From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2002

For almost two years, the State of Israel has been under unusual pressure. She has suffered mercilessly at the hands of Arab-Muslim mobs and has been treated as an outcast by many countries of the world. As Bible-believing Christians, we want to help during such difficult times.

Without question, our chief response must always be prayer. As people of the Bible, God’s precious Word, we understand Psalm 122:6 as a call to action: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper who love thee.”

We know that God has chosen the people of Israel for a special relationship with Himself. He says in Deuteronomy 7:6, ”The LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people who are upon the face of the earth.” We affirm the Lord’s purpose for His land and His people as recorded in Zechariah 8:3:

Thus saith the LORD: I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts, the holy mountain.

Our prayer support for Israel and its people is a vitally important way for us as Christians to respond during this time of great need.

Yet there also is something else we can do that will mean so much to the people of Israel. It is to travel to their land and express our support personally. Several months after the outbreak of the Arafat intifada, Elwood McQuaid and I joined more than a hundred other Christians on a trip to Israel to express our solidarity with this beleaguered nation and its people. Everywhere we went, Israelis overwhelmed us with their deep appreciation for our visit. The trip proved to be one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. Despite ongoing conflict in certain locations, there was no danger to any in our group.

Now The Friends of Israel invites you to join us on our “Up to Jerusalem— Standing with Israel” tour, October 15–25, 2002. This tour has been designed to be uniquely special to you and your family, regardless of how many times you may have visited the land. The Bible, history, and current events will come alive as we tour a host of biblical, historical, and Jewish sites, with a focus on Jerusalem.

We will also hear and see first-hand the truth about what Israel has been experiencing. We will meet with a variety of Israelis, including leaders from the government, military, and news media, and will learn of the plight of Christian Arabs under the Palestinian Authority. You will become better informed than ever concerning the extent of media bias against Israel.

All of the information you receive will be of immense value in helping you stand up for Israel when others denigrate it. And your trip will open new doors to relationships with Jewish people here at home. Your prayer life on behalf of Israel’s people will take on a new dimension as you personally experience this special land and stand with its people.

Israel has always taken wonderful care of its visitors, and the warmth of the Israelis will be especially evident at such a time as this. Expect to be received with great appreciation as Christian friends who really care about the people of this wonderful land. You will be blessed as you hear repeatedly from the Israelis, “Thank you for coming!”


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