Biblical Studies/Theology

When God Seems Silent

Imagine crying out to God but receiving no response. He’s always there, of course, but sometimes it doesn’t seem that way. Here’s what to do when God seems silent.

The Bedrock of Faith Hebrews 11:1–3

The author of Hebrews revealed in chapter 10 that salvation is established on the bedrock of Christ’s sacrifice and not through the Levitical system. Christ’s death for sin and His abiding priesthood…

The Love of God Part Three

God’s love is one of the great themes of the Bible. The previous articles on this theme focused attention on His love in the Old Testament. Now let’s begin to examine His love…

Zerubbabel: Man With a Mission

Today’s Muslims claim the Jewish Temple of Jehovah never existed in Jerusalem. The Bible says differently, as you’ll soon see.

Words of Warning Hebrews 10:26–39

This section of the book of Hebrews comes on the heels of a strong warning in 10:25 that believers not abandon assembling together, as some were doing. In fact, Christians in every generation…

The Love of God Part Two

The previous article began to focus on God’s love in the Old Testament. God’s love involves a confirmed, inner, favorable disposition toward the objects of His love and a high, passionate degree…

The Greatest Mystery of All

Consciousness, black holes, “rare antimatter.” These are considered some of the world’s greatest mysteries. But one mystery surpasses them all.

A Lifestyle of Faith Hebrews 10:19–25

To this point, the book of Hebrews has been doctrinal in nature. Using comparison, the author has shown Christ’s superiority over angels, Moses, and the Levitical priesthood. He has also shown…

The Love of God

The primary Hebrew word for “love” in the Old Testament is ahabh. Together with its derivatives, it is used to express different types of human affection within various relationships, such as husband-wife…

Fishers of Men

It may surprise you how much work goes into maintaining a fisherman’s net . . . regardless of what you’re fishing for.

Making God Known

If you were to ask people to define the term missionary, they probably would tell you it means someone who goes to a faraway land to teach about Jesus. And they’d…

Christ’s Sufficient Sacrifice Hebrews 10:1–18

Hebrews 10 culminates the central exposition on Christ’s eternal priesthood. In his closing argument, the author contrasted the imperfect, insufficient, and ineffective Levitical sacrificial system with Christ’s once-for-all, perfect, and sufficient…

Blessed Are the Intolerant

Wanting to be more “accepting” of the world, professing Christians are turning away from biblical truth. Here’s a look at the sad downward spiral.

Christ’s Heavenly Ministry Hebrews 9:23–28

Under the Levitical system, animal blood could only cover sin, never remove it. However, Christ’s blood was sufficient and efficacious to redeem mankind and remove sin. The remaining verses of Hebrews 9…

Specific Reasons for God’s Anger and Wrath Part Three

The two previous articles presented specific reasons for God’s wrath against Israel. Now we will focus on specific reasons for God’s wrath against other nations. Because all nations fail to acknowledge…

The Tribulation’s Silver Lining

Humanity is about to hit the skids. But God has a reason for everything. Here is a peek at His purpose and the glorious silver lining.

Christ’s Superior Ministry Hebrews 9:11-22

Hebrews 9 begins with a description of the earthly Tabernacle and its ministry through the Levitical priesthood under the first (Mosaic) covenant. Both the Tabernacle and its services were temporary…

Specific Reasons for God’s Anger and Wrath Part Two

Previously we examined the ultimate reason for God’s anger and wrath and several specific reasons for His wrath against Israel. Now we will observe additional specific reasons. “The Lᴏʀᴅ did not turn…

The Dispensation of Law

Not long ago I was driving on a scenic mountain road in Arizona and decided to let my car coast downhill. Suddenly, I saw a bright flash of light. I had just driven…

Upholding the Truth

Dispensational Theology provides the best understanding of God’s Word and His plan for creation. Here are three important reasons why.

Glossary of Terms

Allegorical Interpretation: The method of interpreting a literary text that gives the text a secondary, more “spiritual” meaning.  Biblical Theology: A correlation of the data of biblical revelation of a particular…

Israel’s Primacy in God’s Program

For the past 4,000 years, Satan has incited hatred and persecution of the Jewish people with the objective of annihilating them. This article explains why.

The Dispensation of Promise

The fourth dispensation, the dispensation of promise, extended from God’s call of Abraham to the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. The Scripture portion that covers this dispensation…

The Marvelous Age of Grace

An amazing grace characterizes the present Church Age. This dispensation began with the Holy Spirit indwelling and sealing the brethren during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, or Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4), and will culminate…

We Have Heard This Before

As the world hears the gospel, more and more people will turn to Christ until Earth becomes a wonderful place of spirituality, peace, and righteousness. This position is called Postmillennialism…

The Hebrew Tabernacle Hebrews 9:1–10

Christ’s high priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthood because it is based on a New Covenant and operates in a heavenly sanctuary. When referring to the heavenly sanctuary, the author…

Nimrod and Globalism at Shinar

In a way, the revolt that occurred after the ancient biblical flood seems very contemporary. God instructed Noah’s descendants, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” (Gen. 9:1). But…

The Ultimate Reason for God’s Anger and Wrath

Previously we examined Old and New Testament words for God’s anger and wrath, figurative expressions of the nature of God’s anger and wrath, and literal expressions of ways God’s wrath…

Warm, Fuzzy Angels?

Hollywood director Frank Capra created a Christmas-movie classic with his 1946 release of It’s a Wonderful Life. Who hasn’t sympathized with George Bailey’s incredulity as a novice angel guides him through a supernatural…

Army of Angels

God created angels with different degrees of ability, established them in ranks based on these differences, and organized them much the way armies are organized. The Hebrew word translated “hosts” in the phrase…

No Match for the Savior

A crazed herd of screeching pigs plunging headlong down a hill into the Sea of Galilee may sound comically bizarre until you hear the rest of the story. The account…

Joseph of Nazareth

He was a carpenter with no aspirations to greatness. Yet he became great. This excellent article takes a deeper look at Joseph and the qualities that made him a man of God.

Believing Is Seeing

A real but unseen world exists that is controlled by the Lord. Here is a glimpse of it through the lens of the never-changing Word of God.

All About Angels

The word angel appears more than 300 times in God’s Word. So it seems God wants us to know something about angels. This outstanding article explains their number, nature, and other important things.

Angels and Salvation

God created all the angels holy and free of sin. Yet not all remained that way. Those who personally chose to stay holy became irrevocably confirmed in their state of holiness…

What’s Up With Cherubs?

Their movements are instantaneous, darting with lightning speed in their service to Almighty God (Ezek. 1:19–21). The prophet Ezekiel described them as formidable beings radiating intense brightness and generating what appear…

The Ultimate Loser

The Devil (the chief evil spirit) is an intriguing personality. The late comic Flip Wilson made audiences roar with his routine “the Devil made me do it.” Books, songs, and documentaries…

Christ’s Perfect Priesthood Hebrews 7:11–28

Many first-century Hebrew Christians struggled to understand the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Growing up under the Levitical system of animal sacrifices, they had centered their faith in the Aaronic priesthood…

God’s Anger and Wrath

The Bible reveals that God experiences anger and wrath. Many words, both in the Old and New Testaments, express this fact. In the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, nouns…

The Final Atonement

People are fond of saying, “You know, it doesn’t matter how you get to God. All religions lead to God.” Friend, that is not true. The Bible says only one person…

Who Is Melchizedek? Hebrews 7:1–10

First-century Jewish believers faced some perplexing questions concerning Christ’s high priestly ministry. Why wasn’t He called a priest while here on Earth? How could He be a legitimate high priest and how…

God is Jealous Conclusion

The previous article observed five purposes God has for the nation of Israel in light of the Gentile nations’ historic apostasy and false worship. Now we will examine one more, along…

Daniel’s Prayer for Israel

Darius the Mede was appointed king over Babylon in 539 B.C.(Dan. 9:1). In the first year of his reign, the prophet Daniel, by now an old man who had spent…

The Kingdom and the Power

Political turmoil, power struggles, wars and rumors of wars. The prophet Daniel lived through such times. And his record gives us hope while teaching an essential truth for today.

Daniel or Denial?

Although the text of the book of Daniel is the same for Christians and Jews, profound differences exist in its interpretation. If understood literally and historically, the book is easy…

Facing the Furnaces of Life

Why do bad things happen to good people? Many have tried to deal with that question. Here is an answer from the book of Daniel that may both surprise and comfort you.

Daniel’s Long Life

The Jewish prophet Daniel was born to Judean nobility, probably during the time of King Josiah’s reforms (621 B.C.). As a boy, he endured Josiah’s tragic death at the hands…

Antiochus and the Antichrist

Some say the unspeakably evil man in Daniel is Antiochus IV only. That is not correct, and here is why.

Every Knee Shall Bow

As a child I loved to read adventures set in the far-flung future or the wild and woolly West. These tales held my interest, especially as the heroes interacted with the villains. Almost every…

The Great World Kingdoms

God ordained that four Gentile kingdoms will rule the earth before His Kingdom comes. He gave this amazing prophecy to Daniel, and everything is playing out exactly as Daniel wrote it.

A Sure Hope Hebrews 6:9–20

In the previous eight verses of this chapter, the author encouraged new believers to leave Judaism and press on toward maturity in Christ. Failure to do so, he warned, would disastrously…

God Is Jealous Part Three

When God established the Mosaic Covenant marriage relationship with Israel at Mount Sinai, He declared, “You shall worship no other god, for the Lᴏʀᴅ, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous…

Imperishable Remnants

There was never a time when all of Israel rebelled against God. A remnant has always been faithful. Today twin remnants form a marvelous union of grace.

A History of Preterism

When did the preterist interpretation first arise in church history? This question poses a big problem for preterists. If the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation were fulfilled in the first…

Maturing in Christ

Hebrews 6:1-8: Maturing in Christ is a process; it doesn’t happen overnight. Unfortunately, some people never get there. They regress rather than progress. Hebrews 6 warns believers in Jesus to forsake practices…

God Is Jealous Part Two

Previously we studied God’s jealous response to Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness to Him. Like an unfaithful wife, Israel’s capital city had committed spiritual adultery by worshiping false gods and entering into forbidden…

Victory in Jesus

For a king to rule forever, He has to live forever. Faith in Messiah’s resurrection and future reign did not originate with Christianity.

The Resurrection Wrangle

As Jesus taught in the Temple in Jerusalem, representatives from various religious sects came to hear Him. Their intent was to find fault with His responses to their questions. For one…

The Jewish Promise of Resurrection

In a Phoenician town called Zarephath, the prophet Elijah was in the home of a widow whose son fell sick and died. Elijah fervently prayed, “O Lᴏʀᴅ my God, I pray…

The Passover Lamb

Matzoh, matzoh, matzoh. There’s plenty of matzoh on Passover tables around the world. But something else is conspicuously absent.

The Jerusalem Road

The Romans Road is a familiar term to evangelicals. It refers to a series of verses in the New Testament book of Romans that many use to teach the gospel. Although it is efficient…

Bible Portrait of the Messiah

Here are two effective ways to obtain a basic biblical understanding of the redemptive ministry of the Messiah. One comes from the New Testament, particularly as compacted in the book…

Christ Is Superior to Aaron

Hebrews 5:1–14: The tribes of Israel revered the Aaronic high priest. With the exception of Moses, he enjoyed greater access to and fellowship with God than any other Israelite. Although God bestowed…

God Is Jealous Part One

At least 29 biblical passages indicate that the God of the Bible is a jealous God. Of those passages, 28 are in the Old Testament. Only one is in the New…

His Word Is Truth

Have you ever had trouble explaining inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility to someone who doesn’t believe in them? Here’s a little help.

Jesus the God-Man

Soliciting is common in our neighborhood, especially on weekends. Answering the doorbell recently, I greeted a couple standing on our front porch. Their clothes and literature in hand identified them immediately…

Is He or Isn’t He?

Is Jesus the only way to God? CNN’s Larry King seems to want to know—along with millions of other people, some of whom have rather interesting points of view.

The War in America

The United States is in the midst of an internal war. The news media claims it is a cultural conflict. But the cause runs much deeper. It is a clash of two worldviews…

Holy, Holy, Holy

As Isaiah gazed into the vastness of God’s throne room, the reverberating praise of seraphim shook the very doorposts: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts; the whole earth…

Not As Good As It Gets

The consequence of reading the Bible literally is the premillennial vision of a glorious end-times Kingdom established by the glorious return of Jesus to Earth. Amillennialists—those who believe there will be no…

Jesus Is Coming Again!

Heaven is indeed a wonderful place. But I think that when Christians think of the future, they focus overmuch on heaven. Their longing is to be with Jesus in paradise…

He Cannot Deny Himself

A popular song from the 1960s claimed that all the world needs is love. Love, of course, is fine. However, the world needs much more, such as godly wisdom; integrity…

The Greatest High Priest

Hebrews 4:4–16: The importance of what you are about to study on the high priesthood of Jesus Christ cannot be overstated. Christ’s high priesthood is mentioned briefly in Hebrews 2:17 and 3:1; but the subject…

God Is Moral Conclusion

Habakkuk 2:9 says, “Woe to him who covets evil gain.” The word translated “woe” involves “negative warnings or threats of God’s physical chastisement.”1 It makes “the point that judgment is inescapable…

The Order of Abijah

The priestly order of Abijah to which Zacharias belonged originated with King David and his desire to build a Temple for the Most High God in Jerusalem. Not permitted to do so…

For Unto You

In Jesus’ day, herdsmen were held in low esteem. Their honesty and integrity were often questioned, and apparently they could not always observe the rituals or keep the ceremonial laws.

No Other Name

As Christmas approaches, many people concentrate on gifts and decorations and enjoying the season. Fewer think about who Jesus is and what it meant for Him to come to Earth. But without the Incarnation…

The Rest God Gives

Hebrews 4:1–13: Chapter 3 of Hebrews presents two types of rest: that of entering Canaan (the rest offered to Israel) and that which comes from a life of faith in Christ. All the Israelites 20 and older…

God Is Moral Part Nineteen

Numerous biblical passages refer to the sin of covetousness, which is of major concern to God. Consequently, it is important to understand the nature of covetousness, the issues related to it…

Israel: Still the Apple of God’s Eye Part Three

Today we live in what Jesus referred to as the “times of the Gentiles” (Lk. 21:24). The entire world lies under Gentile domination and has done so since the Babylonians destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem…

David, Bathsheba, and the Faithfulness of God

Just about everyone knows about King David’s sin with Bathsheba. But do you know why God did not cast David away, as He did Saul? The answer may not be what you think it is!

Solomon’s Fall from the Lord

The First Commandment proclaims, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:3). To that end, God’s Word provides instructions to light our paths and help us live. One of those instructions for believers…

Wiser is Better

Heeding the voice of wisdom and experi- ence can prevent many a heartache. Solomon’s son Rehoboam learned that fact the hard way, but this article explains why you don’t have to.

Uzziah’s ‘Deadly’ Sin

History and literature often speak of the “seven deadly sins”: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The Bible also lists seven sins and calls them “an abomination” to God: “a proud look…

Departed, to No One’s Sorrow

Good potential + bad choices = accomplishing little or nothing for God. But you can alter that equation. Read on!

The Inner Peril

Often it seems that the good kings of Judah had bad sons, and the bad kings had good sons. Most noteworthy of this perplexing phenomenon were good King Hezekiah—undeniably one of the most spiritually virile…

From Sin to Mount Moriah

God’s purposes are not thwarted by our sin. God used Jacob’s stubbornness to raise up the 12 tribes of Israel. He used Israel’s failure under the theocracy in the time of the judges to bring…

Avoiding the Sinkhole

Well begun is half done,” says the old adage. But we should be dedicated to finishing strong. The apostle Paul ran the race of life in order to win the prize (1 Cor. 9:24).

Christ is Superior to Moses

Hebrews 3:1–19: Moses is a dominant figure in Israel’s history. Of all the Old Testament leaders, there is none greater. He is described as “the man of God” and “the servant of the Lᴏʀᴅ” (Dt. 33:1; 34:5).

God Is Moral Part Eighteen

The Bible records several examples of people who were victims of reviling, abusive speech. The prophet Jeremiah was one. His enemies said, “Come and let us devise plans against Jeremiah…

Goodbye, Eli

Eli was basically a good man. However, God pronounced a terrible judgment on his house, and for good reason. Something had gone wrong, and Eli was not diligent to rectify it.