Cameron Joyner

One With God

Jesus possessed divine authority because He is divine. Some people say He never claimed to be God but He stated His deity plainly: “I and My Father are one”…

Speaking Truth to Power

Celebrated Jewish cartoonist Bob Mankoff once said in an interview, “I know everybody wants humor to be subversive and…

The Warrior King

The acronym SERE refers to military training for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape. It prepares U.S. combatants for wilderness survival, enemy evasion, and…

Abstract painting of the Apostle Peter looking up

The Jewishness of Peter

Newsflash: The apostle Simon Peter was not a Roman Catholic. He did not consider Rome his homeland, and he certainly…

No Other Name

How can people hate someone who died for them? After all, the whole world celebrates heroes, people who selflessly “pay the ultimate price” for a noble cause…

The Unlikely King

It was a scandal many find hard to stomach even today. The king God chose to govern His people committed adultery with another man’s wife…