February/March 1982

"The Lamb of God, Who Taketh Away the Sins of the World"

More In This Issue

5 Minutes with the Director

If one thinks about it — and I am writing this editorial to encourage you to do so — the birth and death of Jesus are uniquely ironic.

THE LAMB Typified in The Law…

Since the dawn of creation man has sought to worship by offering sacrifice to his deity. Sometimes the sacrifice was from the fruit of his own hand, and sometimes by animals which he slew (Gen. 4:3-4).

THE LAMB Personified in the Prophets…

The Supreme Court had not yet banned Bible reading in the public schools, so there was nothing unusual about a Jewish teen­ager telling his parents that his teacher had read from the Bible.

Armed for Armageddon or/When Will The Lamb Come For His Own?

There are a growing number of Christian "survivalists" in our country claiming that the Church of Jesus Christ must go through the Tribulation. However, it should be noted at the outset that not all post-tribulationists...

THE LAMB Identified in the Gospels… “…BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD…” John 1:29

Man’s redemption and reconciliation to God is the major theme of the Bible. The Old Testament reveals God's provision for redemption through an animal sacrificial system given to the nation of Israel.

The Contest on Carmel

There were two kinds of Old Testament prophets: prophets of words and prophets of deeds. Of the former, the greatest is doubt­less Isaiah. Of the latter, there has not been a greater than Elijah.

PASSOVER: Redemption through the Lamb

Paramount to all other thoughts in the Passover is the one of redemption. As Jew­ish people the world round sit at the Pass­over table every year, they remember God's faithfulness in delivering His people Israel.

THE LAMB:  Glorified in the Revelation “…WORTHY IS THE LAMB…”  Revelation 5:12

What's in a name? Not much. some would say. The ancient Hebrews, however, thought that names were very significant. Oftentimes, a person's name would describe his character.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1982

I would like to tell you about our Passover celebration last year. As in every other year, my home was completely full on the Passover evening. Ii was expecting about ten people, but many more than that came.

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 2/13/25

Senior Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri spoke to Al Jazeera on Wednesday evening (12th) and stated that Hamas is...

News Digest — 2/12/25

Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...

The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!

The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...

Israel at War: Week 70

When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...

News Digest — 2/11/25

The IDF has decided to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command and has postponed leave for...

News Digest — 2/10/25

Israeli fighter jets carried out several Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday evening (9th), including against a tunnel between...

News Digest — 2/7/25

The IAF early Friday morning (7th), with the direction of the Intelligence Directorate, conducted a precise strike in Lebanese territory...

News Digest — 2/6/25

Four of the five freed surveillance soldier hostages returned home from the hospital on Wednesday (5th), 11 days after their release from Hamas...

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