October/November 1984

Once More With Feeling

The women of Israel came out to welcome their returning, victorious army. They cried, “… Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:7).

THE PROPHET’S PROBLEM: God’s Means of Justice

God, where is justice? Why are You insensitive, indifferent, and inactive to the cry of the righteous? How long will You remain silent? cried Habakkuk, as he sat overwhelmed by the social and moral corruption flooding the land.

The 12 Tribes of Israel

The old man gathered his strength and sat up on the bed with his feet on the floor. He sensed that the end was near. Looking back over a life that had its ups and downs…

Hebrews Oct/Nov 1984

There were three primary, divinely instituted offices in the Old Testament: the prophet was God’s spokesman to the children of Israel; the priest was the people’s representative before a holy God who was a consuming fire…


The two previous articles examined the first six dispensations which are recognized by the majority of Dispensational Theologians. This article will review the seventh dispensation and will consider several significant factors related to Dispensational Theology.

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1984

How I thank the Lord that I can walk down the street with my head held high and not downcast, as is the case with so many people here in Israel.