February/March 1991

The Church—United by the Cross

Ephesians 2—3


No Middle Wall

With His talk of crucifixion at Jerusalem, Jesus’ disciples were struck dumb with consternation. Their anticipation and preparation had been geared for the coming Kingdom—a literal, one-thousand-year era during which the Messiah/King Himself would take...

The Parting of the Ways

Although it has sometimes been overlooked, a straightforward reading of the Book of Acts reveals that Christianity began as a sect within the Jewish community. Jesus was born of a Jewish mother, was reared...

Judgment on Jerusalem Zephaniah 3:1–8

Perhaps no city on earth is more loved than Jerusalem. The psalmist has well written, “Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion ... the city of the great King”...

Interpretations and Beliefs of Christian Reconstructionism

Our previous article noted that the heart of Christian Reconstructionism (also known as Dominion Theology and Theonomy) is a postmillennial view of history. According to this view, at the time of creation God gave man...

Abraham: The Man Blessed by God

A promise is only as good as the one who makes it. We have all had promises made to us that we knew would never be fulfilled. Conversely, other promises have been made...

Joel of Jerusalem

I recently visited the ultra-orthodox section of Jerusalem, and whenever I go there I always begin the conversation by talking about anything and everything because this is the way to gain their attention and friendship.

More In This Issue

Silhouette of man speaking.

Salad Bar Sanctuaries

Yuppies have finally had it! Bad marriages, barren lifestyles, and children adrift in a culture devoid of coherent values have caused many from the affluence-is-everything generation to go looking for a better way.

Israel in the News Feb/Mar 1991

Following a foiled attempt to infiltrate Israel by three Jordanian police officers and one civilian, Israel is looking closely at the stability of King Hussein’s regime in Jordan. Israeli military leaders have continually expressed concern...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 7/26/24

An Israeli military officer seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack outside a military base in central Israel earlier this month has succumbed to his wounds...

News Digest — 7/25/24

At least three Israeli men were hurt on Thursday (25th) in a terror attack on the West Bank.  The three were shot from a passing car...

News Digest — 7/24/24

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to present a new plan to combat Iran’s regional aggression...

Olympic “Games Wide Open” (Unless You’re Israeli!)

Israel's athletes are cautiously preparing for the Summer Olympics in Paris but have already been met with anti-Semitic opposition...

News Digest — 7/23/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Plane, Wings of Zion, Landed In the U.S. Monday night (22nd) at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington DC...

Israel at War: Week 41

Over the weekend Israel retaliated on Yemen’s Houthis, a militant minority, that launched a drone attack on Tel Aviv...

News Digest — 7/22/24

The IDF on Saturday (20th) struck Houthi military targets and enemy infrastructure at the port of Hudaydah in western Yemen...

News Digest — 7/19/24

A drone attack was allegedly carried out on Ben Yehuda Street on the corner of Shalom Aleichem near the US Consulate after loud...

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