Antique fountain pen on parchment.

From the Editor Jan/Feb 2024

We have now witnessed the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. Israel will never be the same after October 7, 2023…

The Many Faces of David

How do you encapsulate the biblical hero David? The “man after [God’s] own heart” (Acts 13:22) was a…

A Boy Named David

My first encounter with King David came in a Sunday-school kindergarten class. We learned a peppy little song called “Only a Boy Named David”…

The Rest of the Story

Christians around the world eagerly await the Christmas season, and my wife and I are no exception. One of our favorite activities this time of year is to take a…

The Unlikely King

It was a scandal many find hard to stomach even today. The king God chose to govern His people committed adultery with another man’s wife…

The Curse

God made many promises that are now fulfilled and others yet to be fulfilled. But He always gets around to fulfilling them, no matter how long it takes…

The Woman Clothed With the Sun

As you study the book of Revelation, you might not notice Israel’s presence much. In fact, a number of commentators say…

The Reason for Hope Micah 4

The prophet Micah’s message of doom must have troubled Judah’s leaders. After all, if Judah were destroyed, how would God fulfill the vows He made to the children of Israel in the…

O Little Town of Bethlehem Micah 5

The prophet Micah wrote during extremely difficult days in the history of the Jewish nation. Crime was rampant, greed was everywhere, Judah’s leaders were cruel, and righteousness was…

Résumé of the King

Moses said, “You shall surely set a king over you whom the Lᴏʀᴅ your God chooses” (Dt. 17:15). Here is how God planned to administer His kingship authority over Israel…

Land Rights of the Kings

For 332 years (1375–1043 B.C.), judges ruled over Israel. When the prophet Samuel, Israel’s final judge, was old, he appointed his sons to take his place. However, the Israelites rejected Samuel’s…

Israel’s Restoration Jeremiah 33

In Jeremiah 33, the Lord gave Jeremiah a message that all of Judah’s efforts to fight against Babylon will fail miserably (33:1–5); but God will work to bring the nation back to its…

Israel’s Primacy in God’s Program

For the past 4,000 years, Satan has incited hatred and persecution of the Jewish people with the objective of annihilating them. This article explains why.

The Millennium

The Millennium is the term used to refer to the final dispensation in human history, when mankind’s stewardship will be to live in harmony with the risen, glorified Savior. Despite Jesus’ physical…

The Davidic Covenant

David was a man after God’s own heart. And the covenant God made with him is everlasting, as this outstanding article explains.

‘Comfort Ye My People’

Did you know that every promise
in the Book doesn’t belong to the church? Actually, most of them belong to Israel.

God’s Redemptive Love

Hosea 3:1-5: How many people would be willing to buy back their own possessions? In all probability, not many. The average person today, it seems, would be more likely to spend twice as much money going to…

The Messiah’s Reign

In this well-known carol, “Joy to the World,” Isaac Watts expressed the thrill of the Messiah’s birth by describing events that just don’t seem to exist. I still weed garden beds and prick myself on thorns. The curse has not been lifted. The nations of…

The Sinlessness of Jesus Christ Part Two

The first issue results from the combination of two truths. First, the Bible teaches that each human being who has been procreated through natural means since the fall of mankind is in a state of sin with a sin nature from the moment of…

The Faithful Remnant

Among the material possessions Maxine and I hold dear is an old oak dining room table. It was the object of a rescue effort launched years ago when we discovered the table…

The Davidic Covenant

Second Samuel 7:8–16 records a covenant established by God with David, wherein God made three major promises to David. First, God promised that David’s “house” (his physical line of descent) would endure forever (v. 16;

Israel: The Nation of Destiny Amos 9

Israel is an enigma to the world. She was miraculously created from the loins of a couple long past the age of childbearing. She was endowed with divine privileges and covenant promises…

THE LIFE OF DAVID: The Later Years

How swiftly the years pass! For a person over fifty, it seems only a short time since graduation from high school or college. Twenty-five or thirty years of a good marriage pass by swiftly…

The Fulfillment of The Davidic Covenant

In the previous article it was noted that Amillennial and Pre­ millennial Bible scholars disagree concerning when and how God’s promises regarding David in the Davidic Covenant are to be ful­filled in Jesus Christ.

The Davidic Covenant

After David had become firmly established as king over the entire nation of Israel (2 Sam. 7:1), he expressed the desire to build a permanent house of worship for God in Jerusalem (2 Sam. 7:2-3).


In light of the present world situation, many thinking men and women are asking a critical question. They are asking it with increased frequency and greater intensity. They are asking it of statesmen and educators…


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mankind is oblivious to the sovereignty of the divine King of kings. The world, and its problems, seems to continually turn with no answers to the dilemmas.