The Christian Thing to Do
Today’s Christian Zionists love the Jewish people as Corrie ten Boom once did. And the World Council of Churches does not speak for us!
Dancing with the Devil
Like it or not, Hamas now controls the Palestinian Authority. Does this mean Israel must negotiate with terrorists? This lawyer says no.
To Build or Not to Build: Jerusalem’s Housing Controversy
Concrete jungle or luxury high-rise? The million-dollar digs going up in Jerusalem mean different things to different people.
China & Israel: Inscrutable Relations
Which way does China swing when it comes to Israel? In the past, China has fully supported the Arabs. But it may be moving in another direction.
The Politics of Sacred Space
Speaking from firsthand experience, Dr. Price explains why archaeology and the Temple Mount will always take center stage in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
More In This Issue
From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2006
They came from across the United States and Canada, South America, Europe, and Asia. The occasion was The Friends of Israel’s 2006 field-staff conference, a gathering held every three years. For some...
Eye on the Middle East Sep/Oct 2006
Over a year ago, in a good-faith attempt at conciliation to Palestinian and international demands, Israel left the Gaza Strip. Eight thousand to 10,000 Israeli citizens were expelled from their homes...
Rediscovering Evil
The TV news anchors were discussing an unspeakably vicious murder that had been committed without provocation. The report was shocking but, unfortunately, the fare we have come to expect on the evening...
They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2006
Two years ago, attending high school in Zaria city, Kaduna, Nigeria, went from tension to tragedy when Muslims attacked their Christian classmates. This was not a scuffle. The assault was brutal, and its effects...
Siding With Israel’s Enemies Is a Crime Against Humanity
What is often swept under the proverbial rug by those attacking Zionism—Christian or otherwise—is the fact that more than 5 million Jewish people live in the State of Israel. They approximate in numbers...
Schoolyard Fights and the Status Quo
When a young student, I sometimes stood in the circle of after-school observers as disputes between aggrieved adversaries were settled with flaying fisticuffs. In most cases, there was little or no real damage...
How China Shifted Toward the PLO
Almost as soon as Jerusalem’s foreign policy apparatus was up and running after the 1948 War of Independence, Israel sought diplomatic relations with China. Since Washington didn’t establish formal ties with Beijing...
Israel in the News: Special Report
Brigitte Gabriel is a survivor of Islam’s jihad against Lebanese Christians. Her story will astound you. Reared in an Arab country that taught her to hate Israel, her love for the Jewish state...
The Yom Kippur Scapegoat
The ancient Israelites must have stood in awe when they observed the first ever, God-ordained celebration of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This ritual was different from all others the Lord had given...
The Lowdown on Hezbollah
Hezbollah makes no secret of its objective, namely, the destruction of Israel. It committed an act of war by crossing the international border and attacking soldiers in Israel and kidnapping two...
Messiah’s Glorious Return
Zechariah 14:1–7: Zechariah closed his prophetic predictions with a sweeping consummation of Israel’s future. The prophet described three major events that will take place: (1) a future invasion of Jerusalem during the Great...
God Is Moral Part Seven
Previously we examined five ways in which God revealed that murder violates and perverts His moral absolutes and fixed order of moral law. The fifth way was through God giving Israel the following...
Chai, Chai, V’Kayam Part One
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a superhero who was killed and came back to life then was killed again and came back to life then killed someone else...
Zvi Sep/Oct 2006
As we approach the great High Holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, I like to go to the ultra-Orthodox section of Jerusalem to speak to the people there. As one who believes...
Daily News from Israel
Israel At War: Week 48
As school begins across the country, college campuses face the prospect of another year of anti-Israel protests, calls for divestment, and threats of violence...
News Digest — 9/9/24
A series of alleged Israeli strikes hit multiple areas in central Syria late Sunday (8th), killing at least five people, wounding 19 and sparking fires...
News Digest — 9/6/24
Hezbollah is supplying arms to terror groups in Shechem (Nablus) as the Iran-backed terror group also extends its influence in the...
Israel At War: Week 47
Over the weekend, six hostages, including one American, were found dead by the Israel Defense Forces, execution style in southern Gaza...
News Digest — 9/5/24
In a series of unprecedented nighttime airstrikes, the IDF targeted multiple armed groups in the West Bank city of Tubas, killing five terrorists...
News Digest — 9/4/24
Increased terror activity by Hamas in Judea and Samaria, amid heightened efforts by Iran to mobilize weapons and other resources into the region, has fueled...
News Digest — 9/3/24
The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) eliminated on Tuesday (3rd) Ahmed Gozi Nazer Muhammad Wadia, the commander of the Nukhba company who oversaw the...
News Digest — 8/30/24
The Israeli security cabinet voted overwhelmingly Thursday night (29th) to back Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position in favor of...