August/September 1995

God's Design and Israel's Destiny


Ezekiel’s Call

What constitutes a “call” for a person of God? Is it a mystical experience that seemingly only a few receive? Is it that still small voice of God that speaks to us in our confusion?

Ezekiel’s Strange Signs

Was Ezekiel a paranoid schizophrenic? If not, he must, according to some writers, at least have had an abnormal personality. To lovers of the Bible, such a diagnosis of a biblical prophet is nothing short...

God’s Design And Israel’s Destiny Ezekiel 36–37

A few short months ago, a bill was introduced in the Congress of the United States to recognize city of Jerusalem as Israel’s national capital and move the U.S. Embassy to the city by 1999.

Gog And Magog

Ezekiel 38–39 foretells a massive future invasion “of Israel by the armed forces of six nations. Five of those nations are identified in 38:5–6 with the names they bore in Ezekiel’s time.

The Millennial Temple

Soon after the Lord delivered the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, He gave Moses instructions to build the Tabernacle. The work was done according to God’s plan, and when it was completed...

God’s Throne Revealed Revelation 4:1–11

Questions about heaven are always at the center of a believer’s thinking, especially questions dealing with the appearance of and activities in heaven. Through the eyes of John, believers are permitted a gaze...

More In This Issue

Silhouette of man speaking.

Scalp-Hunting Christians

The Jewess was livid with anger. She had been approached by a man on the street in Jerusalem who had offered her a tract and tried to strike up a conversation about Jesus...

A Likely Scenario

Dr. Showers’ article confirms the identification of a number of military contingents who will join Russia in the invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 33 and 39.

General Revelation: Part One

In the previous article in this series, we saw that there are two kinds or categories of divine revelation: general and special. General revelation is God’s uncovering of knowledge through means available to all mankind.

The Talmud

“No! No! No!” the grandmother screamed as the six-year-old boy placed the clean spoon into the drawer of clean utensils. “That spoon goes with the milchig [dairy].” The youngster should have known;

Israel in the News Aug/Sep 1995

The satellite transmits video signals sharp enough to “make out license plates in Baghdad,” an official at Israel Aircraft Industries told AP. The possible military missions of such a device include high-resolution photography, electronic surveillance, and measuring the electromagnetic levels of various objects.

Zvi Aug/Sep 1995

In these times of great uncertainty in Israel, the leaders of the Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) rabbis have taken it upon themselves to compose a new prayer—a nice poem that will comfort the people.

Daily News from Israel

FBI Investigating Leak of Israel’s Plans

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it “is investigating the alleged leak of classified documents” pertaining to Israel’s planned...

News Digest — 10/23/24

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) intercepted two rockets fired from Lebanon that crossed into Israeli territory, the IDF reported Wednesday morning (23rd)...

What Was in Sinwar’s Underground Bunker?

Last week, Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF forces in Rafah. Find out the conditions of the Hamas leader’s living arrangements underground!

News Digest — 10/22/24

Approximately five rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon toward central Israel early Tuesday morning (22nd), the IDF confirmed...

Israel at War: Week 54

With the death of Hamas head and October 7,2023 mastermind Yahya Sinwar, the IDF discovered his bunker containing both elegant furnishings...

News Digest — 10/21/24

On Sunday night (20th), the IAF conducted a series of targeted, intelligence-based strikes against dozens of facilities and sites used by the Hezbollah...

News Digest — 10/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday (17th) following the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar...

News Digest — 10/17/24

Syrian State media said Thursday (17th) that an Israeli airstrike hit the coastal city of Latakia, targeting a weapons depot according to a war monitor...

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