January/February 2006

Preserving God's Word

How God has preserved His Word throughout the ages

This issue of Israel My Glory defends the reliability of Scripture. Craig Parshall refutes the inaccuracies presented in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Peter Colon tells how the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirms the reliability of Scripture. And Steve Herzig begins part one of his series, “The Fascinating World of the Hasidim.”


What a Difference a Flag Makes

Some people have integrity; others don’t. Now is a good time to consider what flag you want flying over Jerusalem.

Scrolls, Souls, and the ‘Da Vinci Effect’

Dan Brown’s novel has been on The New York Times Best Seller list for two years now, contradicting Scripture. Is it accurate? See for yourself.

The Vilna Gaon: A Mystical Genius

Rabbi Elijah was born in 1720. He was a brilliant Torah scholar and kabbalist who left indelible marks on Judaism—not all of them good.

Students Learn from Ancient Scrolls From the Days of the Vilna Gaon

What does an ancient scroll look like? Come into the classroom at Baptist Bible College where students worked on a 300- year-old Sefer Torah. You’ll be amazed!

The Fascinating World of the Hasidim Part One

Everything about them is different. Who are they? What do they believe? This first of three articles explores the intriguing, unusual world of Hasidism.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2006

I was approaching the microphone to introduce Walid Shoebat as our prophecy conference speaker recently when a thought raced into my mind: The grace of God is a miracle! But for the grace...

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jan/Feb 2006

“What’s it to me?” That’s a question repeatedly bandied about by Americans and people residing in the affluent zone we call the Western democracies. There’s plenty of “bread and circus” and little...

Silhouette of man speaking.

A War Strictly off the Record

The teenagers were on their way to their Christian school in Poso (Sulawesi), Indonesia. As they walked through a cocoa plantation, none could have imagined the horror awaiting them. Hiding beside the path, hooded jihadists...


Rabbis teach that God gave Moses not only the written Law of the Torah but also an oral law that was passed down verbally from Moses and began to be recorded...

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East Jan/Feb 2006

Myth: Egypt is no longer a military threat since signing a peace treaty with Israel. Fact: While Egypt remains formally at peace with Israel and honors its Camp David commitments, Cairo has nevertheless amassed...

The Mysteries of the Kabbalah

Mysticism—the pursuit of ultimate truth through mysterious rites and subjective experiences—has enchanted mankind for centuries. Claiming to offer insights into the deep, dark secrets of the universe, mysticism pledges inclusion...

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2006

On the first day of September, all schools in the Russian Federation celebrate a holiday that has come to be known as the Day of Knowledge. Children attend dressed in their best...

The Mysterious Golem

One of the strangest teachings of Kabbalah concerns the creation of the legendary golem. Some kab b alists claim that, with the right ingredients (such as clay) and the pronouncement...

Moses Mendelssohn

Nine years after the Vilna Gaon’s birth in Lithuania, another man was born whose influence opened the door to assimilation. He is known as the father of the Jewish Enlightenment, the Haskalah...

The Ancient Sopherim

From the ancient world to today, scribes (Hebrew, sopherim) have played a crucial role in preserving Jewish culture. Other ancient civilizations also had scribes. But Israel’s were unique. In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia...

The Dead Sea Scrolls’ True Treasure

The law of the Lᴏʀᴅ is perfect. More to be desired are they than gold,...and in keeping them there is great reward. The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands...

The Anti-Terror, Pro-Israel Sheik

Few Muslims these days have the courage to support Israel and condemn terror. Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi, a highly educated imam, professor, co founder and cochairman of the Islam-Israel Fellowship...

Israel’s Messianic Shepherd

Zechariah 10:1–12: In the previous chapter, the Lord is pictured as a shepherd who saves Israel, and Israel becomes “the flock of His people” (9:16). Israel’s redemption will take place when the nation...

God Is Moral Part Three

The previous article examined two types of sexual violations and perversions of God’s moral absolutes and His fixed order of moral law. Here we will examine five more such violations. Bestiality. The American...

Mary Magdalene: Setting the Record Straight

Seventeenth-century philosopher Joseph Hall once said, “A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.” How true. Worse yet...

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2006

The Palestinian Authority (PA) wants the United States to pressure Israel into allowing PA polling stations and campaigning in Jerusalem, enabling the Hamas terrorist organization pledged to Israel’s destruction to campaign...

Zvi Jan/Feb 2006

From time to time I go to the Orthodox to bring them the good news of the Lord. With them, you cannot finish a conversation in a few minutes. They are suspicious...

Daily News from Israel

News Digest — 2/14/25

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio stated on Thursday (13th) that the United States is open to hearing new proposals from Arab nations...

News Digest — 2/13/25

Senior Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri spoke to Al Jazeera on Wednesday evening (12th) and stated that Hamas is...

News Digest — 2/12/25

Hamas has ordered a ban on the use of mobile phones, by senior leadership, within both its military and politburo divisions...

The Palestinian Authority Asked Trump FOR WHAT?!

The Palestinian Authority asked the Trump administration to loosen sanctions against it in exchange...

Israel at War: Week 70

When friends and family heard we planned to go to Israel, there was both concern and curiosity. The curiosity showed...

News Digest — 2/11/25

The IDF has decided to raise the level of readiness in the Southern Command and has postponed leave for...

News Digest — 2/10/25

Israeli fighter jets carried out several Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon on Sunday evening (9th), including against a tunnel between...

News Digest — 2/7/25

The IAF early Friday morning (7th), with the direction of the Intelligence Directorate, conducted a precise strike in Lebanese territory...

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