The Battle for Jerusalem, the City of the Great King

Jerusalem. The mere mention of it evokes a response. Many love it and passionately desire to visit this ancient city of King David. Or they long to walk where Jesus walked. Others want to obliterate its 3,000-year association with Judaism, destroy its Jewish heritage, eradicate the Jewish people from it, and establish it as the Islamic capital of a Palestinian state. It is interesting that a ci

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1 thought on “The Battle for Jerusalem, the City of the Great King

  1. Beautiful nobody can overturn the plans the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has blessed the Jews with. Indeed, satan uses the islamic terrorists, iran and traitors such as biden ,’the squad’, BDS, BLM and global anti-Semites. Like satan, they are fighting a losing battle. When they think of attacking Israel, they should remember the IDF and her sister National Security agencies; Psalm 121: 04; Genesis 12: 1-3; Genesis 15: 18-21; Exodus 32: 13; Genesis 35: 9-13; they should NEVER forget Amos9: 11-15.
    The democrat obsession for a 2-state abomination will not go unpunished Joel 3: 2; un bias; eu-nato will NOT escape DIVINE retribution.

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