the affluent zone we call the Western democracies. There’s plenty of “bread and circus” and little…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A War Strictly off the Record

The teenagers were on their way to their Christian school in Poso (Sulawesi), Indonesia. As they walked through a cocoa plantation, none could have imagined the horror awaiting them. Hiding beside the path, hooded jihadists…

What a Difference a Flag Makes

Some people have integrity; others don’t. Now is a good time to consider what flag you want flying over Jerusalem.

The Anti-Terror, Pro-Israel Sheik

Few Muslims these days have the courage to support Israel and condemn terror. Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi, a highly educated imam, professor, co founder and cochairman of the Islam-Israel Fellowship…

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2006

The Palestinian Authority (PA) wants the United States to pressure Israel into allowing PA polling stations and campaigning in Jerusalem, enabling the Hamas terrorist organization pledged to Israel’s destruction to campaign…

Never Miss an Opportunity

Was Gaza enough? Not on your life. Now Abbas is beating the drum for a move on Jerusalem, while archaeologists uncover something wonderful.

They Must Start Over—Again

Nisanit was the second largest of the 21 Gaza Strip Jewish communities destroyed in August. The oldest was Kfar Darom, erected in 1946, two years before Israel became a state.

The New Wall of Jerusalem

A top Jerusalem Post writer gives you an insider’s look at Jewish life in Israel’s City
of Gold and what many feel is the only viable way to protect it.

Traveling the Fence Route

On a hot, dry, Friday morning in July, my wife, Lisa, and I traveled the entire length of the route of the fence that will envelop metropolitan Jerusalem. Starting in Gilo, we headed east toward…

Islam? Which Kind?

You’ve got your Sunnis and your Shiis
and your Fivers and your Seveners. And the list goes on. All are Muslims. Yet all are not alike.

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2005

ARUTZ-7—As the Israeli flag was being lowered over Gaza to mark the end of Israel’s 38-year-presence in the area, teenaged Arabs threw rocks at Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops near the demolished Neveh Dekalim community.

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2005

On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists hijacked airliners and used them to destroy the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and severely damage the Pentagon in Washington…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2005

ARUTZ-7—An outstanding issue in the ever-so-complicated disengagement/expulsion is what to do with the residents’ property. “What-ever we can fit into two large containers, we will take,” army Brig.-Gen. Guy Tzur told the people of Gush…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2005

Police detectives searched the IDF soldier’s vehicle after they deemed his behavior suspicious. Heroin was found, and he was arrested. During his arrest, the soldier told the police officers that he was a neo-Nazi…

Silhouette of man speaking.

You Only Get One Mistake

I have a friend who spent his military career in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as a sapper—a military demolitions specialist. His job was to defuse land mines and other lethal explosives. Upon being inducted…

The Children Who Remain

My friend brenda Giles is no stranger to suicide bombings. An evangelical christian who spends about as much time on her knees as she does on her feet, brenda lives in the Jewish neighborhood…

On the Way to Canaan Land

George W. Bush had just won the presidential election for a second term. The confetti was still lying on the floor of GOP headquarters when Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair jumped forward…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2005

For most people, coming home to family, friends, and loved ones is a cherished privilege. In the West, where physical persecution for our faith is virtually unknown, it is something we take for granted.

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2005

Israeli security figures show that Palestinians nearly doubled the number of Kassam rockets they fired from Gaza after the Israeli cabinet approved the disengagement plan. And their smuggling operations have netted them a Strella missile…

Silhouette of man speaking.

School’s Out for Aviel

Three-year-old Aviel Atash was excited as he boarded the bus with his mother headed for his first day in school. Aviel never made it. A short distance from where he and his mom boarded…

PLO Uses Violence to Suppress News

Suppressing news by threatening reporters with violence or death is one of the dirty little secrets of Middle east journalism.” so wrote Jeff Jacoby last year in The Boston (MA) Globe.

Closing the Book On Arafat

At long last the book has been closed on the life and times of notorious terrorist king-pin Yasser Arafat. In the years ahead historians will mull over the impact and legacy of the life…

Islam’s Bogus Peace

Islam, amazingly lauded as a religion of peace since September 11, 2001, is built on violence. Its founder,  Muhammad, established this religion by plundering…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2004

An Israeli toddler being dropped off at nursery school by his mother was killed when a Palestinian Kassam rocket exploded in the heart of Sderot in the Negev. More than 20 others, including youngsters…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2004

The family finished their evening meal and gathered in the living room to sing and enjoy a relaxing time exchanging pleasantries and stories. Later Esther put four of their young children to bed…

The Courage to Fight On

Yoni was two years old when Israel was created. He was born on March 13, 1946, less than a year after the most extreme and horrendous attempt—out of a long, almost unending line of attempts…

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2004

Warren and his wife, Donna, were missionaries with the Africa Inland Mission (AIM). They were on loan from AIM to Here Is Life, a Ugandan Christian ministry that runs the Esther Evangelical School of Technology…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2004

ARUTZ-7—The United States has determined that Yasser Arafat approved the terrorist attack on a U.S. embassy convoy in which three Americans were killed in October 2003. Middle East Newsline reported in the name of U.S.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2004

We have known for years that Islamist terrorist cells have been operating in the United States and North America. In 1994 investigative reporter Steven Emerson produced a one-hour documentary, Jihad in America, that aired…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Cell Phones Wouldn’t Stop Ringing

A friend of mine who lives in Jerusalem was on his way to work on the morning of January 29. He was suffering the usual heavy morning traffic, three cars behind an Egged bus…

Goose-Stepping Americans?

An influx of Muslim immigrants is changing the face of Europe. Suddenly, Americans are being called the new Nazis; and Bush, the new Hitler.

Islam’s Suicide Solution

As if it were not already enormous, the gulf between Islam and Christianity grew even greater in January when Reem Rayashi, a 22-year-old Palestinian mother of two, blew herself up at the Erez Crossing…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2004

Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the deal, saying it was too expensive. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, however, said that the importance of the deal surpasses merely the water issue and affects the strategic relationship with…

to Repentance

The book of Zechariah is among the most profound in the Old Testament and of great importance in view of the times and circumstances in which it was written. Zechariah summed up and condensed most…

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

In the case of Israel, the necessity for checkpoints has been created by the Palestinians. By pursuing a violent campaign of terror against Israel’s citizens, they have forced Israel to set up barriers to make…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

Last December thousands of Palestinians flocked to the home of a family whose newborn son caused a sensation. Muslims are revering the boy as the “miracle
baby” of Bethlehem. The designation was given because…

Suicide Bombers

As part of its promotion of suicide terrorism, the Palestinian Authority (P A) has repeatedly taught its population the Islamic tradition that the Shahid (martyr) who dies for Allah will receive numerous heavenly rewards…

Confronting a Legacy of Hatred

Hatred for Israel and the Jewish people in classrooms controlled by the Palestinian Authority is an ongoing problem. If and when a peace agreement is reached, how can a generation of Palestinian children and young…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2004

The growing alliance between Christians and Jews has prompted Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to create a Christian Allies Caucus to maintain that relationship and support it. Said Knesset member Yuri Stern…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A New Kind of War in a New Kind of World

Talk to most people over sixty and you’re apt to detect an air of nostalgia in the conversation after a while. References to “the good old days” bore younger listeners to tears but are rewarded…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on Middle East Jan/Feb 2004

Following the brutal suicide bombing that took twenty-one lives and wounded sixty others at the Maxim restaurant in Haifa on October 4, 2003, Israel went on the offensive. The terrorist group Islamic Jihad quickly claimed responsibility…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Five Big Words

When speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tom DeLay, visited Israel recently, he said cryptically, “Israel’s fight is our fight.” Just five words to be sure, but words defining what the conflict in the Middle…

The More Things Change…

For thousands of years the world has produced people eager to destroy the nation of Israel. But the conflict is far greater than it appears.

Road Map to Armageddon

The PLO holds every terrorist record on the books, and Arafat has violated every agreement he ever made with Israel. What kind of “peace” lies ahead?

Fighting ‘World War IV’

Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey has an interesting slant on world events. As far as he’s concerned, World War III is over.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2003

When Israel, in accordance with its agreement with the new Palestinian government, pulled Israel Defense Forces troops out of Bethlehem recently, many residents of the Jerusalem suburb of Gilo feared the worst. And they…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2003

Had she been Palestinian, the entire world would be up in arms. But she was Israeli, so no one even noticed when seven-year-old Noam Liebowitz was shot to death while riding in her family car…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2003

A former U.S. ambassador to an obscure Third World nation recently contributed his opinion on TV as to why the spate of terror attacks in the wake of the war in Iraq. His remarks postulated…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2003

“I’m telling you frankly, the attitude of Islam is not to accept a foreign state in this area.” So said senior Hamas spokesman Mahmoud a-Zahar on the BBC. He later met with Palestinian Authority (PA)…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2003

ARUTZ-7-The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that Arab residents of Yesha have found a new way to take advantage of…

The Terrorists

When it comes to terrorists, it is sometimes difficult to tell the players without a program. Although the secular press of late has taken to calling them militiamen, freedom fighters, militants, and other such misleading…

The Awful Price of Terror

We hear about Israelis killed by terrorist bombs. But what about those who survive—and are crippled for life? Here is a story you won’t soon forget.

The PLO and PA

If these organizations confuse you, read this article. It will untangle the web that Yasser Arafat has spun over the eyes of the Western world.


Yasser Arafat is not a Palestinian. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1929. His real name is Muhammad Abdel Rahman (first name) Abdel Raouf (father’s name) Arafat (grandfather’s name) Al Qudua…

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Accords

Israel has (1) recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the representative of the Palestinians; (2) allowed complete Palestinian autonomy in certain areas and civil autonomy in others; (3) allowed Palestinian…

The Intifadas

The word intifada is Arabic for “shaking off.” It refers to two violent Palestinian-Arab uprisings in Gaza and Judea/Samaria (West Bank). The first occurred from December 1987 through September 1993; the second began…

The Key Resolutions

Israel will be 55 years old in May. The country was established under sanction of inter national law after the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181 in 1947, dividing the remaining 23 percent…

Status of Jewish Holy Sites

Under Jordanian occupation (May 28, 1948—June 7, 1967), all Jewish holy sites in East Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria were off-limits to Jews. In East Jerusalem, 58 synagogues were destroyed or desecrated. Jordan built…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Confused About Who the Bad Guys Are?

If you’re not confused, give America’s largest teachers’ union time to work on a few more lesson plans, and you can be sure that the next generation will be. As though it’s not enough…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2002

On a day in late July, students, faculty, and employees were taking a leisurely lunch inside the popular Frank Sinatra Cafeteria on the campus of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Without warning, a thunderous explosion…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2002

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Web site has reported a new children’s outdoor game being played these days in the Palestinian Authority (PA) city of Ramallah. The name of the game was not reported…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Standing Tall in the Rose Garden

When George W. Bush strode into the White House rose garden in June, much of the world waited somewhat eagerly to hear what the U.S. chief executive would say. He said a mouthful. Some likened…

Peace in Two Sentences

Why is it so difficult to find the formula for peace in the Middle East? What’s the problem, anyway? The problem and solution are two simple sentences.

America’s Perplexing Diplomacy

Israel is America’s most faithful ally in the Middle East, if not in the world. Yet U.S. policy toward this tiny democracy often leaves us scratching our heads.

Legacy of a Terrorist

Dictators make bad neighbors. And make no mistake; before he is an Arab, before he is a Palestinian, even before he is a Muslim, Yasser Arafat is a dictator. When he founded the Palestine Liberation Organization…

A Terrorist by Any Other Name

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. And if Nobel Peace Prize-winner Arafat funds and preaches terrorism, he’s every inch a terrorist.

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2002

Yasser Arafat’s Fatah terrorist organization is signed on posters throughout Judea, Samaria, and Gaza that threaten terrorism against Americans. The posters say attacks will take place if the United States continues to support Israel…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2002

When the Israelis decided to go into the refugee camp at Jenin in order to ferret out terrorists and their weapons-making factories, a fateful decision was made. Instead of using massive, indiscriminate bombing campaigns as

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2002

Late last winter a flurry of peace proposals began floating through the air of the Middle East. The situation in Israel was desperate. Palestinian terrorists were murdering innocent civilians at an alarming rate. In…

A Clash of Civilizations

After decades of trying to build a better world, we are back where we started: fighting a man and an ideology that seek to destroy us.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East

Israel is not worth the price of an atom bomb. That opinion was expressed in an editorial appearing in an Iranian newspaper in response to remarks made by former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani. The editorial…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2002

Plans by the terrorist organization Hamas to produce homemade Katyusha rockets in the West Bank were foiled after the Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency, arrested a Hamas operative at the Rafah border crossing as he…

When Terror Is Not ‘Terror’

Does abhorrence of terrorism depend on the nationality or religion of the victim? Are some lives less precious than others, so much so that the word terrorism would not apply to murderous attacks on these…