A.D. 70: Preterism’s Prophetic Dead End

In recent years a system of interpreting biblical prophecy known as Preterism has invaded the church, bringing confusion and division to many congregations that have historically held to the future return of Jesus Christ. Promoted by popular radio teachers, such as Reformed scholar R. C. Sproul, whose book The Last Days According to Jesus advances the moderate preterist position, Preterism has

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24 thoughts on “A.D. 70: Preterism’s Prophetic Dead End

  1. “As you see him go” and “he will return” was not about his body but about coming in the “clouds” as He left” in the clouds”. You should study exactly what the term “coming in the clouds” means.

    God bless you and I pray your heart and spirit will be opened to the truth of Jesus promise to return to His generation.

    1. No. The terminology “son of man” means and demands a distinctly human body, lest we’d read of the “sons of god,” but just as what ascended in the fullness of the Messiah, fully God AND fully Man, that also shall return in like manner, and not some gnosticized merely angelic being that neither eats nor drinks as we do. His physical body is glorified, the same body He told the weaker vessels to stay away from because it had not yet been glorified as surmisably they would have continued defiling Him Who is Most Holy and to be praised despite the willingness of the Fall of All Creation to believe lies and to promulgate them. This is why He reserved the particular “son of man” title for Himself:

      “Son of Man emerged from the Hellenistic concept of the ‘divine man’ (ἀνὴρ θεῖος, anēr theios), but the phrase Son of God is never used in the Graeco-Roman texts to express this concept” (Fuller, The Foundations, 32, 69).

      Alex Ramos, “Jesus Christ, Titles of,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).

  2. I agree with you about GAB Edward. Lots of hate and I deleted the app and refuse to participate in all the Jew hating replacement theology. As to preterism, I have found the subject of much interest but cannot adopt it as a replacement for futurism. Too many scriptures that I cant get around. BUT I do enjoy its spiritual interpretations to many scriptures. I believe that there is a lot of truth in the theology but not to the exclusion of a literal interpretation as well. I believe its BOTH. Many scriptures have double fulfillment’s and we would do well to understand that Jesus is reigning already and will come to reign. The kingdom of God is both here and coming. But alas, there is no reason to argue and hate over who supposedly understands scripture better. Its not as if God is clapping at this squabbling and makes us no better than the disciples squabbling over who would be the greatest in heaven. Even they didn’t understand what Jesus meant when He said He’d raise the temple up in 3 days. No need for condemnation. God bless us all with teachable hearts to know Him.

  3. What about all of the things being fulfilled now… in 2022? One world govt and one world religion in progress. Cashless society coming. Russia, turkey, Iran alliance. End times deception rampant. Lawlessness, Homosexuality accepted as lifestyle. Ruining the earth with pollution by greedy companies.

  4. Thank you so much for this article.

    Based on my basic knowledge of preterism, the following can debunk preterism.

    Connect the dots of the 6th Seal from Revelation 6, and as mentioned by Peter in Acts 2, who references Joel, as well as Jesus. Yes, Jesus mentioned the 6th Seal. This will stump the preterists, big time.

    Read Acts 2:13-20.

    I need everyone’s attention that Peter just mentioned the 6th Seal here, as mentioned in the last part of Revelation Chapter 6, IN CONJUNCTION WITH the 144000 Jews being SEALED with the Holy Spirit in the beginning part of Revelation chapter 7. They are the ones also who are left behind to preach the gospel of Jesus after the rapture.

    That is very important to note, and why? Because Jesus mentions the 6th Seal, as mentioned in the last part of Revelation 6 as well. He did not mention the 144000, as Peter did, but he did mention the LATTER PART of Revelation 7, whereas Peter just mentions the first part of Revelation 7. To wit:

    Matthew 24:29
    Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

    Mark 13:24
    But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

    Luke 21:25
    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

    And here is Revelation 6:

    Revelation 6:12
    And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

    And here is Peter’s references to Joel:

    Joel 2:10
    The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:

    Joel 2:31
    The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

    Joel 3:15
    The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.

    WHY do I concentrate so much on the 6th Seal? Because that is where Jesus STOPS in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. There is absolutely NO MENTION of the 7th Seal of Revelation chapter 8-16. HOWEVER, Jesus does mention the LATTER PART of Revelation 7 right after the 6th Seal. To wit:

    Matthew 24:31
    And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

    Mark 13:27
    And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

    Luke 21 does not mention it, but Revelation 7:9-14 sure does. That is the end result of the rapture BEFORE the 7th Seal is opened.

    And why is my mention of that so important?

    Because Jesus never mentions the 7th Seal of Revelation, which begins in Revelation chapter 8, AT ALL. There is no discussion of it whatsoever. Therefore, 70 AD cannot be the eschatology that preterists claim, because, according to Jesus, believers are RAPTURED out before the opening of the 7th Seal.

    Oh, but they want to discuss Matthew 25? Why? All it’s saying is UNTIL MY RETURN, WATCH, BE READY, SPREAD THE GOSPEL (The explanation of the Talents), AND TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT (give thirsty people water, visit in prison, etc). That’s the essence of Matthew 25. And if you don’t do those things…THEN…

    But again, not one word about the 7th Seal did Jesus mention at all in his end times discussion with his disciples/apostles.

    NOT A PEEP. Why? Because his believers WON’T BE HERE FOR IT. And that alone negates out preterism, all forms of it. Believers won’t be here for the Mark of the Beast, because that is within the 7th Seal.

    Preterism is my latest kick to study, and I knew the basics of their beliefs, but I want to learn more, and you gave a very good explanation. Based on the basics, however, it’s easy to prove the scripturally wrong just by one reference in the book of Acts.

    Something I encountered last night: When Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube began their hate to freedom and the Bill of Rights campaign, I, of course, began signing up for the alternative social media. One of them was GAB. At the time, it was too new, and didn’t have many people there. One of their default groups advertised when you sign up was a Christian group. And sometimes I get an email from GAB regarding current events of GAB, and one that I got just recently was in regards to Covid/Mark of Beast/End Days, which I don’t buy into, and neither did the article.

    But once I read the article, it was clear that what they were espousing is that all of that took place in 70 AD.

    So I engaged with the author, who is Michael Sullivan, a Soveriegn Grace Preterist, with education (I’m not impressed), and he blocked me. OK, no problem. But then I began seeing all sorts of conspiracy theories from those who hate Jews, and I thought, this is weird.

    I made the mistake of responding to someone’s comment, and after that, the rats came out, and I felt like I was in a den of demons. I never seen so much hate in all my life, and it was directed at me, for believing in a future prophesy, but more so the hatred to Jews themselves, and yes, they were Preterists, and that was the reason for their hate towards the Jews. Their hate made me so sick to my stomach, and, as of today, I’ll never go back to GAB as a resource to social media.

    Ed Chapman

  5. Only one statement by one man Irenaeus that has been highly questioned is used to date the book of Revelation to 95 ad. Ambiguous statements like the one about e try to lead people to believe a lot of others also stated the same when the truth is they took one misread unclear statement and dated the book wrong. Internal evidence in Revelation clearly shows the temple was still standing when the book was written. So many half truths lead to futurism.

  6. People who believe and accept any form of preterism by God’s own personal indictment call Him a liar, 1 John 5:10. In Revelation 1:7 that every eye will see Him as He is and how is He? By Jesus’ own evidence He is/has a physical albeit glorified body. The Holy Spirit, who only shares what He hears Father and Son say, spoke through Paul that one day national Israel would be saved. The prophets of the Old Testament are also made out to be all liars as they too prophesied the national salvation and restoration of Israel, ISRAEL and NOT the church. In order for any form of preterism to be correct and true they must aggregately rewrite the entire word of God. Those of us who know the premillennial pre-trib position to be absolutely the truth of God’s word know that no preterist belief and teaching will stand up to the scrutiny of Scripture as Jesus declared Scripture could not be broken. Preterists should be extremely thankful that it’s not a salvific issue as they would have thrown their salvation away a long time ago. Yet there is no doubt in my mind that some aren’t truly saved hence the reason they lack understanding. They are self-deceived as well as trying to deceive the weak-minded. Yet according to 2 Timothy 4:8 and Revelation 3:11 they have forfeited their eligibility for the crown associated with the correct timing of the rapture and being prepared for it in the prescribed manner. There’s also the warning of James 3:1 they will be held accountable for. We’re told not to associate with apostates; I won’t even associate with preterists. At best they’re saved heretics

    1. It’s interesting to note that you would refuse to associate with RC Sproul who I would say is a very astute man of God who would not believe something so irrational as you say. RC Sproul, a saved heretic at best.

  7. The Preterist view demonstrate more relevance to the biblical cultural context and provide a sensible framework for bible readers today.

  8. Just wanted to comment that all the arguments against preterism here are not very strong arguments.” Preterists contend that Jesus’ use of the phrase this generation in His Olivet Discourse requires fulfillment in the first century; R. C. Sproul, in particular, argues that Christ’s words failed unless this interpretation is adopted.” You didn’t show what Jesus really meant by “this generation”. The fact is Jesus did in fact say “this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled”. He also said some of his disciples would still be alive to see his second coming (matt 16:27-28). If Jesus meant another future generation I highly doubt that peter would have thought the end of all things was at hand (1 pet 4:7) or john “knew” he was in the last hour (1 john 2:18). A lot of verses show that peter, james, john and Paul thought they were living in the time when christ would return proving they thought they were that generation to see that fulfillment.
    If the destruction of the temple in 70 wasn’t the end of the age then the disciples would have known that and wouldn’t have thought they were in the last hour or James in James 5:7-9 thought the coming of the Lord was near prior to ad 70. I didn’t get any solid arguments here. I only got you’re usual responses from futurists ” we didn’t see it so it didn’t happen” argument which doesn’t take away the fact that Jesus said he was coming back before that generation passed away, the disciples all said they were in the last days, they all said the return of christ was at the doors so either they were false prophets or it did happen in the first century. No offense!

    1. Well said. I was just looking over my 101 verses that can be read in context that prove the first century Parousia.
      If this didn’t happen we may as well pitch our bibles and “eat, drink, & be merry.”
      I always put the “rapture” on the back burner as it made no sense and the context was flimsy at best and read into at heretical worst.
      I’m not going to argue salvation at this point. We in the west especially have been taught a mans idea for so long it will take more time for some than others to see this.
      When I met my pastor we had a good conversation about were I was in my walk and then when he showed me in context the “many of you standing here today shall not taste death.”. My response ?
      So either these people found a very strong acme brand soap, shampoo, and deodorant, or he came back when he said.
      Again, I won’t argue salvation I am open to show the verses that opened my (spiritual) eyes so people can see for themselves. Some won’t.
      I know at least one person who doesn’t like the term Preterist as it isn’t the best term. He is a retired pastor (in his 80s).
      The Bible Answer Man was called out by a friend of mine (happened to be listening) this gentleman denies that and stated another adjective I can’t remember off the top of my head.
      Well I’ll probably read a few more posts but not sure if I’ll respond to any.

    2. Alan is exactly right. How we missed that the New Covenant Age is forever and has no end means just that is astounding. Over 100 time indicators in the Old and New Testament and every single one is first century, first generation fulfillments. The Church has been illiterate for 2000 years calling Jesus and the Apostles liars in everything they taught on prophecy. Just like Luther on faith and salvation, we need an awakening on this subject.

    3. The phrase ‘this generation’ could refer to the generation that see the signs. (See preceding verse).
      ‘Some of you won’t taste death until you see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom’ could relate to the verses straight after that which describe Jesus’ transfiguration (remember there were no chapter breaks in the original text).
      How does a Preterist explain Zech 14 where the feast of tabernacles is fulfilled by Jesus’ second coming?

      1. The partial preterists like Bruce Gore believes Christ came in two roles. First as redeemer and also as judge of the old covenant keepers. So his second coming is yet future

    4. Awesome response! Don’t forget The statement that there would be some standing here who would not taste after they saw the son of man coming in his kingdom. He basically said the same thing to the high priest when he said from here on out you shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven.

    5. You had said:
      “He also said some of his disciples would still be alive to see his second coming (matt 16:27-28). ”

      How do you support that this is discussing the 2nd coming? Jesus had not died on the cross yet. When Jesus died, his soul/spirit went somewhere, did it not? 3 days later, his soul/spirit reentered his body in the tomb, did it not? He left, and returned in 3 days. Matthew 16:27-28 is discussing his 3 day trip.

      Verse 21
      21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.

      Now, that is just 6 verses from verse 27.

      Ed Chapman

      1. The idea that the 2nd coming took place was when Jesus was resurrected after 3 days does not line up with scriptures, because the angels told the disciples that this same Jesus would return in like manner as he ascended. That took place after the resurrection, much later on. I know there are many other points that people go back and forth about—but that is just one of them I’m pointing out in these comments.

    6. Can you show me where Jesus mentions anything within the 7th Seal? He mentions the 6th Seal, as noted in Revelation 6, and the last part of Revelation 7, but not one word about Revelation 8-16. Even Peter mentions the 6th Seal, in conjuction with the first part of Revelation 7. Connect the dots. Jesus stops at the 6th seal, and does not say anything about the 7th. Both Peter and Jesus mentions things that are side by side with the 6th Seal. Peter on the first part of Rev 7, Jesus on the last part of Rev 7. Why did Jesus not mention the 144000? Because they are left behind. Jesus was talking to current Jewish believers who “fly away in a secret rapture”.

    7. So the end of ALL things has occurred? Really? So sin is currently non-existant thing? There are no rebels against God? And the massacres, abortions, wars, rapes, murders, adulteries, lying, cheating, political corruption are evidence of the NEW heavens and new earth? Of God through Christ personally, literally reigning on earth? Wow…who knew?

  9. I absolutely love Israel My Glory magazine and the Friends of Israel radio show. I respect both. A couple of my friends at work have been talking Gary DeMar’s book (I think R.C. Sproul wrote the foreward) about referencing preterism. My gut felt something wasn’t right about this teaching. I looked it up on the internet and found your article on it. Wow, you’re a Godsend. My question would be, is there any books that you would recommend, from a respected author and explains the subject simply? I would appreciate your help. Thank you very much and God Bless. P.S. I’ve only began recieving Israel My Glory subscription for the past 2 years, so I don’t have this Jan/Feb 2005 copy on hand.

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