
God is True and Truth Part Two

The previous article demonstrated how the Scriptures associate what is true and truth with God. Those associations indicate several facts concerning…

The Greatest Gift

Tis the season to fight your way through crowded malls, spend every dime you have, and max out your credit cards try­ing to buy gifts for those you love…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2004

We often report in this space statistics related to Christian persecution. We’ve publicized the horror of the genocide being committed by Muslim radicals…

Are You A Naomi? Conclusion

Vacation Bible School was just around the corner.  And a welcome corner it was, too. The weather always seemed perfect in North Carolina, and I looked forward to…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2004

“The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!” So writes Abdulrahman al-Rashed, general manager of AI-Arabiya television, in his…

Zvi Nov/Dec 2004

Here in Israel, one of the best places to meet people is at the clinic. They all sit around, waiting their turns to see the doctor; and…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2004

Thus reads the headline on the brochure from Volunteers for Israel (VFI). Since VFI’s inception in 1982, more than a hundred thousand people from thirty countries have volunteered their time and energy to immerse themselves…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Where Do We Sign Up?

Colonel Teddy Roosevelt, later to become the twenty-sixth president of the United States, was certified as an American icon during the Spanish-American War of 1898. The Spanish presence in North America, especially in Cuba…

No More Villages to Burn

Christians are being killed in record numbers. If you think Muslims want to dominate the Middle East only, you are dangerously mistaken.

The Babylonian Captivity

God always keeps His promises, even the unpleasant ones. The issues surrounding this captivity will take you from mere history
to important theology.

Tisha B’Av — Israel’s Day of Tragedies

People often have days when nothing, absolutely nothing, goes right. The Jewish people have such a date, when so many tragedies occurred that they established a national day of sadness, fasting, mourning, and remembrance.

The Second World Empire

After the Babylonian Empire, Media-Persia took over. This outstanding article sorts
out that kingdom’s rulers and what
they accomplished.

Daniel and Darius

Daniel in the lions’ den (Dan. 6) is probably one of the best-known accounts in the Bible. It’s the encouraging, satisfying triumph of faith, righteousness, and justice over wickedness and evil in high places.

The Exiles Return

God may have removed the Jewish people from their land, but He faithfully brought them back. Learn how He did it and who He used.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2004

I am a former Moslem, born and raised in the Middle East. I am very disappointed and almost scared after watching your presentation about Islam. One of the reasons I fled to the United States

The Ten ‘Lost’ Tribes Weren’t Lost

The phrase the lost tribes of Israel emits a certain ring of mystery that romanticizes the disappearance of the Israelites taken captive by Assyria in 722 B.C. Although the phrase is nowhere in Scripture…

Nehemiah The Leader

Nehemiah was a contemporary of Ezra and cupbearer to the king of Persia. He heard of the sorry situation in Jerusalem and the pitiful plight of its inhabitants, was moved with compassion…

Vision Four: Israel’s Cleansing

God specifically chose Israel to be a holy nation in which He could manifest His grace and truth to mankind (Ex. 19:5–8). Failing to live up to her elective calling, Israel committed gross immorality…

Targeting Hamas

The goal of Hamas is clear. As stated in the organization’s covenant, the Islamic Resistance Movement “strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.” No negotiations or compromises are possible.

God is True and Truth Part One

The Scriptures repeatedly associate what is true and truth with God. The primary Old Testament word used for this association is emet. Its foundational concept is “certainty, dependability”; and it is used “in several categories…

Ezra the Teacher

Ezra, a Levitical priest and scribe (Ezra 7:6–11), exercised a central role in rebuilding the spiritual condition of the Jewish people who returned from Babylon (Ezra 7—10). How was he equipped for such a task?

The Lord’s Temple in Jerusalem

From the moment the Lord formed the nation of Israel after the Exodus, He desired to dwell with His people as their King. Hence, the Tabernacle was built; and the Lord’s Glory indwelled it…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2004

That stand has led to extreme persecution in Communist Laos. Since 1975, Laos has been under the control of the Communist Pathet Lao. As is the norm for Communist-controlled countries, there is a one-party…

The Eastern Gate

The ground in front of the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount was still soft from the heavy rains. Confidently, the archaeology student stepped back from the gate to capture its entire view…

Are You a Naomi? Part One

I’m not much of a shopper. My favorite place in the mall is probably the ice cream parlor, where I’ve spent many a pleasant moment contemplating the virtues of hot fudge versus butterscotch…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2004

An Israeli toddler being dropped off at nursery school by his mother was killed when a Palestinian Kassam rocket exploded in the heart of Sderot in the Negev. More than 20 others, including youngsters…

Zvi Sep/Oct 2004

But to my regret, this is not so. From time to time I visit the ultra-Orthodox at their synagogues, which they call “holy of holy.” But when I arrive there, even though I am Jewish…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2004

The release of The Passion of the Christ earlier this year evoked much discussion and controversy within both Christian and Jewish communities. For the most part, Christians responded to the representation of Christ’s suffering…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Israel’s Significance Is Insignificant

Geo-political Israel today is not to be understood as God’ s promise to Abraham and Joshua. IT IS NOT! …It is fair to say, the world owes them a homeland. But, and this is important…

Children in the Fire

In ancient days the heathens sacrificed their children to the pagan god Molech. Thousands of years later, it’s surprising how little has changed.

Defining Differences

Premillennialism: The prefix pre means “before.” Premillennialism is the view that Christ will return to earth before the Millennium or Kingdom of God. He will establish a literal, political Kingdom of God on earth…

The Sons of Ishmael

Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant. His name, which in Hebrew means “God heard,” memorializes the Almighty’s concern for Sarah’s harsh treatment of Hagar (Gen. 16:6, 11).

The Mosaic Law: A Hard Road to Travel

God’s standards are far above ours. And if you think you would have done better than the Israelites, this article is especially for you.

The Davidic Covenant

David was a man after God’s own heart. And the covenant God made with him is everlasting, as this outstanding article explains.

A Literal Throne for a Literal King

A millennialists interpret the Davidic Covenant differently than do premillennialists. Amillennialists believe the promises God made to David in the Davidic Covenant should not be taken literally, but spiritually. They believe that Christ…

The ‘Queen of Heaven’

God pronounced severe judgment on the people of Judah and Jerusalem because they worshiped “the queen of heaven” (Jer. 7:17–20; 44:15–19). Who or what was the queen of heaven, and how did the people…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2004

The family finished their evening meal and gathered in the living room to sing and enjoy a relaxing time exchanging pleasantries and stories. Later Esther put four of their young children to bed…

Jerusalem’s Future Glory

No other city is more treasured by the Lord than Jerusalem. The prophet Ezekiel said that Jerusalem is set in the middle of the nations (Ezek. 5:5); and the prophet Ahijah called Jerusalem the city…

The Courage to Fight On

Yoni was two years old when Israel was created. He was born on March 13, 1946, less than a year after the most extreme and horrendous attempt—out of a long, almost unending line of attempts…

God is Glorious Conclusion

The previous article examined two ways in which God has manifested His glory during history: (1) through His created universe and (2) through unique, historic events. This article will examine two more ways.

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2004

Warren and his wife, Donna, were missionaries with the Africa Inland Mission (AIM). They were on loan from AIM to Here Is Life, a Ugandan Christian ministry that runs the Esther Evangelical School of Technology…

A Step in the Wrong Direction

A pastor in the Midwest tells about his early years trying to shepherd a church that his entire family attended—sisters, brothers, and father. Apparently it wasn’t easy. During a business meeting when he was trying desperately…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2004

ARUTZ-7—The United States has determined that Yasser Arafat approved the terrorist attack on a U.S. embassy convoy in which three Americans were killed in October 2003. Middle East Newsline reported in the name of U.S.

Zvi Jul/Aug 2004

Everyone talks about the “road map” to peace. They say, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jer. 6:14). And there will be no peace until the Prince of Peace comes.

Bill Sutter’s Desk May/Jun 2004

It’s a term that arouses concern, even fear, in the hearts of people, especially if they are Jewish. It is also one of the most mischaracterized subjects of the Bible’s prophetic teachings.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2004

We have known for years that Islamist terrorist cells have been operating in the United States and North America. In 1994 investigative reporter Steven Emerson produced a one-hour documentary, Jihad in America, that aired…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Cell Phones Wouldn’t Stop Ringing

A friend of mine who lives in Jerusalem was on his way to work on the morning of January 29. He was suffering the usual heavy morning traffic, three cars behind an Egged bus…

One Holiday, Two Birthdays

Thousands of Jewish people will make their traditional trek on foot to the Western Wall later in May to celebrate one of…

Goose-Stepping Americans?

An influx of Muslim immigrants is changing the face of Europe. Suddenly, Americans are being called the new Nazis; and Bush, the new Hitler.

The Real Anne Frank

Had she lived, Anne
Frank would be seventy-five years old this
year. But in March 1945,
three months before her
sixteenth birthday, Anne
became one of eighteen
thousand prisoners who
died in a single month in
the Nazis’ Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.

The Invasion by Gog and Magog

Son of man, set thy face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against…

The New Heavens and New Earth

What a joy it will be to step from this life into the glorious future that awaits all true believers. But don’t think it will be all play and no work.

The Final Rebellion

Peace. Tranquility. Justice. They will cover the Earth like a blanket during the millennial rule. But will mankind be satisfied? What do you think?

The Restrainer

Someone or something is preventing evil from overtaking the world. And when this restrainer is removed, it truly will be like hell on Earth.

God’s Care for Judah

Upon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius [January/February 519 B.C.], came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah, the son of…

The Foul Fruit of Apostasy

Many people profess to be Christians but reject the Bible as God’s Word; deny the deity of Christ; or repudiate the incarnation, virgin birth, resurrec­tion…

Safeguard Your ‘Moorings’

True faith requires commitment. Without it, you can find yourself awash in the world. Have you checked your moorings lately?

God is Glorious Part One

The present age is characterized by the encroachment of a secular, humanistic world-life view on society. Many people go to great lengths to deny the existence or relevance of the personal, sovereign God of the…

Islam’s Suicide Solution

As if it were not already enormous, the gulf between Islam and Christianity grew even greater in January when Reem Rayashi, a 22-year-old Palestinian mother of two, blew herself up at the Erez Crossing…

A Literal Kingdom on Earth

Evangelicals often use the phrase One Messiah, two appearances. Although most of the world acknowledges the first appearance—a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger—few realize that this same Jesus will come again…

From Terrorist to Zionist

Bethlehem-born Walid Shoebat detested Jews. Not that he had ever spoken to one. But he had been so well indoctrinated with…

Conversions Wont Hasten Christ’s Coming

True, Bible-believing Christians are commanded to make salvation through Jesus known to all (Mt. 28:19–20). Jesus Himself gave that mandate, called the Great Commission, after His resurrection and prior to His ascension into heaven.

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East May/Jun 2004

Arab leaders have repeatedly made clear their animosity toward Jews and Judaism. For example, on November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson: “Our hatred for the Jews dates from…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2004

Each Sunday, millions of Western Christians go to worship with Bibles in hand, usually one for every member of the family. Such a public display of God’s Word is an inherent right we seldom think…

Miracle Mother Conclusion

Logically speaking, the State of Israel should not exist. Five fully armed Arab nations tried to snuff it out at birth in 1948. Nevertheless, with few weapons; no air force; no navy; and an “army”…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2004

Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the deal, saying it was too expensive. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, however, said that the importance of the deal surpasses merely the water issue and affects the strategic relationship with…

Zvi May/Jun 2004

Psalm 81 is a nice chapter in the Word of God. It begins, “Sing aloud unto God, our strength; make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob” (v. 1). Unfortunately, many of the people who…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2004

In traveling to Israel recently on a solidarity tour with representatives of our nearby Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Jewish community, we prayed that our lives as Christians would reflect both our commitment to the Bible…

Only in Israel!

For example, in November 2002 a suicide bomber boarded an Israeli bus in Jerusalem that was so packed with Jewish schoolchildren no one noticed him. He waited until the bus was full, then exploded himself…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Pondering Life in the ‘New Jerusalem’

That’s the dream. But dreams rarely reflect reality. And nocturnal pleasantries inevitably vaporize when exposed to the harsh light of morning. Such will be the case when foreign interlopers, dreamers, and wishful thinkers impose..

The Second Jerusalem Council

Church split are words that make us shudder. A split almost occurred in the early church. See how the church avoided it and grew instead.

The Shepherd’s Love

Some people think Jesus criticized the Jewish people because He did not love them. But they have gotten things all wrong.

Bait for Hate

For millennia Gentiles have used the New Testament as an excuse to hate Jewish people. Furthermore, many of them misin- terpret the Bible.

to Repentance

The book of Zechariah is among the most profound in the Old Testament and of great importance in view of the times and circumstances in which it was written. Zechariah summed up and condensed most…

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

In the case of Israel, the necessity for checkpoints has been created by the Palestinians. By pursuing a violent campaign of terror against Israel’s citizens, they have forced Israel to set up barriers to make…

The Passover Lamb

“Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). Using clear imagery rooted deeply in the Jewish experience, God identified His servant the Messiah as a lamb…

God is Sovereign Conclusion

The previous article examined several biblical indications that God is sovereign over time. One of the most significant indicators of God’s sovereignty in that sphere is His amazing seventy-weeks prophecy delivered to Daniel in 538…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Mar/Apr 2004

Last December thousands of Palestinians flocked to the home of a family whose newborn son caused a sensation. Muslims are revering the boy as the “miracle
baby” of Bethlehem. The designation was given because…

Suicide Bombers

As part of its promotion of suicide terrorism, the Palestinian Authority (P A) has repeatedly taught its population the Islamic tradition that the Shahid (martyr) who dies for Allah will receive numerous heavenly rewards…

Israel’s Peculiar Position

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it…

Confronting a Legacy of Hatred

Hatred for Israel and the Jewish people in classrooms controlled by the Palestinian Authority is an ongoing problem. If and when a peace agreement is reached, how can a generation of Palestinian children and young…

They Cry In Silence Mar/Apr 2004

These startling figures reported by senior reporter George Thomas of CBN News reveal the very real problems confronting the Christians of postwar Iraq. A Christian leader surveying the situation in his country declared…

Miracle Mother Part Two

Satan is the master of deceit. He can disguise his deceptions so brilliantly they often appear the epitome of logic and right thinking. But faith often contradicts logic. God’s ways are not our ways…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2004

The growing alliance between Christians and Jews has prompted Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to create a Christian Allies Caucus to maintain that relationship and support it. Said Knesset member Yuri Stern…

Zvi Mar/Apr 2004

Not long ago I received a nice visit in our home from four men who considered themselves extremely pious. They believed they were fighting for justice and righteousness; and wherever they went…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2004

While awaiting a flight at the Denver, Colorado, airport in May, a headline from The Denver Post captured my attention: “Opening service unites Presbyterians.” Eric Gorski, the newspaper’s religion writer, was reporting the start…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A New Kind of War in a New Kind of World

Talk to most people over sixty and you’re apt to detect an air of nostalgia in the conversation after a while. References to “the good old days” bore younger listeners to tears but are rewarded…

An Interview with David Bar-Illan

In 1998 David Bar-Illan was the policy and planning director for the administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. He also was a primary spokesman for the prime minister. Below are portions of an…

The Tyranny of Minority Rule

What’s wrong with calling America a “Judeo-Christian” nation? “Everything,” say some people whose voices grow stronger every day.

Joshua: Profile in Courage

Sometimes the odds aren’t in our favor. But when it comes to God’s work, the “odds” don’t matter. Joshua learned what really counts.

How Big Is How Big Is Your God?

Who hasn’t heard of the Battle of Jericho? This article takes a fresh look at that amaz- ing victory and the powerful God who won it.

Archaeology Confirms the Walls ‘Fell Flat’

In 1997 two Italian archaeologists hired by the Palestinian Department of Archaeology excavated for one month at ancient Jericho. Their conclusion was not surprising, considering who hired them: No evidence supports the Jewish conquest…

Caleb’s Enduring Faith

Caleb and Joshua were kindred spirits when it came to faith. Of the twelve men Moses sent to spy out the land, only these two had faith that God would deliver Canaan into Israel’s hands…

Who is the ‘Angel of the Lord’?

He Speaks as God. “I will multiply thy seed” (Gen. 16:10); “I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me” (Gen. 22:12); “And the angel…