July/August 2008

God's Promises

A look God’s faithfulness through His promises

Our God is a faithful, promise-keeping God. This issue of Israel My Glory explores God’s promises, biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled, and prophecies yet to be fulfilled, with a special emphasis on God’s promises to Israel. Also, Charles McCracken explores the devastation of the worldwide Flood.


God Bless America

Eckhart Tolle, Jeremiah Wright, Jimmy Carter. Believe it or not, they all have something in common. And if you love the Lord, love your country, and love Israel, you won’t be too happy about it.

God’s Precious Promises

God has always kept His promises. And the prima facie evidence of His faithful- ness is the experience of His ancient cove- nant people, Israel.

Modern Israel in Biblical Prophecy

Although many people, including some Christians, deny that Israel’s return to the land is biblical, they are wrong. It is extremely biblical. And here’s why.

Eight Survive!

The great deluge of Noah’s day did not come without a warning from God. Today researchers studying catastrophic plate tectonics present a flood model that is nothing less than horrific.

In the Shadow of a Praying Nation

This summer marks the 45th anniversary of the ruling that outlawed reading the Bible and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in America’s public schools. But there’s more. Read on.

More In This Issue

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2008

Over the years, many people who have traveled “Up to Jerusalem” with us have told me about the sites and experiences on our tour that affected them the most. The list usually includes our boat...

Map of the Middle East.

Israelis Prepare for the Worst

On April 1, sirens across the entire State of Israel sounded for a full 90 seconds, warning all citizens to head immediately for the shelters. This exercise was no April Fools’ Day trick.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Speaks for Evangelical Christians?

It’s been rather amusing over the years to observe those who think they call the shots for evangelical and/or fundamentalist Christians when it comes to making social or political decisions in American life.

Goodbye, Eli

Eli was basically a good man. However, God pronounced a terrible judgment on his house, and for good reason. Something had gone wrong, and Eli was not diligent to rectify it.

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2008

Ami Ortiz, 15-year-old son of Israeli Pastor David Ortiz, arrived home in March to find an impeccably wrapped package on his front porch. Since it was the season of Purim...

From Shepherd to King

God promised David the kingship over Israel. Yet it took more than 20 years for that promise to be realized. Born in Bethlehem of Judea, David was the youngest of eight sons

The Rainbow Connection

Many years ago my wife and I were on our way to the Jersey Shore in a driving rain. As we drew closer to our destination, the rain began to subside...

The Battle for Jerusalem, the City of the Great King

Jerusalem. The mere mention of it evokes a response. Many love it and passionately desire to visit this ancient city of King David. Or they long to walk where Jesus walked.

The Superiority of Christ

Hebrews 2:1–18: In the midst of showing Christ’s superiority to angels, the author of Hebrews paused to apply what he had presented previously. He then warned and exhorted Jewish believers in Jesus—the recipients of this letter...

God Is Moral Part Seventeen

The previous article examined the biblical view of two types of negative speech: lying and false witness. Now we will observe what the Bible says about other types of negative speech.

Israel: Still the Apple of God’s Eye Part Two

Many people who become Christians still struggle in their faith and have an inability to trust God earnestly. Mankind in general has a problem trusting God. Israel is no different.

Learning to Wait on God

A biblical prophecy is not merely a prediction. It is a sure promise about the future. God is ever faithful to keep His promises, even though He often does so many years down the road.

His Shepherd Cyrus

World history is boring!” Did you ever hear such a thing? I know I did. Why learn the names of people and places you never heard of? What difference does it make?

The High Price of Disobedience

Samuel’s sons did not walk with the Lord. Therefore, the people wanted a king who would rule over them and fight their battles (1 Sam. 8:19–20). They wanted to be just like other nations.

Bound for Babylon

Tell 10 Jewish people they are the Chosen People of God and at least half will reply, “I wish He had chosen someone else!” While such an example of Jewish wit is amusing...

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2008

Below are excerpts from U.S. President George W. Bush’s speech to the Israeli Knesset in May to celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary. Speaking of God’s promise to give the Jewish people the land...

Zvi Jul/Aug 2008

As it is written in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “There is nothing new under the sun.” And this is so. When I go to people who consider themselves good servants of God, they always ask me the same questions...

Daily News from Israel

FBI Investigating Leak of Israel’s Plans

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it “is investigating the alleged leak of classified documents” pertaining to Israel’s planned...

News Digest — 10/23/24

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) intercepted two rockets fired from Lebanon that crossed into Israeli territory, the IDF reported Wednesday morning (23rd)...

What Was in Sinwar’s Underground Bunker?

Last week, Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF forces in Rafah. Find out the conditions of the Hamas leader’s living arrangements underground!

News Digest — 10/22/24

Approximately five rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon toward central Israel early Tuesday morning (22nd), the IDF confirmed...

Israel at War: Week 54

With the death of Hamas head and October 7,2023 mastermind Yahya Sinwar, the IDF discovered his bunker containing both elegant furnishings...

News Digest — 10/21/24

On Sunday night (20th), the IAF conducted a series of targeted, intelligence-based strikes against dozens of facilities and sites used by the Hezbollah...

News Digest — 10/18/24

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on Thursday (17th) following the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar...

News Digest — 10/17/24

Syrian State media said Thursday (17th) that an Israeli airstrike hit the coastal city of Latakia, targeting a weapons depot according to a war monitor...

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